After feeling his father’s Chakra completely disappeared into his consciousness space, Naruto’s eyes were also inevitable, and a trace of sadness flashed.

But immediately, his eyes became firm again.

“Spiral pill!”

Naruto, who appeared in front of Tendo Hanzo, appeared a rotating sphere in his right hand, and then printed it fiercely against Tendo Hanzo.


The violent force of the spiral pill caught Heavenly Dao Hanzo off guard, and it suddenly exploded inside his body.

Caught off guard, Heavenly Dao Hanzo flew out directly, revealing a trace of disbelief in his eyes.

“It worked!”

Naruto suddenly became excited.

His move spiral pill directly hit the opponent’s heart position, he still didn’t believe it, would he be unable to defeat the other party?

“It’s really unexpected.”

Miller looked at Naruto who burst out, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

Now Naruto, being able to burst out such power, I have to admit, still surprised him.

After all, with the other party’s age, and then he has not experienced cultivation, he can burst out such a power, which is still very powerful.

“Should I say that it is worthy of being a child of destiny?”

Miller sighed.

“It’s really powerful, to be able to do this level, you are indeed the most powerful human pillar power.”

Tendo Hanzo, who got up, looked at Naruto who looked excited, and couldn’t help but marvel.

One thing is to say, the other party is at least much more powerful than the eight-tailed human pillar force.

“It’s actually useless?”

Naruto looked at Tendo Hanzo, who stood up again, and his eyes suddenly became low.


At this moment, I saw Naruto suddenly turn into a cloud of smoke and disappear in place.


Miller, Heavenly Dao Hanzo, Obito, Black Jue, White Jeopardy, looking at this scene in front of him, he suddenly became silent.

“Konoha gave the Nine-Tails back to the psychic.?”

After a long time, Tendo Hanzo spoke up.

“Now it seems that this is indeed the case.”

Miller nodded, and his face also showed a trace of helplessness, “No one expected that they had already come to Myoku Mountain, but the other party was still summoned back by Konoha.” ”

“It’s okay, at most go to Konoha for another run.”

Tendo Hanzo’s face showed a very casual expression.

For him, it’s just a matter of a little more effort, not too complicated.

It’s just a little tired.

“Konoha’s strength is still very powerful, you must be careful.”

Miller said to Tendo Hanzo.

“Don’t worry, if I go to Konoha, I will go all out.”

Tendo Hanzo said with a serious face.

If his body is near the six paths of Payne, then he will definitely be able to burst out with stronger strength, and at that time, even Konoha may not be able to forcibly attack down.

The last Sand Ninja Village, which was also one of the five major ninja villages, has become history.

And Konoha is stronger than Shinobi Village, at most twice as strong, and he can’t handle it.

“Absolutely, the investigation of Konoha’s intelligence will be left to you.”

Tendo Hanzo looked at Hei Bai Jue and motioned for the other party to collect intelligence.

“Okay, just leave it to me.”

Hei Bai smiled and nodded in agreement.

Immediately, the group also left Myoki Mountain, and by the way, they also took Sasuke who remained here with them.

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Well, don’t get me wrong, I just wanted to give Uchiha a little unexpected surprise.



When Sunset Red returned to Konoha with Kakashi, he told Tsunade everything that had happened as soon as possible.

Later, from Kai’s mouth, he learned what happened in Myoku Mountain.

“Use the Reverse Psychic Technique on Naruto.”

Tsunade didn’t have time to feel sad because of Jiraiya’s death, and now the more important thing was to bring Naruto back.

What the? Sasuke?

I’m sorry, but now is not the time to care about each other.

Besides, isn’t Uchiha in that organization? I think the other party should be able to handle his younger brother well.


Following Tsunade’s order, Konoha immediately began to act.

In Konoha, there are also contact frogs left by Jiraiya, from Mount Myoki.

Therefore, as long as you find the other party, you can launch the reverse psychic technique against Naruto.

Half an hour later…

“Bang!” [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Naruto, who was originally still in Myoki Mountain, was summoned back to Konoha using reverse psychic techniques.

“Naruto, what the hell happened?”

Tsunade looked at Naruto, who had dull eyes, and quickly asked.

“Tsunade’s mother-in-law?”

Naruto also turned around dumbfounded after hearing Tsunade’s voice.


After hearing this guy Naruto, under such circumstances, he still called his mother-in-law, his face suddenly became ugly.

But now she couldn’t manage that much, she was desperate to know what had happened.

“Mount Myoki is gone… The Great Toad Immortal is dead… The lecherous fairy is also dead… A lot of toads are dead…”

Naruto’s eyes showed a hint of sadness.

He couldn’t imagine at all, why so many people, all died? What the hell is going on here?


Tsunade fell silent.

She knew that the worst would happen.

Therefore, she will have such good luck today, and the jackpots will continue to come.

“Even Jiraiya-sama…”

The upper ninja present, after learning of this elimination (Li Wang Hao), their faces suddenly became solemn.

“Shikaku, Konoha has entered the first level of combat readiness.”

Tsunade’s expression became serious in the next moment, “Gather all the upper Shinobi back, abandon all tasks, and be prepared to evacuate the masses at any time.” ”


Shikaku nodded seriously.

I didn’t feel that there was anything wrong, and with Jiraiya all dead, it was a matter of course for Konoha to enter the first level of combat readiness.

The enemy is powerful beyond imagination.

After all, even the legendary holy land of psychic beasts, Miaomu Mountain, has been…

“Konoha will be in the next challenge, where will the grave go?”

Lu Jiu’s heart subconsciously flashed such a thought.

Who is that force that collects tailed beasts?


Tsunade thought of Kakashi and quickly ran towards Kakashi’s room.

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