The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 134: Calculate

Baili Qingfeng quietly listened to the conversation between the two.

The more you listen ...

The colder his heart.

Especially after hearing how Chi Shuang and others described themselves, he shook his fists tightly, anxious to go up and give them a few meals.

But he ...

Bear it down.

He said that Baili Qingfeng had no intention! ?


He acknowledged!

After all, he is really just a student, so why do students want so much effort?

Just be simple and be naive. Isn't it a good idea to be a happy and kind person, why do you have to work hard to calculate the gloom and gloom of others?

But these people said he was like a fool, and he couldn't accept it!


However, with his own efforts, students from Shi’er University, the top five university in Shiah, rushed to the top ten in the school. How can this evaluation be worthy of his Sanhao student certificate hanging on the wall! ?

Can't stand it!

I can't stand it!

And don't want to be treated as a fool, it is too cheap to clean them up!

Watching Chi Shuang disappear in Wanshoutang, Baili Qingfeng snorted: "Say I am a flower kept in a greenhouse? Say I'm like a fool? Just play the emotional card, maybe you can't think of a brain If you heat up, you will hand over the neutralizer formula? Then, look at who is really smart! I count people, even I am afraid! "

Having said that, he turned to the yard where he lived.

Due to the delay in Wanshoutang, it was already one o'clock in the morning when he returned.

Baili Qingfeng turned on the computer and entered the welfare group of the veterans.


Not so busy in the group.

However, there were still a few messages a dozen minutes ago. It can be seen that the elders in the group became more lively at night.

Not many people send messages, but Baili Qingfeng feels that the most reliable moderator Aotian Sword God is also there.

At the moment, he immediately released a message: "As a student, I want to study quietly and study, and take time to practice martial arts, but there are always people who try to harm me. What should I do?"

After the hair was sent, Aet took a look at Aotian Sword God.

"Which one has the courage not to be afraid of death to provoke you? I admire the courage of those people. When did the gang send their widows and give me a look?"

Xiao Miao Xianzun also appeared soon, but I did not see his speech in advance, but it was seen that he was diving in the group.

"When? The misty fairy respect you said wrong, but as long as the big brother is willing, you should be able to post the remains of those people, I know, they are dead, right?"

The Quantum God of War also emerged.

Baili Qingfeng looked very speechless.

These big guys ...

Increasingly dishonest.

Is he Baili Qingfeng such a cruel person?

Everyone is going to die every day, killing and killing, still want to live a smooth life?

"Do n’t joke, I really want to solve this problem. After all, I do n’t like the kind of killing and killing. When I think that doing this kind of thing will seriously delay my reading and studying time, I have a headache. If the problem is more serious, it will further affect my sleep and make me feel uneasy.

Baili Qingfeng said.

At this time, Aotian Sword God came out to save the field: "Master Lord, what happened? I just saw chatting with my brother and didn't see it ... oh, someone wants to be against you? What are you waiting for, draw a sword! Kill him for a while! Lang Lang, killing all enemies is trembling, killing those forces **** and rolling into the river, so they will naturally not dare to be against you. "


Baili Qingfeng.

This group ...

When did the atmosphere get crooked? Can everyone be serious?

After a while, Baili Qingfeng typed: "Actually, I have racked my brains and came up with a way to break the situation. This time, the storm is related to the mine refining solution. The mine refining solution is very overbearing. Every time I take it You have to rest for one night before you dare to take it for the second time. If you take it for those who have n’t practiced martial arts, the consequences will be even more serious, so ... well, why are you crooked again? "

Baili Qingfeng hit half and snorted.

The group has become a "six six six" three company.

Online Aotian Sword God, Ethereal Fairy God, Quantum War God, one per person, a lot.

The Quantum God of War also added: "Vicious!"

"Okay, let's continue."

Baili Qingfeng couldn't help the crooked board, and quickly typed: "I want to ask the moderator, is there a prescription that can be used as a neutralizer?"

"If there is a neutralizer in the refining liquid, the value of the prescription will not stop there. I am afraid that the top forces will treasure it as a treasure. Many top scientific research institutions have studied the neutralizer in the refining liquid. The results failed without exception. Two of them have developed drugs that look like neutralizers, but they actually only temporarily suppress the negative effects of the mine refining solution. If the medication period is extended ten times and slowly milled, It ’s okay, but if you recover as before and then take a second thunder refining liquid, the damage will be ... uh ... you guys will be seriously injured. "

"This is good, this is good, I want this."

Baili Qingfeng was surprised and said, "Are there any prescriptions for the moderators?"

"Of course, this kind of prescription is not so expensive. If you are searching at the level of your boss, you can also get in touch."

Aotian Sword God said, and soon sent the prescription.

Baili Qingfeng wrote down the prescription.

