The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 508: Little nihilism

"Phoenix Nirvana ... It seems that the white victors practiced this technique, and it is said that it is very resilient."

Baili Qingfeng's eyes lighted up, and he suddenly looked at this method.

At this point, he forgot to read the prompt of the new news in the Tianjidian Forum, and quickly invested in it.

If the Phoenix Nirvana is not assisted by external forces, the refining or gas refining realm must break the second human limit, and the refining divine realm must reach the eighth awakening to practice. If there is external help, there is no such restriction.

This method is based on the eight awakenings of refining the gods, condensing the qi and blood in the body to create a qi and blood avatar. This qi and blood avatar is usually stored in the body in the form of "phoenix egg", and its own qi and blood will not If there is any interference, once the practitioner suffers serious and irresistible damage, the flesh will enter false death, and the phoenix egg will hatch, supplementing itself as a backup energy, allowing itself to gradually recover in a state similar to turtle's breath.

Since the "Phoenix Egg" is the heart of the eighth part of the refining **** as the foundation, when the energy of this "Phoenix Egg" is exhausted, this spiritual power will stimulate the practitioner and awaken the practitioner from the state of death. Realize a great miracle similar to Phoenix Nirvana, reborn.

Of course, there are many limitations to the Phoenix Nirvana. For example, if you want to recover in the state of tortoise, it takes a lot of time depending on the injury and the energy contained in the "Phoenix Egg". It can take as long as three or four months. In addition, it takes time to re-aggregate the "Phoenix Egg", and once the injury is severe enough to recover from the energy contained in the "Phoenix Egg", it will completely die.

"This technique ... is familiar."

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment.

He soon thought of a quantum warfare.

Isn't this a mild version of the Quantum Warfare?

It's just that the quantum warfare is to restore his body instantly, and the duration may only have one breath. The Phoenix Nirvana is to extend the recovery time of the quantum warfare and eliminate the negative state of the quantum warfare.

Then ...

How about neutralizing these two methods?

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng still suppressed this idea temporarily. His most important thing now is to create a small nihilism.

"The positioning of Xiaoxuwushu has been very clear. How to improve the level of life? How can we improve the level of life? It is evolution! Continuous training, constantly breaking your own limits, and evolving to a higher level! A person who is beaten with a stick is definitely more defensive than those who have not been harmed by thin skin and tender meat. Why? Because he doesn't want to be beaten, his skin naturally evolved, and he gained a defense enhancement effect! "

Baili Qingfeng felt that improving the essence of life should be the same as practicing martial arts.

Exactly, isn't the original true body the practice method that specifically optimizes itself and enhances its potential?

So the first cornerstone of Little Nothingness has.

He can greatly improve the optimization effect of the original real body, thereby squeezing the potential and forcing his own vitality to evolve to a higher level.

It's like a person who can only jump two meters and five miles away. You can make him jump to three meters after a month of hard training. He can't jump naturally, but if you let him stand on a building that is starting to collapse, another building will be away from him. It's exactly three meters away. If you don't jump over, you will die when the building collapses. He may jump over.

As long as this process is repeated hundreds of times a month, a three meter jump will become a breeze.

Converted into the original true body, let the cells forcibly evolve, collapse without evolution.

Anyway, there is Phoenix Nirvana, but don't worry about death.

Even if the real body collapses to the point that the Phoenix Nirvana can't be saved, is there still a quantum warfare?

The delay of the quantum warfare also allows genes to be rescued again.

It's double insurance.

"Primitive True Body, Phoenix Nirvana, and Quantum Warfare! These are the three cornerstones of Little Void Art! Then I refer to the top health exercises and add a variety of health elements to ensure that this exercise Stability, will not practice life casually ... Probably not, I will reduce the role, let my cells evolve little by little ... To be human, you must be down-to-earth, don't think about one step to the sky ... "

Baili Qingfeng's eyes flashed with joy.

The opportunity for the birth of Little Nothingness is here!

In addition ...

The cultivation method that squeezes its own limits seems to be familiar, from the origin **** demon purgatory body!

Isn't it the same way?

The little nihilism and the origin demon purgatory body have a common ground, and they are perfectly matched, and there is nothing wrong with the two as a whole.

Just like the nature of the origin **** demon purgatory body and the innate **** demon concept.

"It's done, my cultivation system is out!"

Baili Qingfeng was a little excited.


According to this practice system, he can really break the human body without breaking the path of the Xeon, break the Nine Levels of Heaven, and set foot on the state of the Xeon.

"It shouldn't be too late, tonight I'm going to stay up all night to see those health exercises that will create little nihilism!"

Baili Qingfeng rolled up his sleeves, his heart was full of faith.


When Baili Qingfeng invested his energy into little nihilism, in a powerful country with an area of ​​more than 6 million square kilometers far across the Chiri Strait, south of Chia, several people dominated the life and death of this land with 300 million people The big man is quickly rushing towards an elegant garden center.

Only one of these people can be considered an acquaintance of Baili Qingfeng.

Bucks King Simba.

The youngest eighth-level man who has broken the limit of the second human body came to the garden with a low-key following after everyone came to the garden.

