The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 523: Refining God 9

In a field tens of kilometers away from Blood Wolf City, the two figures of Baili Qingfeng and Tucker rushed fast.

There was a team of nearly a hundred people behind them more than ten kilometers behind, but due to the speed, the team was further and further away.


There seemed to be a thunderous roar from the void!

The dazzling silver dragon shines on the spiritual world, contrasting with the paler blood-colored shadow emerging from Tucker.

Under thunder, Tucker's body was shocked again!

The tingling sensation originating from the spiritual level became stronger, almost making him think about it.

But just as he felt a little palpitated and frightened by the pain, he saw the pale-looking human knight in front of him.

The human knight was not only pale to the extreme, but also mentally on the verge of collapse.

This scene……

Let the dreaded and frightened Tucker renew his fighting spirit.

"It has to be said that although this human being is worthy of consideration, it is strong in toughness and strong in will, which is unprecedented, and replaced with other sacrifices. At this moment, he has been killed by evil magic, but ... Carry it, but ... "

Although his will is about to be smashed, it is still no problem to resist one or two evil techniques, but the evil **** that this human thinks about before will collapse. When the evil **** collapses, his best results are The realm fell, the faith was broken, and it was directly hit into the dust. If it was a little more serious, it would dissipate consciousness and die on the spot.

In this way, he does not need to worry that the human knight will desperately fire the kind of forbidden technique before he dies, and he is done with him.

This is the best ending!

"Even if you killed the Lord of Bloodwolf, known as the Destroyed Knight, eventually died under my sword ..."

Tucker gasped.

His vision seemed dizzy due to the prohibition for too long, but he still suppressed this negative state with arrogant will.


It seemed that the after-effects of the prohibition were too big, he vaguely felt that ...

This human seems to be a little faster, and his breath seems to have picked up a bit?

"No accidents? Impossible, I can't feel wrong, the evil gods he visualized are all about to collapse, I don't have to risk a mortal blow from being forbidden by this human because of a void speculation, The danger of jade burns up and kills him just to kill him so soon. "

Tucker resisted the idea of ​​casting a life-forbidden technique and continued to pursue behind Baili Qingfeng.


After a few breaths, another Jiuxiao thunder fell from the sky.

And as this Jiuxiao thunder descended, the innate demon Zuz seemed to have exhausted all his power and burst apart suddenly ...


This time, Tucker couldn't help but laugh out loud: "I want to use my magic to deal with my temple knight Tucker !? Finally I was killed!"

In such a laugh, his belief was fiery, and the blood-stained shadow that was so thin that it could not be seen became the fuel of faith. It was burned out, making the flame of that fiery faith soar, like a vacancy. The rising fire dragon collided with the thunder dragon transformed by Jiuxiao Thunder in the void.

Obviously it was just a confrontation on the level of will and a collision on the spiritual side, but there seemed to still be a wave of storm ripples in the void, and something seemed to stir the world on another level, thus interfering with the real material.

Tucker closed his eyes in flames and thunder.

Jiuxiao's thundering bombarded him, as if a hand was forcibly inserted into his brain and stirred madly, it seemed to twist his brain into a paste.

But his heart was relaxed.


Tucker clearly felt that the divine power that had been on the human body tens of meters away was dissipating.

"It collapsed, his refining realm collapsed."

Tucker's words were full of confidence: "I am the final winner!"

Next, it will be time for him to resist the heavyness and dizziness of this spiritual dimension.


Just as Tucker concentrated his mind and forced himself to get rid of the negative state brought by Jiuxiao Thunder, he felt that the evil spirit of the human knight who had been extinguished appeared again.

Although the breath was still weak compared to his heyday, it was full of a rebirth.

In particular, the nature of this evil **** has risen steadily, reaching a level not inferior to that of the bishop!

"This is ... a breakthrough !?"

Tucker opened his eyes suddenly, his face full of incredible: "He broke through !? The evil **** has even bettered his care !? How could this be ?!"

With his constant pursuit and killing, seeing hope in front of him, this human broke through! ?

His pressure created this human promotion?

At this moment Tucker felt the maliciousness from the world!


The reality is far more cruel than he imagined.


"Fortunately, there is no problem. Without breaking through, I can only burn one-third of the universal cells to die for life!"

Baili Qingfeng felt the relief of the innate **** Mozuz, who was finally tempered as if he had been smelting the real gold after repeated collisions and hardenings.


The innate **** Mozuz lived up to his expectations. Under his diligent practice, under the pain of his life-threatening survival, he broke through and broke through, and finally broke through!

Relying on faith, courage, determination, and perseverance, his innate demon finally went to Wu Cunjing, was sublimated, and was promoted to Nine Gods in one fell swoop!

