The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 106: Seeing

In recent years, Xiaxia City is promoting the integration of Xiaya, Khanom, and Wuhe. It intends to make the three cities the largest super metropolis in the south and the economic core of the southern coast.

During this period, Somi City, which was 60 kilometers away from Xia, had hoped to join this super metropolis, but it was stopped by various reasons.

The real reason to stop ...

Only the few people at the top of the country know.

The cave people!

There is a cave man stronghold in Sumi.

In order to prevent this burrower from growing up, Somi City has more than 30,000 troops stationed all year round. With the increase in the number of burrow people last year, they want to rush to the surface again and again. Forty thousand, it has increased to 120 thousand now, and the soldiers have tripled.

三十 Of the millions of troops in Shia, 300,000 are staying at the border of the Aurora Empire to prevent the Aurora Empire from going south. Other places are also stationed by individual legions, such as the city of Xia, where a mechanized infantry division is stationed.

There are 120,000 garrisons left in a Sumi city in the district, and the number is not small.

At this moment, in the city of Somi, six figures are in a room, looking through a window at a convoy passing on the street outside.

"Third Army."

Among the twenty-six people, an old man with a dark face on his face read these five words: "This is a military group under the direct jurisdiction of the cabinet. If I remember the leader correctly, it is the old guy in Wellington."

"Elder Qiu, this action represents the firm attitude of the three martial arts holy places of Qilin Sword School, Penglai Xianzong, and Six Mountains of the Snow Mountain. We know you and Wellington have personal grudges, but whatever you want to do, you can The smooth execution of the task comes first. "

Next to the old man, an old man dressed in black, who was almost hidden in the darkness, said harshly.

任务 "Mission? Wellington is the head of the Third Army. If we can kill it, the Third Army will have no leader, and our plan will be smoother."

"How easy is Wellington to beheaded? He is a top warrior himself, and is surrounded by Willis, the great master of the influx, unless he is shot by the elder elder in several of the holy places. Are you sure you will be beheaded and killed in the army? One is not good, we will defeat the plan completely. "

"Well, Qiu Yi, the elders of the ancient Xinjiang said it well. In any case, the task comes first."

Another old man wearing a black iron mask, who completely covered his face, said quietly: "Hia tried to promote martial arts and took a salary from the bottom of our martial arts. We must let them understand what it takes to anger our martial arts. Price! Therefore, our task this time is to detonate the three arsenals of the Third Army, giving the cavemen a chance to break through the defense of the Third Army. They will understand only after the cavemen have truly lost control and defeated the entire Third Army. Accepting all the conditions of our three holy places is the only way out for Hiah. "

"I naturally understand the mission first."

Elder Qiu Qiu said, it seems to be a little daunting to this old man wearing a black iron mask.

"After the defeat of the Third Army, what if these people in the cave are scattered in all directions? You know, in addition to the city of Somi, which is 20 kilometers away, there are also urban clusters in the three cities of Xia, Wuhe, and Khanom. The population of the city adds up to more than 10 million people. "

This time an old woman frowned.

"Elder Yan, you must understand that it is impossible to do anything without sacrifice. After the burrowers defeat the Third Army, they may spread around and cause some losses, but it is also because of these losses that they can shake the cabinet against Shia. Domination allows us to take advantage of more opportunities. "

The old man wearing a black iron mask said indifferently. At the same time, his eyes swept away from the few people present: "You must figure out what is the reason, so that you can have this status today, and you can not enjoy it at all on weekdays. Dare to enjoy the rights. "

"Elder Chilling, when will your dark man send the distribution map, we are all hopeful characters in that land fairyland. If it was not for the future of the three holy places and all warriors, we would not easily go down the mountain, 120,000. I do n’t dare to rush into the army of people.

Another elder spoke at this time.


The elder elders with a black iron mask said indifferently: "Hey, if you dare to make such a decision, there will definitely be a corresponding prevention plan. Therefore, we must be patient, and the status of internal response is not low. Wait for the detailed distribution map. And patrol maps are bound to come. "

Speaking of this, he also glanced at Elder Qiu: "This time, in addition to the arsenal, our target included destruction and decapitation tasks. Therefore, Elder Qiu's grudges can be planned, but it is in ours After the first mission is completed. "

"it is good."

寒 Elder Qiu Qiu flashed cold eyes.

"Beheading is still a bit more prudent. We are only trying to give a lesson to the cabinet headed by Yasuo, but we do n’t want Hia to be completely defeated. Once Hea is completely defeated, other countries will inevitably send troops, and naturally there will be warriors from their country. Power, when our three holy places are n’t going to be so easy. "

老 An old man reminded.

