The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 586: meet

Wuhe Port.

At this time, a pier in Wuhe Port had been cleared, and cars were parked on the pier.

In the control room at the dock, Xiahai Prefecture's local parliamentary speaker Nabo, senior officials of local authorities, and Mrs. Yu Li and Don Naide, representatives of Xiahai's local forces, Zhou Xingyun, president of the Warriors Association, etc., have been called in Xia'a and even Xiahai The top giants appeared one after another, waiting respectfully.

In the control room, Prime Minister Yasuo, who has been sitting in the capital Hill Light, rarely leaves, is listening to the report under the arch guards of Duanmu Rui, Baili Changkong, and Lu Pinggan.

Not long after, Lagolan said something in Yasuo's ears. Yasuo stood up immediately: "Let's go together to welcome the chairman of the Sixth Union Joint Committee of the Cavaliers Union and the volcanoes."

As he spoke, dozens of people walked towards the dock in a mighty manner.

At the end of the field of view, a ship was slowly coming.

Looking at the ship, the news that they had received not long ago was also a bit embarrassing in the voyages of the entourage.

It took a while before he asked Baili Changkong next to him: "Dad, do you say ... is the news true? Qing Feng, he really became the chairman of the Sixth Union Joint Committee of the Cavaliers League? Power of the military to dispatch? "

Baili Changkong glanced at his son, and said quietly, "Fuss, be calm."

"But ... Qing Feng was still a student two years ago ... I went to school every day, how long has it ... actually ..."

"Some people in this world are destined to be measured by common sense."

Baili Changkong shoulders his hands, stands upright, and calmly looks forward: "In the microcosm, billions of atoms, molecules, electrons, and ions are converging, and there are countless days in the vast and vast universe. The moon and stars are disillusioned. It is possible that at the moment we speak, there are countless stars equivalent to our planet destroyed and erased by the cosmic storm. Also during our speech, there will be countless similar The stars have evolved and evolved over the years, so there is nothing in this world that is immutable. Never limit your eyes on the infinite number of people, things, and the world and the universe, and take them as truth. "

Baili Tianxing listened to what Baili Changkong said. Although he couldn't understand what he was talking about, the subtlety contained in it made him realize that he had a sense of ignorance, but did not know why.

After careful consideration ...

He only feels that the gap between himself and his father and nephew has become larger and larger in recent years. Even if he fortunately broke into the realm of guru recently, he has no sense of accomplishment. Instead, he feels that life is more and more wasteful.

"The boat is here, let's go up, and the others will not keep up."

With a whisper, Yasuo took the lead.

Duanmu Rui followed closely behind.

As for Xia Haizhou, Mrs. Yu Li, Otto, Donald, Zhou Xingyun and others stopped in place.

Times have changed, and they no longer have the qualifications to sit and intersect with Baili Qingfeng as they were then.

"Mr. Baili Changkong, what you said just now is really a famous saying."

As the others advanced, La Columb went to Baili Changkong and laughed.

"What did I just say?"

Baili Changkong rubbed his temples: "It may be that people are old, and I think my brain is dizzy today, some don't remember what I said ..."

"It's the parable of the microworld and the macro universe ..."

"Oh, I just read this chapter in my book. I think this paragraph is very ... very special, so I deliberately took it into account."




For a while, the ship in front gradually slowed down and finished docking.

As soon as the boat stopped, all the figures walked down from the boat. The first ones were the Baili Qingfeng who was the guide, Dong Shengyang, the master of the pay volcano, the south wind passing, and the sea facing the east.

Seeing these people, Yasuo greeted him for the first time, first nodded with Baili Qingfeng, and then smiled at Dong Shengyang: "Master Dong Shengyang, all the people above and below the Kingdom of Hea, welcome."

"Thank you, Prime Minister Yasuo. I'm troubled to welcome you in person. I'm really sorry to wait for you.

Dong Shengyang humbly greeted.

Although the Kingdom of Shia is a bit weaker than the Kingdom of Moro, ...

Hea has a hundred miles of blue front.

The Baili Qingfeng alone can bridge the gap between the warriors of Shia and the Moro kingdom, and even win.

The rest, economically and militarily, Hia is far superior to Moro, and the domestic environment is very relaxed. The people's practice of martial arts is far from monopolizing the warriors layer by layer as the Kingdom of Moro. Those talented warriors were immediately drawn to the royal family after their birth Go, eventually either succumbed to the royal family or disappeared silently.

"The arrival of Master Dong Shengyang is the best recognition of our Shia. We have been informed that Master Dong Shengyang intends to establish a new pay volcano heritage at the junction of Wushan and Aoya Forest. We have made people work overtime. Start road construction and infrastructure construction, and strive to reproduce the glory of pay volcanoes as quickly as possible, so as to satisfy Master Dong Shengyang's living satisfaction. "

"Thank you Prime Minister Yasuo."

