The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 101: Wu Pu


Xi Baili Qingfeng returned to Wuhe City.

When he arrived in Wuhe City, he did not go to his home first, but still came to the second grandfather's house in Sanshun Town.

Seeing this Baili Qingfeng who completely inherited his mantle seems to be about to become a third-level warrior, Baili Changkong is very happy: "It is really a good grandson of mine. I know that I have a look at Grandpa every three to five, and I am more filial than other unsuccessful boys. . "

"Second Grandpa."

Baili Qingfeng greeted him.

"It's just right, if the water girl, add double chopsticks, and cook two more dishes, our grandson and two drink a pot."

Baili Changkong uttered a cry in the kitchen while he was busy with dinner.

"I see, Qing Feng, you can sit at will first."

The sound of a hundred miles of water was heard in the kitchen.

"Trouble is troublesome."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud.

"It looks like you haven't been lazy in the last few days. The state of qi and blood has fallen slightly compared to the last time. It should be martial arts, but you must pay attention to the loss of qi and blood. Otherwise, you will not be able to become war-level after a blind training. Not to mention, you will also damage your body. "

Baili Changkong looked at Baili Qingfeng and was very satisfied: "I don't need the 130,000 you gave me. You wait, I let Tianxing run and buy two Yangyuan for you. Here comes the soup and herbs. "

"I used the money for Grandpa Er. I still have money here. Grandpa Er told me where I can buy Yangyuan soup at a special price. I'll buy it myself."

Baili Qingfeng Road.

After a few moments of thinking, Changbai Baikong nodded and said, "Okay, I'll give you an address."

Some proudly waved: "Since you are the third generation of the facade of our Baili family, you can naturally enjoy the due treatment. At that time, you will report the name of my Ben Lei sword to the drug store. Buy medicine, they dare sell you more than 60,000 for the price of a medicinal material, I smashed their shop! "

"60,000 ..."

The price is a little higher than what he took from Ran Tianchi, but ...

After all, Ran Tianchi secretly sells some medicinal materials from his home every month for sale. His quantity is large and the price goes up. Therefore, he can get 60,000 copies of medicinal materials here, which is very affordable.

"Second Grandpa, my cultivation is growing very fast, and it may not be long before I reach the war level. Tell me about the war-level strong man?"

怎么 "What? Curious about the war-powered? Or ... have you encountered such a character?"

Baili Changkong looked at Baili Qingfeng and asked with a smile.

"This one……"

Bali Qingfeng was only taught by Andre during the day. Being honest and trustworthy is a bad thing at this time, hesitated for a moment, or nodded: "Yes."

"It looks like the guy from Changfeng said well, Qing Feng really has other opportunities."

The thought flashed through the mind of Qian Baili's sky, with a smile on his face: "Well, since you want to know, then I will talk to you a little bit."

Baili Qingfeng quickly looked like a good student, sitting upright and listening.

"The first three stages of the warrior have laid the foundation for invigoration, qi, and spirituality, but at the war level, they have taken different paths because of their internal and external distinctions. Like training their own war level, their practice is divided into three stages. The first two stages can be summarized with external refining of bones and skin and internal refining. "

"I understand the external refining of the bones and bones, the internal refining is the internal refining?"

"This" qi "refers to qi and blood. At this stage, the five internal organs and the six internal organs need to be refined. After the internal organs have been strengthened, the qi and blood will be multiplied by ordinary people. This is a realm separated from the two realms of the Grand Master and the Land Fairy. This stage of practice is no different from the first two levels, except that you need to practice the outer skin and the inner skin at this stage. , Repeated tempering ten times! "

"Repeat tempering ten times?"

"Yes, although the first pass of tempering itself is the most efficient, it can be done ten times to truly accumulate a person's energy and spirit to the limit, with a land-like immortal state that impacts Wuqi Chaoyuan ... Of course, ten It's just an empty finger. Different body types are different. It's like people are tall, short, handsome, ugly, fat, and sloppy. Poor constitution is not good when you touch the limit five or six times. It is not necessarily a bad thing to reach the limit. "

"Determines the potential of the warrior level 7."

Baili Qingfeng said directly.


Baili Changkong glanced at Baili Qingfeng.

I guess ...

He was taught by the war-level powerhouse behind him.

Xi Baili Qingfeng naturally did not understand the idea of ​​Grandpa Er, he could say such a precise reason because ...

I read much more.

It's written in many books.

Nine heavy gas refining can impact the base period of construction, but some people can reach the twelve heavy gas refining. Those destiny protagonists are said to be able to get the ninety-nine heavy gas refining.

Xi Baili Qingfeng felt that he could not be compared with the degree of tempering of the protagonist of the destiny ninety-nine times, but he had to temper a dozen or twenty times.

He is an adult, and he must be stable in his work.

The last time, if it was not because he was cautious and cautious, he would not destroy the Sun Gate.

Even if he was careful and careful, there was still a missing fish that made him regret so far.

"The three stages of the war class often have various respects according to different performances on the battlefield. Not to mention the fourth-level warriors, the five-level warriors often have the rank of generals in the army. Over time, they are respected as war generals and the sixth level After completing the practice of refining the external skin and bones and refining in one breath, the warrior refined the body for ten rounds. Regardless of strength, blood, and physical fitness, he reached the peak of the highest number. A fully armed person can defeat a battalion, and the team charge is invincible. Like a **** of battlefield, he is honored as a **** of war. "

"The sixth level is called the God of War level, will it be a little high-profile?"

Qian Baili Qingfeng asked weakly.


Baili Changkong glanced at him: "It is not easy to get to the God of War level. Each time you need to train your bones, skin, and internal organs, you need to consume a lot of internal interest, and the internal interest is condensed by the spirit of energy Three-in-one, in ancient terms of practice, is the three flowers together. ~ The condensed internal interest is the essence of human life. Every time you use it to temper yourself, it will cause great strength to you. Often, it takes a lot of time to repair the damage. More than half of the practitioners who can complete the God of War level can successfully break through, but nine of the ten people are stuck halfway and cannot reach the true nature of the land fairy. Realm, and eventually qi and blood died down. "

Speaking of this, Baili Changkong also glanced at Baili Qingfeng: "If I didn't feel the kind of ternary unity and roundness in your kid, your blood loss looks like me. I mistakenly thought that your boy had entered the war class and began to train his body. "

"Sense of roundness?"

Baili Qingfeng asked with some curiosity: "What is it?"

Chang Baili smiled slightly: "Only a warrior who has contacted many war-level strong men or who has actually reached this level can say this feeling. You are still a child, and you have too little knowledge to understand."


Bali Qingfeng nodded.

Sure enough ...

He has a lot to learn.

"After talking about the refining stream war level, you have to say the war level that contains the internal interest. The refining stream war level is born for war, has a strong physique and endurance, and the war-level strong that contains the internal interest is Victory is in the outbreak. If you measure it by the level of 456, a level 4 internal-flow war-level strongman can quickly kill the same level of refined martial arts while the internal interest has not been exhausted. Only the fifth-level refined martial arts can Confrontation, even in the presence of the Sixth-Class Refinement Powerhouse, hopes to save their lives and retreat from the whole body. "

"Four seconds to play five against six against the same level? How easy is it to leapfrog?"

Bali Qingfeng felt ...

九 This nine-level military system is about to collapse.

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