"The people of this think tank have long been measured. The royal family should still have a force in it. But at the beginning of the founding of the country, many forces secretly lurked. Hea really couldn't hold it. The royal family would naturally Take your strength out of the top. "

"I've heard about it. It is said that it is hidden in the people of Xiahai Prefecture. It is naturally a good thing to weaken the power of the royal family again."

老 The old man nodded.

"If there is news, I will inform you of the First World. I believe that it won't be long before the Cabinet will regret angering our three holy places."

Han coldly indifferent.

At the moment, the six of them disperse and disappear into this ordinary, no longer ordinary hotel.

Uh ...


Early in the morning, Baili Qingfeng devotedly completed the morning training task, ate breakfast, and then took the shovel to the crack that had not been dug up the last time.

Because the location of the crack is quite hidden, and this area does not belong to the scenic area, there are very few people going back and forth, and there are no traces found by others in a few days.

After the Baili Qingfeng arrived, he quickly squeezed into the crack, opened the demon dismantling technique, and dug up again with an efficiency no less than that of a small excavator.

One dig, one day.

Perseverance, perseverance and hard work are the best qualities to be interpreted in him.

When he dug up and down at eight o'clock in the evening, the front was suddenly empty, and the soil layer seemed to collapse to the inside.

Qi Baili Qingfeng quickly cleared the surrounding area, and soon cleared a mouth that could pass by one person, stepping into it.


As he dug the soil, the front quickly became very empty.

A passage that is three or four meters wide and nearly two meters high appears in front of him.

This channel ...

Obviously have artificial traces.

Only those traces are very rough.

Baili Qingfeng walked along the passage to the left for a while ...

About sixty meters, it was blocked by a mountain collapse.

He then proceeded to the right. This time, after walking for 300 meters, he came to a spacious cave and appeared in front of him.

窿 This cave is eight or nine meters high and more than forty meters in diameter. There are many plants growing in it.

Qian Baili Qingfeng looked for a moment and soon saw several bodies.

These corpses are not humans, but cavemen!

"Six Cavemen Warriors !?"

Xi Baili Qingfeng looked at the simple armor on the cave people, his pupils narrowed slightly.

"This ... isn't it the lair of a caveman?"

想法 This idea lasted for a moment in his mind and was quickly ruled out by him.

Here is clearly a Jedi, who did n’t eat or drink. Whoever chooses the nest here is definitely a bad brain.

Also, here, he didn't see too many traces of life. Even if the Grotto soldiers stay here, they will not be afraid of more than one day.

"Wait a minute!"

Qian Baili Qingfeng looked for a moment, and his eyes were quickly attracted by the plants growing here.

Although they are all moss and algae plants, they can grow too vigorously.

Xi Baili Qingfeng stared at these plants for a moment, and the powerful spirit of Lian Shen Liuzhong quickly made him feel something.

Inside this cave ...

There seems to be a special energy substance that is good for the human body and plants?

百里 青锋 thought about it for a while ~ ~ and quickly cultivated the demon town prison body.

This practice, he immediately felt that the increase of the demon town's prison body to its own full attributes has doubled from the outer boundary!

Double exactly!

Originally, he felt that even if he broke through to the war level and the physical body was tempered, it would take another one or two years to practice the demon town prison body to pull the wrench arm with the Grotto Warrior, compared with strength, of course, if he impact The second war time will naturally be shortened again, but now ...

The effect of the training of the demon **** town prison body has doubled, and it has been compressed by half in one or two years?

"I can't see, this cave actually has this effect."

Baili Qingfeng was a bit surprised, but also with a surprise: "It was decided. This cave will be my practice ground in the future. It happens that I ca n’t let go of my practice in the practice room. I accidentally break things and shatter. Glass, this cave is more than forty meters in diameter and eight or nine meters high. It is best to practice. "

And ...

I glanced at the corpses of the cavemen ...

This may be a cave man's lair. Someone must be guarded here, otherwise these cave people will rush out and harm the old dormitory area again.

He did not want to see the disaster in the old dormitory area for the second time.

"Suppress humans, from now on."

Qian Baili Qingfeng raised a strong sense of mission in his heart.

He turned over and found six bodies. Only one of them had armor. After the armor was removed, he took the six corpse corpses to the other side of the passage and dug a hole.

Otherwise, San Geng stayed with several corpses in the middle of the night, even if it was a human body, still felt a little scary.

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