The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 532: Detonate

A wasteland 130 kilometers north of the laboratory.

This barren land is dominated by sand and stone structure, with a small number of trees growing. It has neither wasteland value nor rich mines, and it is hundreds of kilometers from the nearest human village.

As early as when Baili Qingfeng planned to set this as a test explosion zone, the area was blocked, making this area a desolate place. At the moment, the arrival of Baili Qingfeng and his party slightly added some popularity to this area. .

"All equipment is ready. Simulate people, buildings, vehicles, and place them in suitable locations. The military also provided several retired infantry fighting vehicles. Based on these references, we can fully obtain the bomb's power."

Heisen and Baili Qingfeng entered the headquarters together, and some sighed: "If the data we observe is correct, the weapons made by this kind of thing may exceed our imagination, especially its killing. Force, I am afraid that it is larger than any kind of bomb on the market. The only question is whether we can detonate it smoothly. "

"Mr. Baili mentioned in his previous speech that if this weapon is large enough, it can even destroy the world. What do you think?"

Maher looked at Auburn Road beside him.

Auburn looked a little complicated looking at the new bomb, which was carried by Baili Qingfeng to the car and was less than half a meter in diameter and less than two meters in length: "I don't know, before we have participated in this project, you Tell me that relying on human wisdom can create a weapon to destroy the world, I will definitely sneer, but now ... I can't give you an accurate answer, any answer before witnessing the success of this test in person Is irresponsible. "

"The destruction of the world is too exaggerated. Although this weapon made by uranium fission technology is very different from traditional gunpowder, it may be much more powerful than the most advanced gunpowder, but our world is so vast, many deep mountains and ancient forests, we humans Has never even set foot in it. We humans are very small in front of the world. "

Loves held up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and watched the Baili Qingfeng who was going to the detonation point by car: "This should be a new conceptual weapon. Science knows no borders, and scientists have borders. I hope to pass this The development and equipment of these weapons can slightly bridge the gap between our Hi-tech and glorious, golden eagle and other big technological powers, and at the same time narrow the military strength of our top countries such as Hi-tech and Aurora. "

"In the past ten years, due to the containment of the Three Holy Alliances, most of the vitality has been consumed. Although there is a good foundation in economic construction, these years have gradually withdrawn from the ranks of powerful countries. Fortunately, with the rise of Mr. Baili, In martial arts, we have barely made up with those powerful nations. If we can use these new weapons to close the military gap, Shia will return to the ranks of powerful nations and reach powers sufficient to compete with Moro, even Bucks, Chiyan, and other nations. Degree of shoulder to shoulder. "

Heisen Road.

"The future will get better and better, and I believe that with our Shia heritage, when everyone works in the same direction, it will inevitably explode the energy that attracts other countries in East China Island."

Maher's attitude is also more optimistic.

At that time, the glorious empire ruled the world, and science and technology could be called the top of the world. As the glorious empire, the Kingdom of Shia extended its tentacles to the base camp of East China. Various constructions and equipment also belonged to the top of the world.

Hessen, Auburn, Loves, Maher, etc. may be half a chip away from the best scientists in the world, but that is because of equipment and funding constraints. If you let them go to the glorious empire, the golden eagle empire In less than ten years, they can still stand at the pinnacle of scientists and overlook the world.

Baili Qingfeng sat in the car and ran to the tipping point that had been prepared for a long time. After setting up the little guy, he quickly returned to the command room.

In the command room, in addition to the core members of the World Peace Commission, there are dozens of staff.

Once Baili Qingfeng arrived, everyone's eyes fell on him.

"how is it?"

"Although it is only a tower explosion, our main purpose this time is to establish the feasibility of this weapon."

Baili Qingfeng said, nodded to Heisen: "The last instrument inspection."

For a moment, Heisen responded: "All equipment is normal."

"So, let's get started and detonate by ten minutes."

"Mr. Baili, you can press this start button."

Heyson said, stepping back a little with Auburn, Loves, Maher and others, and let the console out.

On the console, a covered red button looks quite striking.

"Then let me, this time we only used 20 kg of uranium and used a gun-type detonation. The fission participation of these 20 kg of uranium can reach 5%. I will be satisfied. The energy conversion rate It's a success to two percent. "

Baili Qingfeng said, came to the button.

