The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 584: Silver Body

Pay Volcano.

This is Baili Qingfeng's second time here.

Unlike the last time when the atmosphere was peaceful and enthusiastic, when Baili Qingfeng stepped into the pay volcano, the change in pay volcano was sensed for the first time.

Severe, calm, with a hint of depression.

In addition, Baili Qingfeng remembered it a bit. Under Salary Volcano, an army of tens of thousands was actually retreating.

This scene made him quickly check the Stormbreaker Battlegear on him ...

Fine, no damage ...

"Master Baili, you are here."

The south wind from the mountain quickly greeted us: "I have heard about the Bucks Kingdom. Congratulations to Master Baili for becoming the chairman of the six countries’ joint military committees, and he is in charge of the six nations ’military powers. National Marshal and Horse, these powers are enough to make you one of the most powerful people in East Shenzhou.

"You should know that I don't know much about military matters. I am a warrior with a lot of strength. All kinds of professional matters are left to the team to handle."

Baili Qingfeng said, glanced down the mountain, and said, "What's going on with the troops of the Moro nation? Is it so free?"

"I want to put pressure on our pay volcano. Right now, with the arrival of Grand Master Baili, these troops will naturally disperse. Otherwise, the chairman of Grand Master Baili may be too important."

Southerly wind seems very relaxed.

"There are a lot of troops in the Kingdom of Moro. You can lose tens of thousands of places without any danger, such as Salary Volcano. When I went back, I proposed to increase the number of troops of the Kingdom of Moro by 100,000 to the Tianying Mountain battlefield. After all, Tianying Mountain is said to have gathered If all 100,000 people in the caves are surging, it is reasonable to say that 10 million troops can only keep it, but now there are not even 2 million troops. "

Baili Qingfeng said cautiously.

"Tianyushan ..."

Nanfeng nodded, and at the same time drew an empty hand, taking him to the hall.

At this moment, Dong Shengyang and Dong Linhai are receiving several masters of refining gods who want to redeem triplets in the hall.

Of the twelve masters who have been reviewed by Dong Shengyang and Nanfeng, four of them are divine gods. They are Luo Lin, his disciple who faces the sea in the east, and spends most of his time at the Salary Volcano. Yuna of China, and Leng Yu willing to abandon the identity of the White Night Group in order to learn Sanheshu.

The remaining eight are the re-awakening realm of the Eight Refined Gods.

Among the eight people, one is paid for volcanoes, one is calculated for yuan, one is from Chiyan, and the remaining five are from countries within the Knights League.

They belong to the kind of people who have no ambition, have good reputation, and will not abuse or spread the triad.


Before Baili Qingfeng entered the hall, he heard a voice saying what was right and right, and his tone seemed quite strong.

"Triad is a triad of all the powerful gods. The appearance of it will greatly rewrite the embarrassing status of the pulse of refining God in today's world. Such secret techniques should not be taught by others. Master Dong Shengyang The original intention of the establishment of the pay volcano was to spread the pulse of refining the gods. If the triple technique was hidden, wouldn't it run counter to the original purpose of the establishment of the pay volcano? Instead, Master Dong Shengyang might as well be generous, taking this opportunity, Make the triad public to everyone so that everyone can learn. I believe that by then, all practitioners who practice the gods will be grateful to Master Dong Shengyang for his contribution to the practice of gods ... "

"This is Master Ye He of the Glorious Empire."

Nanfeng whispered: "But he should be a chess piece of the brilliant empire, used to test our attitude towards the triad, and prepare for the next step of the brilliant empire."

"Glorious Empire? They sent someone so soon?"

"The triad is very important. If it ’s not because the things of refining the gods are too amazing, once we leave behind, we ca n’t defend them. I am afraid that the glorious empires and other great powers of the world have already sent people to force them to exchange them. Wait and see, when someone confirms that the triad is not only effective, and there will be no negative effects ... "

South wind aisle.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Although the pulse of refining the gods is not satisfactory, it has made anyone jealous of strangeness and mystery.

A Xeon is afraid to unload all his defenses in the presence of a master God of Refining.

Dong Shengyang saw Baili Qingfeng who came in from the outside and smiled at him and nodded.

Ye He also saw Baili Qingfeng, and as soon as his face changed slightly, Qi Yan suddenly converged a lot: "This is Master Baili Qingfeng, right? Oh, really a talent, handsome."

Baili Qingfeng glanced at him: "When it comes to the teaching of mysticism, it should not be seen by others. I agree with it. I remember that the glorious empire is in charge of many Xeons. Since Master Ye He is so selfless, you can go Convince the Royal Emperor of the Glorious Empire and let them make all the Xeons available to the public. As long as the Glorious Empire is not set to fall, the triad we have created will naturally be willing to contribute to all masters of refining. "

Ye He's mouth twitched slightly: "Master Baili joked and laughed. I'm just a divine refiner. Xeon Fa and other beings are in charge of the Xeon. How can I be qualified to ask ..."