And everyone standing beside him, each lame in the Bucks country, can shake the whole country.

Moore, the chairman of the Bucks aristocratic parliament, Reynolds, the current King of the Bucks, Huo Yun, the national stag of the Bucks kingdom, and Renard, the prince and kingdom marshal of the Bucks kingdom ...

There are a total of ten people, and nine of the ten are among the ten!

The national conditions of the Buck Kingdom and the Kingdom of Moro are different from that of Shia. The royal power of these countries is overwhelming. The control of the kingdom is far above the Kingdom of Shia. Over 60% of the country's high-end force is controlled by the royal family. The Moro king ’s control of civilian force is more than 90%.

They have a complete selection system. Once any genius in the civilian martial arts circle is born, they will immediately pay attention to it and secretly send people closer. If this genius continues to show extraordinary talents, use marriage, entrust heavy tasks, national justice, etc. Put them in the royal family.

Like the golden knight Judy belonged to the representative of the civilian talented martial arts being drawn.

At this moment, the ten people waited quietly outside the small villa. Even if everyone was in the status of the Buck State, there were countless things to be dealt with, but they were not anxious.

For half an hour, a girl who looked eighteen or nineteen walked out of the garden center and saluted politely: "You, Master, has finished the cultivation, please come inside."

"Fuqin, Ri Yi ... Did he break through?"

King Reynolds of the Bucks stepped forward with some excitement.

"Master breaks through."

The girl Fuqin smiled and nodded.

"OK! OK! OK!"

Reynolds couldn't help saying three good words in a row, and his voice was full of joy: "The title of the silver body is level nine! Xeon cannot come out. Who in the world is fighting ?!"


At this time, a voice came out from the cultivation center in the garden center.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a man looking up and down, all over his body as if flashing a touch of silver Shenghui out of it.

The pale golden sunlight fell on him, making him look like an immortal deity.

"Wrong? Shouldn't the silver body's title level nine be invincible at level nine?"

Reynolds was puzzled.

"What was wrong was the second half."

The man's face had a faint smile: "The title of the silver body is not only invincible to the ninth level, even if it is directly facing the Xeon, it can be a battle!"

As soon as these words came out, ten people present at the scene could not help but take a breath.

"Can fight Xeon !?"

"Fighting Xeon can face a battle ... Doesn't that mean that our Bucks Kingdom has Xeon power !?"

"Inconceivable! Incredible! This is incredible! Prince Riyi deserves to be the first master of our Bucks Kingdom!"

The rest of the crowd heard the words of the man, excited one by one.

Prince Riyi!

Legend of the Bucks Kingdom!

Twenty-three years ago, he was promoted to the ninth level. With the continuous accumulation in these twenty-three years, he crossed the two stages of seniority and peak to make his accumulation to the extreme. Sword skill, perfect practice, entered the ranks of the title nine, ascended the throne of the first master of the Bucks Kingdom, his deeds are enough to compose a novel biography.

"When my body of silver completes its transformation, whether it is peak nine or title nine, even those nine invincible who have practiced several Xeons, will not be worthy of being my opponent and can really fight me I'm the only one who challenges my opponents, standing on top of the world. "

Prince Yi's tone is full of the momentum to invade the mountains and rivers and dominate the world.

"The body of silver is invincible at the same level. If there is not much difference between the eighth level and the ninth level, you can even fight over the next level. Now, Prince Riyi, you have reached the title of the ninth level, and you have finally broken through with the spirit of refinement ... Flawless, it is truly impossible for non-Xeons! "

Huo Yun also felt for a while: "To this day, we have waited for a full ten years!"

"It's ten years, nine months, and 22 days!"

Prince Ri Yi remembered this number clearly, and he sincerely sighed: "It is not easy to refine the gods at level nine ..."

Refining the body and refining gas can also be piled up by the heavens and the earth, but refining the gods depends too much on talent ...

As for assisting in refining spiritual practice ...

Not that it is not, but the number is too small, each of them is extremely precious, enough to cause the Xeons to frantically compete!

After all, if the Xeons want to go further ~ ~, they must raise the realm of refining to the tenth level, especially those Xeons whose life span is approaching, even if the effect is only a little bit of refining treasures. Enough to attract them to kill.

"Since Prince Riyi has finally broken through the realm of refining gods, can our Bucks Kingdom plan begin?"

Leonard looked expectantly at Prince Riyi.

"Almost, give me a little time to consolidate and I can make the silver body transform!"

Prince Riyi nodded.

"Did it finally come to this day ... Although our Bucks Kingdom formed the Knights League and became the lord of the Knights League's reputation, but for other countries, there is not much order at all, this time ... Become a true Cavaliers Alliance, all member states will respect our Bucks Kingdom, and even ... If we can further truly integrate the Cavaliers Alliance, the Bucks Kingdom will become the Bucks Empire and become the **** The continent is not inferior to the superpowers of Aurora and Chiyan! "

"Go, hold an alliance meeting and convene all the member states of the Knights League! In the vast land of East Shenzhou, a great power is about to be born! They will all be witnesses of history!"

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