The difficulties are beyond our imagination.

Breaking through to the Nine Levels of Refining God, the growth of Baili Qingfeng's "God" is not obvious, and even weakened. If he can sense the blood power of a nine-level powerhouse ten kilometers away, then right now……

This range has even been reduced to within five or six kilometers.


After tempering, his "God" has become more condensed and more precise.

Although he could sense the nine-level powerhouse with blood and blood outbreaks ten kilometers away, once the nine-level powerhouse converged the blood and blood, he may not be aware of it until he got one or two kilometers, but now ...

In the induction range, even those strong and convergent qi and blood are still in front of him. Unless the other party has a secret technique that interferes with his mind, as long as he wants, any warrior is within five or six kilometers of his step. He knew it the first time.

Not only can he perceive, he can even pass some information through perception, so that it can be used like a thousand miles.

"It's amazing!"

Baili Qingfeng murmured to himself.

At present, the range of "Sound of Thousands of Miles" is limited to five or six kilometers. He opened his throat and shouted, and could achieve the same effect.


Are Lion Roars and Divine Voices Grades?

It sounds different.

All kinds of mysteries, Baili Qingfeng knows the chest, but more changes and utilization have to be slowly explored by himself.

But now ...

Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell on the temple knight Tucker who suddenly opened his eyes and looked incredible.

"The first round is over, now we enter the second round!"

As soon as the words were finished, the originally collapsed inborn **** Mozuz appeared again.

It is also the innate demon Zuz. The scope of his divine power seems to be reduced. However, if the divine power emanating from the previous Zuz is compared to the sun in the morning, it can only make people feel a touch of warmth. So now, the sun is shining, as the sun is shining ...

And it's the noon sun in midsummer!

The hot sensation directly ignited Tucker's remaining weak beliefs and brought him the burning pain.


Once the innate **** Demon Zuz appeared, he immediately rolled up a mighty thundercloud. The range of thundercloud was not worth mentioning, but when the lightning thunder dragon contained inside began to roar, Tucker had a kind of consternation from his heart.

"Ah! What kind of evil **** is this !? What kind of evil **** will give believers endless power !?"

Tucker screamed screamingly.

At this moment, he was finally afraid!

As early as when he received the message from Bishop Ivan, he understood the terribleness of his opponent. This was a terrible existence of tens of thousands of cave people who could besieged Bloodwolf in one person, with infinite physical strength and terrible power. , Amazing speed, undead body ...

There are hardly any weaknesses.

But others say it's one thing, and dealing with it yourself is another!

This human has demonstrated his power by beheading Taal with his sword.

The magic he possessed also brought suffocating despair.

"Retreat! Retreat! This is a monster that the knight's sword cannot defeat!"

Under the fear of death, Tucker no longer hesitated to hunt down Baili Qingfeng, without hesitation, turned and left.


Thunder broke!

Jiu Xiaolei moved to tear the sky, blasted down again, hit Tucker's body severely, and his spiritual world seemed to be torn and shattered again by a terrifying force!


The pain caused by the soul made him scream, and with a single blow, his consciousness seemed to be blown forcibly.

At the moment of life and death, Tucker seemed to glow with an unprecedented desire to survive, violently crushing the pain of this tearing soul, and then ...

Let's run wild!

"Convergence! Convergence! I have to converge with Bishop Ivan! Only with the power of Bishop Ivan can I resist his magic!"

There was only one thought in Tucker's mind at this moment.

But just as he was running away, he seemed to hear something and turned abruptly.

The expression on his face seemed to freeze when he saw the human knight chasing and quickly closing the distance between them.

He didn't illusion!


The human knight became faster, faster than his temple knight who had cast a forbidden spell.

escape! ?

Can't escape!

Even more frightening is that the breath of that human being is rising at a faster rate. Although it is too early to reach its peak, but ...

It is no longer without the power to fight again.

He chased Baili Qingfeng all the way to suppress his physical strength by banning surgery. There was already some potential in the mountains and rivers. He could not fight or run, but this human ...

But getting stronger!

Break through, recover instantly, and change the trick!


As if all despair from all over the world shrouded him!

"No! No! No! The devil ~ ~ You are the devil, the real devil! Trample life, play with people, torture the soul, provoke my anger, let me see hope, then deprive all hope and give My deepest despair! You devil! Ah! Ah! "


This mighty temple knight completely collapsed when overtaken by the increasingly strong Baili Qingfeng!

After a scream of howl, he suddenly spit out blood, and cast a ban on the pursuit of Baili Qingfeng's sequel along the way ...


In the blood, Tucker's figure fell straight ...


(Finally, it ’s not easy to get to Nine Gods of Refining God. This heavy realm card has been around for a long time. Please recommend and support.)

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