He seemed relaxed and casual, and seemed to have been waiting for this moment, but when he actually came to the console and opened the lid on the button, he suddenly had a meal.


There was such a moment of hesitation.

But when he thought of the endless wars between nations in the world, the unstoppable killings between the military forces and the military forces, and the human race's desperation for the human world, this hesitation was quickly and firmly replaced.

"This chaos ... It's over, the world needs peace, and humanity needs peace. Although I know that the carelessness of making this weapon could have disastrous consequences for the entire human world, but ... Absolute confidence, absolute conviction, and absolute will, to implement the great principles and concepts of world peace, all obstructions, all ghosts, will be swept away before my great mission to achieve world peace.

The belief in Baili Qingfeng's heart gradually became fiery, and his body seemed to emit a faint light.

That is a sacred mission!

He lowered his head, looked at the button, and without any hesitation, pressed the button directly.


On the big screen, a ten-minute countdown quickly appeared, and it was decreasing at a speed of one second.


When the Baili Qingfeng pressed the button, many members of the Peace Commission exhaled at the same time.

"The next ... is the time to test our hard work over the years and the billions and billions of investment results."

Heisen's heart calmed down at the moment when Baili Qingfeng pressed the button.

Not only him, but also several others.

Success or failure?

What impact failure will have on the world, and what impact success will have on the world, they don't have to think about it at this moment.

Everything is up to the future.

"You guys, put it on."

Baili Qingfeng gave a pair of special glasses to Auburn and others.

The crowd did not refuse, quickly put on their glasses, and Baili Qingfeng himself ...

Not wearing it.

His eyes shifted from the big screen to the position of the bomb at the end of the sky, waiting quietly.

Waiting for that moment to come.

Four, three, two, one ...

When the time displayed on the big screen is all zero, the sky suddenly lights up at the end of the sky, like ...

A sun rose in the blue sky and white environment.

The intense brilliance instantly flooded into everyone's field of vision, and continued to bloom and expand, interpreting thrilling beauty.

Heaven and earth are covered by this color.

This gorgeous, this brilliant, this brilliant ...

Suddenly, many people in the command room opened their mouths involuntarily, lost their voice, and immersed themselves in this shocking picture.


At this moment it seemed to be frozen.

"It's bright."

Baili Qingfeng heartily said a sentence.

He had the feeling of being blinded by light.

"This costs lighting, how much electricity you have to save."

Baili Qingfeng's voice broke this time-stagnant picture.

For a while, Auburn, Heisen, Maher, and others reacted. First, they gave Baili Qingfeng a silent speech. Then, Heisen immediately said, "Quickly, start all the instruments and collect all the data ... "


Before he finished speaking, he found that all the instruments in the command room had been strongly disturbed, the screen kept flickering, some instruments even went straight to black, and in some serious cases, electric light was shining.

"This kind of bomb explosion will produce electromagnetic pulses in an instant, and the electric field strength of the electromagnetic pulses will reach tens of thousands of volts. It will also release a large number of alpha rays, beta rays, gamma rays and neutrons. Slow neutrons reach trillions ... "

Baili Qingfeng said, some distressed these electronic instruments.

He knew that these instruments would be affected by the nuclear explosion, but ...

It is really difficult to collect initial data without these instruments, and some losses must be included in the calculation.

You know, there are several infantry fighting vehicles in the nuclear explosion center.

"There is still a shock wave, but we are far away, anyway."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Here we are ... twenty kilometers from the detonation point ..."

Auburn whispered incredibly.

The shock wave could swept 20 kilometers away! ?

"Give me detailed data right away!"

Heisen shouted ~ ~ his face became very grim.

Not only him, but the other members of the Peace Commission are also full of calm. Although they only observe with the naked eye, they are judged based on their many years of experience ...

The true power of this bomb goes far beyond their imagination.

"A huge air overpressure is generated in the explosion center, and the shock wave speed exceeds 300 meters per second! The center wind pressure is 32 times the standard air pressure!"

"The pressure value at the moment of the explosion exceeded the standard pressure by hundreds of thousands!"

"The core temperature exceeds five thousand degrees!"

Data was quickly reported from the many employees in the control room.

Listening to these data, the expressions of the people of the World Peace Commission were frozen on the spot.

"Really ... Mr. Baili is telling the truth! We ... really make weapons that can destroy the human world ..."

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