"That's ridiculous. Since Xeon can not be announced, why should our triplet be made public? Besides, our triplet is more open-minded than Xeon, although it is not taught to everyone, but At least, someone can learn triad from us. "

Ye He looked at Baili Qingfeng, opened his mouth, and finally said stubbornly: "I just made a suggestion."

Baili Qingfeng is different from Dongshengyang.

Dong Shengyang, he can overpower others, but Baili Qingfeng ...

This is the terrible existence that can cut out the Xeon sword!

Although there is only one sword, it depends on who is holding it.

Outside rumors, Baili Qingfeng is the first assassin of East Shenzhou!

If he attacked Xeon with a sword of assassination and assassination ...

No Xeon would dare to gamble on such an unstoppable sword.

Besides, in addition to this, Baili Qingfeng is also the chairman of the Joint Military Committee of the Six Nations. He has no shortage of strength, status, or even the glorious empire and many world-class forces. provoke.

"Well, your offer was rejected."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"That ... then I'm leaving ..."

The master Ye He stayed faceless and soon left consciously.

"It's still good for Master Baili."

Dong Shengyang said with a bitter smile.

"You have won the prize. By the way, I have read the information of the twelve people you said on the way when you came here. You can pass the triad to them."


Dong Shengyang considered the language slightly: "Master Baili, although we paid a special visit to these twelve people to confirm their character, but ... in the face of the benefits of triad, if we There is no other way to ensure that they do not spread the triplet, I am afraid ... this mystery of refining will be known to everyone sooner or later ... "

Baili Qingfeng had to consider this issue after listening.

Once the effect of triad is proved to be truly usable, it is bound to attract countless forces to peep.

Those masters of refining gods are not alone, and if those forces threaten their families to threaten them, they even say they are going to destroy them ...

Can they keep their promise not to pass the triplet! ?

"How did those world-class forces avoid the spread of Xeon law?"

"Unless the person who obtained the Xeon Law breaks through to the state of the Xeon, soon, those who possess the Xeon will definitely do their utmost to recover the Xeon transmitted from outside! Even the Xeon will do it himself! Other forces ... will never provide asylum to a warrior who stole Xeon. This is the common understanding of many world-class forces. "

"The Xeon personally went to recover the stolen law ..."

Baili Qingfeng understood the meaning of Dong Shengyang.

The Xeons used this method to ensure the transcendence of their status. However, the triplet belongs to the mystery of refining. Those Xeons will not be included in the category of the Xeon, and the masters of the triplet will obtain the triplet. When hiding from world-class forces, the pay volcano can only do nothing. It is impossible to kill those world-class forces.

"If we are strong and someone steals our triad, we can naturally make them pay, but ..."

Dong Shengyang shook his head with a bitter smile.

"It looks like they can only create a mystery of refining so that they can't spread the triad."

Baili Qingfeng said.


Dong Shengyang glanced at Baili Qingfeng.

How to say from your mouth that creating a secret technique is as simple as eating and drinking?

"Master Baili has an idea?"

"There is only one direction. I remember I don't know from which book I saw something called" thinking steel stamp ". The person branded the concept of" water poison "in his mind, and almost died of thirst. , And later survived by the concept of forgetting ... According to this principle, we can create a forgetful error in the mind of any person who has practiced triplet, which is called forgetfulness. As long as anyone wants to use triplet The outside story will trigger the misunderstanding of oblivion and make him forget the triple play. This will solve the problem of the triple shot.


Dong Shengyang narrowed his eyes and listened, "Is there such a mystery?"

"In fact, the principle is very simple. When we think about something in our minds, we clearly remember it, but when we are stunned, we are stuck or forgotten. How can we not remember?"

Baili Qingfeng said, rubbing his eyebrows and saying, "It should be possible. In fact, hypnotism and telepathy can achieve the same effect. These methods can subtly change a person's mind, but only because it costs money. The long time, coupled with the recurrence, is not enough insurance ... "

Dong Shengyang nodded.

It is not without brainwashing that people use methods similar to hypnosis and telepathy.

Even many countries and world-class forces will do this, and use these methods to ensure the loyalty of core disciples and subordinates.

Since Baili Qingfeng said that it is reasonable and reasonable, let him try it.

"I'm going to create the mystery of refining first. You can discuss with the twelve masters of refining gods to see if they are willing to accept this policy. If you don't want to, you can only say sorry."

"it is good……"

Dong Shengyang heard Baili Qingfeng's words, there was always a weird feeling.

