The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 800: messenger


Baili Qingfeng felt the special energy emitting a faint golden light in his body, with a touch of joy on his face: "Finally broke through, and from now on, I will be a true half-step legend!"

Half-step legend!

A half-step legend condensing the power of life!

In the deserted realm where no legend has ever been born, the half-step legend represents the end of the cultivation path!

At this time, the Baili Qingfeng was in the realm of catching up with the top batch of practitioners in the barren world, reaching the same level as them.

At this level ...

In the future, he can probably try to impact the throne of the world's first assassin.


Baili Qingfeng exhaled a long breath, he felt the weight and majesty of this new force in his body, and the more he liked the more he looked.


This power ... emits a faint golden light, and its nature categories seem a little familiar.

"The nature of this kind of power is a bit like the power of silver? Yes, it is the power of silver! When I first practiced the power of silver, I felt that although the three powers of Jingqi God are endless, the transformation is like one, but after all The true fusion has become a new kind of energy, but now ... the fusion of the three powers is no longer blocked, the fusion is completely transformed, and it has evolved to the power of gold in one fell swoop! "


The power of life!

Barry Qingfeng felt the power of golden yellow to wash himself, strengthened his physique, and nodded in satisfaction.

He had long guessed that since there is the power of silver, it must also have the power of gold. After listening to the legends of half-steps saying that I do n’t know what the power of gold is, he was a little skeptical of his Xeon nine-order theory. Now it seems……

Isn't that right?

But the power of gold is the power of life, but it's just called differently.

"My Xeon Ninth-order theory is no problem. Generally, half-step legends condense the power of life. If you integrate the power of life after condensing the power of life, you can transform the power of life into the power of gold!"

Baili Qingfeng estimated that he is now equivalent to jumping directly into two realms, from Xeon fourth to Xeon six.

Next he cast a set of **** armors, namely Xeon Tier 7, and a legendary sword skill is Xeon Tier 8. After training, he will be Xeon Tier 9.

The road ahead is clear and clear.

Thinking to myself, Baili Qingfeng seemed to feel something, and suddenly his eyes fell on the cave man one kilometer away.

During this period of his cultivation, this cave man absorbed a lot of the divine power left by the blood god. In addition, he himself belongs to the training system of the blood god. He does not need to polish the mark left by the blood god. In less than two days, he actually broke through two realms, breaking from the commander level to the big knight level! ?

"So fast."

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

And when he realized that he had ended his cultivation, the caveman quickly knelt down and saluting again: "The great nihil demon, your humble servant, Blacktooth, offers you unwavering loyalty."


Baili Qingfeng looked at the cave man: "What do you mean?"

"We want to worship the great nihilism and be your most devout believer."

"A believer? Nothingness? You don't invade East God Island?"

"Dongshenzhou is the ranch of the great nihility god, nourishing your people, giving us ten guts, we dare not step into that sacred land half a step."

Baili Qingfeng heard the spirit.

This time he came to the cavemen world to solve the threat from the Blood Temple. Although he has beheaded and killed two legendary strongmen in the Blood Temple, and caused the fall of the Blood God, he still remains in the Blood Temple. A legendary pope exists.

In addition, according to the common sense that almost every large force often hides one or two old antiques, it is not surprising that another one or two legendary strongmen will jump out when the blood temple is alive or dead.

If he is surrounded by a number of legends, he may not be able to carry it, and the cave man at the Blood Temple is willing to bow his head and retreat, naturally the best result.

"I don't think you are trustworthy."

"The Blood Temple now has no ability to fight against the great Void Demon. There are only three legends in the Blood Temple, and they are not high-end legends. With your power of the Void Demon, any incarnation can level the Blood Temple. We, many kingdoms, and the upper and lower levels of the Blood Temple, will beg you with great awe and fear to calm down the anger. "

"I just believe what I see."

Baili Qingfeng said: "You're called Blacktooth? I remember you, you go and tell the Pope of the Blood Temple. War or peace depends on the next choice of the Blood Temple!"

"The next choice?"

Blacktooth stunned for a moment, then seemed to understand something, and respectfully bowed down on the ground and gave a salute: "Great Lord Void, your servant Blacktooth has understood your will, and I will make your intention Pope Vlad conveys that they make the right choice! "

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the minerals still being transformed on the ground ...

It is estimated that it will be five to six days.

"You have six days."

Baili Qingfeng waved his hand: "I hope to see the results I am satisfied by then."

"Great Lord, your light shields the sun in the sky, and no one can disobey your supreme will."

