“I may not know about the dragon of the space-time attribute, but I still understand how to obtain the power of the space-time attribute.”

Jelf looked at Miller with a serious expression.

“Oh? How to get it? ”

Seeing this, Miller had a little more speculation in his heart, after all, the method that Jelf had, I think was the only one.

“Gain the magic that transcends limits, break boundaries in one fell swoop, and gain the power to break time and space.”

Jelf looked at Miller and spoke his way.

“What exactly should I do?”

Miller said that he was very curious and wanted to know the other party’s method, what was it?

“Leprechaun’s heart.”

In Miller’s curious expression, Jelf said this method directly.

“So it’s this thing.”

Mebis, who heard “nine two seven” here, had an expression of realization on his face.

There was no slightest expression on her face, nor did she have the idea of refusing, after all, for Mebis, now she has become a ghost, and what her body has become, she doesn’t care so much at all.

Even, for Mebis, if her own corpse can help Fairy Tail, then she is also willing.

“If I can help Miller and let you defeat that Akunolokia, I have nothing to do with it.”

Mebis said with a smile.

“Thank you, President Mebis.”

Miller, who heard this, thanked Mebis.

“Then let’s get moving.”

Thinking of getting moving, Jelf and Mebis led Miller towards the Fairy Tail Guild.

Fairy Tail Guild, in the basement.

Miller and the others passed through countless drunken “corpses” and came directly to the basement, ready to find the goblin’s heart.

As a result, when I first entered the basement, I felt an abnormal situation.


Miller’s face showed a hint of surprise, completely unexpected, actually someone came here?

In other words, didn’t they all fall drunk to the ground?

As a result, when they saw the person coming, the expressions of Miller and the others became strange.

A old man with an eye patch, and a tree man?


Perhaps because Miller and the others did not hide their breath at all, after hearing the footsteps, the two people looked directly over, and then, their faces showed a trace of shock.

“Long time no see, Precito, and Volode.”

Mebis looked at the two men with a big smile on his face.


Whether it was Precito or Volaud, the moment they saw Mebis, their faces showed a trace of disbelief at the same time.

It is completely unimaginable that Mebis, who should have died, would actually appear in front of them?


The two people who reacted looked at Mebis’s eyes, and they both showed a trace of complexity.

But more, still happy.

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In any case, being able to see the goddess in their hearts is a happy thing for an old bachelor like them,

“To use a leprechaun’s heart?”

After learning Miller’s intentions, Precito’s face changed, but immediately, a helpless expression appeared on his face.

He just resisted, so what’s the use? After all, even Mebis himself has agreed to this matter, so even if he opposes, it is useless at all.

What’s more, the other party also had to choose to receive the power of Mebis in order to resist the power of Akuno Lokia.

Reasonably, he was not qualified to refuse.


Perhaps seeing Precito’s inner resistance, Mebis looked at each other and a bright smile appeared on his face, “As the guild leader, isn’t it natural to shelter the children of the guild?” [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Now, since we can help these children, it is natural to give some help. ”

“I can’t say enough about you, Mebis.”

Precito shook his head helplessly.

Immediately, Precito’s eyes became firm, looking at Miller in front of him, his eyes were extremely serious.

“Boy, I warn you, after absorbing the power of the goblin’s heart, you are absolutely going to defeat Akunolokia for me, you know? Otherwise, I would never let you go…”

Precito, who said this, suddenly became vicious.

“Don’t worry, this kind of thing, I will naturally do it.”

Miller gave Precito a reassuring look, signaling that the other party didn’t have to worry at all.

“That’s best.”

Seeing Precito here, he finally nodded with satisfaction.

After making a decision, several people also began to act.

With the assistance of Precito, who knows the heart of a goblin best, Jelf and Volod are on guard, the enchantment is set up, and Miller performs the absorption of mana.

At this moment, this is definitely the safest place in the world.

“After I open the shell of the goblin’s heart, you will absorb the magic inside.”

Precito said to Miller.

“I’m ready.”

Miller nodded, indicating that he could start at any time.

Seeing Precito here, he no longer hesitated, directly used the technique, and began to unlock the seal on the goblin’s heart.

The moment the seal was opened, a vast sea-like magic power shrouded the enchantment.

Seeing Miller here, he no longer hesitated, stepped forward directly, and began to absorb this magic power.

In an instant, this power comparable to a god suddenly entered 5.0 into Miller’s body.

When absorbing this magical power, even Miller had to admit that the strength of this magical power, even he had to concentrate all his energy, and then come to absorb this violent magical power.

The divine aura, as Miller began to absorb this magical power, emanated from Miller’s body.

“It worked.”

Mebis and the others, who saw this scene, suddenly showed a smile on their faces.

They still don’t believe that under such circumstances, they can’t defeat Akunolokia?

Time, under such circumstances, a full day passed.

And this day’s time, because of the existence of these big guys, so no one bothered Miller at all.

By the time Miller finished, the time had come to the next morning.

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