His so-called amnesia seems to be the only direction?

How, according to him, is the same as already created?

However, this question may be related to the secret of Baili Qingfeng, he is not good to ask after all.

After a few more discussions about the specific details, they went to do their own work.

Within an hour, Dong Shengyang again heard the news. Ten of the twelve masters of refining God were willing to accept the triad and be planted at the same time. Two of them chose to give up.

"Ten people, a lot. According to the price of triplet equivalent to Xeon warfare, when ten people come down, I can get a lot of resources, and help me pile up the practice of inner interest. The peak of the eighth level should not be difficult ... "

The peak of the eighth level, combined with the integration of heaven and man, is actually equivalent to the level nine.

In this way, his three veins of refining body, refining gas, and refining the gods are all equal to level nine, and the silver body has no hindrance to him.

Right now, he concentrates his attention on the creation of amnesia.

Amnesia is similar to hypnosis.

Hypnosis also has the effect of making people forget memories.

It's just that the oblivion art created by Baili Qingfeng not only needs to be stimulated in specific circumstances, but also lasts a long time. This is the real difficulty.

Fortunately, Baili Qingfeng quickly thought of a solution.

Doesn't hypnosis have a hypnosis password?

The human brain is actually vulnerable to deception.

He only needs to modify the contents of the triad slightly, and carry similar hypnotic instructions in the triad. Once someone intends to spread the triad, the command will stimulate amnesia, so that he will have a memory-like "chuck". The feeling will forget the triplet.


Baili Qingfeng could not help but give himself a thumbs up.

Then he meditated in the practice room and studied hard ...

After six hours ...

Finally, amnesia was released.

"It's done, that's about it."

Baili Qingfeng sorted out the created oblivion and quickly found Dong Shengyang.

Dong Shengyang took this forgotten technique for a moment, and quickly found out its shortcomings: "The idea is very good, but you can plant this hypnotic instruction in the minds of others, and others can take your time slowly The command was obliterated, and I estimate that even if I use my refining realm to plant amnesia on the other side, as soon as one or two years, or as slow as three or five years, the other side can disintegrate the oblivion. "

"It lasts for a few years."

Baili Qingfeng said.

A few years later, East Shenzhou had long since returned to peace, and he was able to retire.

He can't **** the triad all his life.

"We really can only do that."

Dong Shengyang sighed.

Next, Dong Shengyang found those who were willing to deal with the Eighty-nine Rehabilitation Gods, and taught them the triple spells that incorporated the forgetfulness.

These masters have extraordinary eyesight one by one. Naturally, they can see that the oblivion technique is indeed aimed at the triad, but there is no change.

And in order to ensure that they do not get into trouble due to the practice of triplets, they also made the role of "forgetting" public and concealed the drawbacks of forgetting.


"The first batch of transactions has been completed. The practice of triad is not difficult. For the masters of refining, they can master it in one or two months. I believe that after they have completed the triad and confirmed the effect by the world, We will welcome a second batch of traders. "

East Shengyang Road.

"Unfortunately, none of these traded items has the natural treasures that are conducive to refining the gods, nor the treasures that can be used for refining, refining, and refining."

South wind passed with some regrets.

"The treasures that are good for refining the gods are very scarce. In addition, those who are strong are stuck in the refining gods. They are struggling to make breakthroughs. Once there are treasures of the refining gods, they are immediately bought by the strong. The desire to get help in refining God is simply hope. "

Dong Shengyang looks very open.

After chatting for a while, his eyes fell on Baili Qingfeng: "Master Baili, I'll wait for something."

"Well? You said, as long as I can do it, it is not against morality, I will do my best to help."

"Oh, naturally it will not make Master Baili embarrassed. The army Master Baili who withdrew from the volcano yesterday was still impressed, right?"


"Because we did not teach the master of the Moro royal family to the master of the refining gods in the triplet technique, this has caused the royal family to be extremely dissatisfied. Because of this, they will use military exercises as a reason to surround us. It is not because Grand Master Baili took the throne of the chairmen of the six military joint committees. I am afraid they will not just besiege without attacking. The practice of the Moro State has been disappointing. Therefore, these days Discussed with me, Nanfeng Guo, Linhai Dong, etc., who wanted to relocate Salary Volcano to Xiahai Prefecture of the Kingdom of Shia, I wonder if Master Baili would welcome it. "

"Moving Pay Volcano to Shia?"

When Baili Qingfeng heard it, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Master Dong Shengyang is willing to go, and we are in high demand."