Blacktooth once again saluted respectfully and retreated.

After the black teeth left, while the area's divine power had not completely dissipated, Baili Qingfeng absorbed the divine power into gold's power, while using the power of gold to strengthen itself.

The power of gold is a combination of the three spirits, which can be converted into any kind of power and used to get the increase of the other two kinds of power.

Taking mysticism as an example, it is clear that his spiritual strength is not much higher than before. However, under the blessing of qi and blood and real energy, the mysticism and mysticism exhibited is 30% to 40% stronger.

Moreover, under the influence of the power of gold, his physical body was gradually strengthened.

This strengthening is not the same as the physical tempering of the inferior purgatory body of the first-class gold and origin gods, but a kind of nourishment from the inside out, like the reshaping of the foundation, changing the order of his life.


When Baili Qingfeng was diligently practicing, there was already a gloom in the blood temple palace.

When the blood **** fell, Pope Flander, the ten cardinals, and those devout people who are full of pious respect for the blood **** already felt something. The kingdom of God formed by their condensate suddenly collapsed. The shock even caused them different backlashes, and some devotees who devoted everything died on the spot.

Even the cardinals who were less injured felt empty of spirit.

This kind of emptiness is not the kind of emptiness that the gods they believe seriously hurt and sleep, but it can't sense the existence of the blood **** completely.

For a while, the Blood God Temple was full of panic, trying to find out what happened to the dry rock city.

One day later, the news of Dry Rock City came through other channels, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, shaking everyone dizzy, and Vlad, who was the back of the Pope, vomited blood on the spot and passed out.

It's been two days since he was awake.

The awakened Pope Pope froze, feeling the emptiness of the spiritual world, and could not help but utter a desolate mourning: "The Lord's kingdom ... collapsed ..."

"grown ups……"

The faces of several subordinates who served were also full of sadness.

"I was wrong. I should not have heeded the advice in advance and provoked the horrible nihil demon. This is the cause of extinction for the blood temple. I am the sinner of the Lord!"

"My lord ... the Ethereal God sent a messenger ... saying that it will only give us six days. If we don't pay the price that pleases him, he will kill our blood temple and wipe out our blood temple completely. Go, the cardinals are currently negotiating with the messenger of the Void. "

A subordinate could not help but interrupt.

"The messenger of the Void Demon !?"

Vlad hesitated.

Despite the grief in her heart, she had to get up from the bed and forcibly converge: "What's the situation now ..."

As his subordinates introduced the situation, they served Vlad and stood up. By the time Pope Vlad came to the conference room, he had a general understanding of what had happened in the past few days.

"My Lord ... was killed by the sword of the nihil devil ... This ... This is a vast power that the **** king of the commander's system cannot do. Only those ancient gods and respected gods born from the ancient times have the power of……"

There was a hint of panic in Vlad's eyes.

As a pope, he knew more than everyone else, and that's why he understood the terrifying power of those who could kill the true God.

This kind of deities born in the ancient times ...

That is the existence of awe and fear of the true gods.

Offending such a horrible ancient god, trying to calm his anger is the only option to avoid the complete destruction of the Blood Temple.

With such anxiety and anxiety about the future, Pope Vlad pushed open the door of the conference room.

Inside the door, a cave man was loudly fighting for the benefit of the Void Demon: "Legendary essence, momentary leaves, clear crystals and other materials are just icing on the cake. All the top inheritances in the temple are just to express our greatness to the Void Demon. The meaning of surrender, as that great existence, why care about the legendary heritage, as for the legendary creature, it is also a rare thing, if it is not the blood of the creature is special, it is not even qualified to dedicate to adults ... "

Pope Vlad looked at the cave man ~ ~ faintly familiar.

Isn't this Blacktooth, Bishop Goodbye's assistant?

It was the cave man who first issued a warning that they should never offend the Void Deity.

"Master Pope ... We have confirmed with the Akasaka Kingdom that the Void Devil did accept him as a servant and let him take charge of it. Giving him a breakthrough in power is the best proof ..."

The subordinates on the side seemed to see the doubt of Pope Vlad, and quickly explained.

"I'm just a humble servant of the Lord of the Great Void Lord. Now it is me who comes to discuss with you the satisfaction of the Lord of the Void Lord. Once you take out the things that can't calm down the wrath of the Lord of the Void Lord, the Lord Lord of God will come to you The sun-like brilliance will surely bloom above the Blood Moon Mountains, turning the entire Blood Temple into nothingness ... "

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