This prescription can not only pit Wanshoutang's group of people, let them spit out the two million they lost, but also give a lesson to those people, and it will only cause some serious injuries and not die.

After all, although those people in Chi Shuang were vicious and fierce, they didn't say they wanted to kill him after all, but they were also friends of the second grandfather Baili Changkong. Although the two sides have fallen out, there is a trace of affection. He really kills these people , Grandpa Er doesn't say on the surface, he will feel a little uncomfortable.

Lessons learned.

He has to think about Grandpa's mood.

"Thank you, the moderator."

"It's okay, it's nothing."

Baili Qingfeng chatted with Aotian Sword God again for a while, seeing that it was too late, then shut down to sleep.


the next day.

Baili Qingfeng went to the cave and completed a round of the demon town prison body practice every morning.

The cave people inside the cave have not been refreshed, but Baili Qingfeng estimated that it should be brushed today, but I don't know when it is.

He has decided that today he would not go out easily except meal time, pay close attention to the siren, and wait for the burrow people to refresh the burrow people, then annihilate those burrow people. Such a piece of Chen Jin armor is almost ready.

Around ten o'clock, Baili Qingfeng was looking at the second volume of theoretical acoustics. There was an enthusiastic shout from the courtyard: "Qingfeng, my friend, I've come to see you, you see what I brought, a copy of you Required herbs. "

Baili Qingfeng opened the door and saw Chi Shuang's enthusiastic and friendly face.

If it hadn't been for the last night that he heard the words of Chi Shuang and that Mr. Wu, who could believe that a man full of smiles at this moment actually hurt him, and he was arranged more than once behind the scenes to say that he was a fool.

Simple and kind ...

But be treated as a fool?

this world……

Ha ha.

Baili Qingfeng was unable to speak up.

"Come and come, Qingfeng Xiaoyou, I just found a new purchase channel not long ago, and then you want to buy these medicinal materials, I can give you a preferential price, 300,000 copies, 30,000 cheaper."

Chi Shuang said with a smile.

If previously ...

Baili Qingfeng naturally thanked him, but now ...

He couldn't tell.

"I can't even lie, and I don't want to say that I was born to be a good person."

Baili Qingfeng felt with emotion.

At this time, Chi Shuang also noticed his anomaly and asked with concern: "Qing Feng Xiaoyou, what's the matter? It looks a little unhappy to see you."

"I was thiefed in my house and lost more than two million ..."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"What !? There is such a thing !? Call the police, call the police immediately! I have some relationship with the security department. As long as there is a clue, they will certainly be able to help you bring that **** thief to justice!"

Chi Shuang stood up now, sulking with the expression of righteousness from his enemies.

For a moment, he seemed to think something again, and he was slightly puzzled: "Speaking of it, I wanted to ask a long time ago, Qingfeng Xiaoyou, how do you ... have so much money? There is no way out of Mr. Barry ... Millions ... "

"This ... is some kind of seniors who kindly donated the cost of my martial arts study ... You should know that no matter whether you study or practice martial arts, it is very expensive ..."

Baili Qingfeng explained.

Chi Shuang thought of the money directly to the mysterious guru behind Baili Qingfeng, and nodded with a smile: "Yes, yes, there have been rich and rich sayings since ancient times, especially you, who started late and want to grow quickly To get up, you need a lot of talents to train your bones and bones ... "

Speaking of this ~ ~ he said slightly: "But now ... the money is stolen by thieves, then you ..."

"Yeah, I am also very painful, and I also have a headache, but I promised ... I promised my second grandfather that I would have three-in-one training in one or two years to get the internal interest. My second grandfather, and those who funded my martial arts, are probably disappointed at my slow progress. "

In one or two years, the ternary becomes one, practice the inner interest, and become a master! ?

Ji Shuang's eyes widened in shock.

How long has Baili Qingfeng stepped into martial arts! ?

less than a year!

Less than a year!

Exactly more than nine months!

In nine months, he has reached the third level of the warrior. Now, in a year or two, he is going to become a master! ?


"Master Baili thinks you can be a master for a year or two ...?"

When Frost asked this question, her voice was trembling slightly.

"The second grandfather thinks that I should be able to combine three yuan in one or two years, and I have achieved internal interest, so I think so."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

confirmed! confirmed!

Chi Shuang's heartbeat began to accelerate madly.

A young man from Baili Qingfeng may not care much about speaking, but the father of Baili Changkong is right and wrong ...

Absolutely reliable!

Get it!

That prescription, that neutralizer, no matter how much it costs, you have to get it!

It seems that he stole the two million huge sums of private money of Baili Qingfeng was completely the right choice!

No money to buy medicinal herbs! ?

Isn't this the best breakthrough?

I can help you!


(There will be a chapter later, please subscribe! Please monthly pass! Let's go ahead and set the goal of over 10,000!

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