In addition to being one of the top nine masters of refining gods, Dong Shengyang is also a ninth-level heavenly man. In addition, he is equipped with triplets, which can increase the power of the soul and enhance the combat power. Compared to the peak The heavens and men are not inferior, and the east and the south winds are not the weak ones. If the increase in triplet is included, it can be regarded as two heavens.

If they can move to Xia, sit in Xiahai Prefecture, Xia Haizhou is equivalent to having four nine-level powerhouses, plus him, it is equal to five people!

Five nines ...

In the future, the safety of his family was almost assured.

"Master Dong Shengyang, are you telling the truth? If you leave, this pay volcano inheritance ..."

"We who are willing to go with us will take them with us, and those who are unwilling to go will not be forced. As for this salary volcano heritage ..."

Dong Shengyang and Nanfeng looked at each other and said, "We ... are the volcano heritage!"

Baili Qingfeng listened, and said with a full face: "Please rest assured that Master Dong Shengyang will never let Master Dong Shengyang disappoint. Master Dong Shengyang lives there, and no one will give it to you. What compulsory task, as long as you do n’t wantonly disrupt it and affect the peace and stability of our Kingdom of Hea, he will live as long as you want. ”

"With the assurance of Master Baili, we are more secure in our hearts."

Dong Shengyang smiled and said, "In the future, Master Lao Baili will have to take care of him a lot."

"Master Dong Shengyang joked and laughed. In the future, my spiritual practice requires the master to give you more guidance."

"As long as I know, I must know everything and everything."

Dong Shengyang carefully promised.

Baili Qingfeng could feel it, and Dong Shengyang's words were completely sincere.

For a moment, he couldn't help but feel grateful for his luck.

Although this world has a lot of darkness, more is still full of light. Whether it is the second grandfather, the big brothers in the group, Baiyi Sheng, the master Yuanyuan, and the true predecessors, he spared no effort in his cultivation. The support, guidance, and questions you must answer are precisely because of their unreserved help, he can achieve today's achievements.

"Thank you."

"Oh, Master Baili, you're welcome, right ..."

Dong Shengyang said, handing over a box of bottles and cans to Baili Qingfeng's hand: "This is your part of the supplies. We have already asked your traders to switch to Juyuan Lingye. Twenty copies in total. "

"Twenty servings, all right."

"Master Baili refining the body and practicing gas refining. Among them, gas refining has reached the realm of true immortal. Can you take these Juyuan Lingye now to promote heaven?"

Dong Shengyang looked at Baili Qingfeng with a look of expectation.

Baili Qingfeng was repaired as a unity of heaven and man. As soon as the internal force accumulated, he would be promoted to the realm of heaven and man.

And when the inner breath is one pulse to the heavenly man, his three vital energy pulses are equivalent to entering the ninth level. At that time, only the three connections need to be established, the vital energy spirits are transformed into each other, endless, and it is naturally equivalent to cohesion. Out of the silver body, the process is not too technical.

Baili Qingfeng, who had never had a silver body, is already extremely powerful. Once he has become a silver body ...

"Twenty Juyuan Lingye, it should be no problem for me to be promoted to heaven. I will try it."

"I'm going to protect the Master for Barry!"

East Shengyang came forward.

"Then there is Master Lao Dongsheng Yang."

Baili Qingfeng nodded, and now he came to the cultivation room with twenty Juyuan spirits.

Representing the nine-level invincible silver body, he has been fascinated for a long time, and now he can finally reach this step, he himself can't wait a bit.

At present, he took a lot of Juyuan Lingye on the spot, and then operated the source of the demon purgatory of origin to digest it.

Although the origin **** and demon purgatory body is the method of refining body, Baili Qingfeng has incorporated thunder breath, but it also has a good effect of refining internal force, that is ...

Efficiency at best barely reaches the top level, compared to the quenching effect of the origin of the demon infernal body, more than a grade worse.

But he has a very rich heritage.

The three spirits are derived from the potential of human life. Although they are divided into three forces, they actually have the same purpose.

With the accumulation of refining gas and refining body, coupled with his large mouth filled with Juyuan Lingye, the internal force that had just been purified quickly accumulated.

Within three days, he had taken 18 servings of Juyuan Lingye ~ ~ and 18 servings of Juyuan Lingye had finally reached the peak of his internal force accumulation, just like a The container is completely filled with water, and it has reached the level of no increase, no increase.

"This is a heavenly man ..."

Baili Qingfeng said.

With the accumulation of his internal forces to the extreme, the three spirits seem to have reached a strange balance, or in other words, the three have gradually merged into one and become indiscriminate, regardless of whether he uses any of the spirits This kind of force, the other two kinds of forces will increase it accordingly, as if the wind helped the fire.

A feeling of "perfection" came to mind.

This is the true limit of the human body. The road of the warrior is at the very end.

"Silver Body ..."


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