Dong Shengyang gave a sincere gift.

"this is what we are supposed to do."

Yasuo's face was full of smiles.

Baili Qingfeng on the side is also happy that Thunder Zong has such a neighbor.

The address chosen by Xing Volcano is west of Wushan, less than 60 kilometers away from the Thunder Zongshan Gate. What danger will Thunder Thunder encounter in the future, 60 kilometers ...

Dong Shengyang and others ran away in a few steps. The safety of Thunder Sect is equivalent to another insurance.

Since the pay volcano has not yet been completed, Dong Shengyang and others lived in the Thunder Sect for the next period.

Fortunately, there are not many salary volcanoes, but more than a hundred, and Thunder Sect is always under expansion, and it is not difficult to accommodate hundreds of people.

After arranging Dong Shengyang's staff and others, Baili Qingfeng greeted everyone and left.

He hasn't been home for a few days, and he can't help thinking of his desk, bookcase full of books, soft beds, plenty of water showers, and the little girl Shiyi and Bailizhu.

"I bought some batik, coconut sugar, special wind oil essence and other items in the Bucks Kingdom Capital in the past few days. I don't know if they like it."

Baili Qingfeng was about to leave, but Baili Sky called out, "Wait a minute."

"Second Grandpa?"

"follow me."

Baili Changkong said, taking him to a quiet room.

"In the past few days, you have made a lot of movements in the Buck and Moro countries. You have created a triad, and you have defeated the nine-level invincible power of the Bucks Kingdom that has condensed the silver body. Prince Riyi? It is said that your sword ... has reached the level of the most powerful? "

"I haven't played against the real Xeons, nor have I seen the real Xeons, so I'm not sure how powerful that sword is, but ... since everyone said yes, it should be . "

Baili Qingfeng said.

Baili Changkong was silent for a moment, and it took a while to say, "You know, now you have been pushed to the cusp of the wind."

"The cusp?"

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment: "The second grandfather said the triple operation?"

"First, the Great Sun Temple, then triple play, and you, even your strongest sword, defeated Prince Riyi and became the chairman of the Sixth Union Joint Committee of the Knights League. Which is not all the case?"

Baili Changkong said.

When he got the news for the first time ... it was indifferent, calm, and not panic at all.

After all, he is also relying on resources to build a character that is piled up to the **** of war, and then pile up a year or two to reach the true land fairy. What kind of wind and waves have never been seen in his life, how can he be moved for such a small thing?

While talking, he took out his thermos and took a sip of water.

A variety of precious drugs and natural treasures are soaked in the water, which can effectively curb elderly diseases such as cardiovascular disease.

"I think there should be nothing. I have solved the Great Sun Temple. Prince Riyi should be able to speak and believe. The only thing that makes me feel a bit troublesome is triplets, but I added amnesia to the triplets. Let anyone who has obtained the mystery of refining mystery not be rumored. The effect of this oblivion can last at least one or two years. I have now become a silver body. After one or two years, I may not be able to practice it. It's time ... "


The words of Baili Qingfeng didn't finish, and the water just drunk by Baili Changkong spurted out.

"Ahem ... what did you say just now? Silver body? You have become a silver body? The silver body with the three pulses of Jingqi Shen has reached level nine?"

"I was trained yesterday at Shimon Volcano ... just some ..."

The breath of Baili Changkong suddenly became quicker: "Xeon, you still have one less Xeon to be able to refine the imagination to become true! As soon as the Xeon arrives, it will immediately impact Xeon! Understand! ? "

"But my nihilism ..."

"Don't care about nothingness ... keke ... I mean, the subtlety of nothingness is not what you can imagine at all. Its effect is like spring breeze and rain, and the moistness is silent. It has already helped you to go to the Xeon. The shortcomings of the road have been completed. After you get the Xeon, you only need to make a big effort and directly impact the Xeon with absolute conviction. "

Speaking of this, Baili Changkong quickly took out his mobile phone: "I called Shouzhen and asked when the so-called inheritance secret in the Bucks Kingdom was opened and why there was no news for so long."

"I heard people from the Bucks mentioned that mystery. The opening time should be half a month later."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Half a month? ~ In this half month, you are well prepared. If you can achieve Xeon, all the problems you face will be solved."


Baili Qingfeng's mood is a bit complicated.

For half a month, he was proficient in mastering the power of the newly derived silver to solve the problem of indigestion. He was relaxed and went into a secret place, just in time.


What is he doing for martial arts?

Isn't it to be able to study well and study hard in a calm and peaceful environment?

But now ...

This year's start of school can't keep up, and he is getting farther and farther from this goal.

"When will this world usher in true peace, let the children laugh, let the students go to school safely, the adults work hard, and the elderly enjoy their old age? Let the war no longer be, and let the earth spring back ..."

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