The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 808: Holy Spirit Plan

Golden Eagle Empire.

据 Lone Star Superpower.

This country is lonely overseas, and its land is not bordered by any continent of East Shenzhou, Xiyanzhou, Nanlizhou, or Beihanzhou. Although they have not been signed by the "containment agreement", they have been suppressed by the world's top forces. Development is extremely slow, a superpower, and let alone a half-step legend, there are few Xeons.

However, relying on its geographical advantage, many top forces can't sanction the Golden Eagle Empire. In addition, the Golden Eagle Empire vigorously promotes the "Eye Eye" monitoring system. Unconsciously, we have reached the forefront of the world.

Not only has the most satellites, the most air forces, but also the strongest navy.

It is because of their powerful military forces that they squeezed into the ranks of the super empire more than 30 years ago. If it was not because of the joint blockade and suppression of many forces, the advanced technology products of the Golden Eagle Empire may have started. Occupy the entire world's market.

At this time, the Presidential Palace of the Golden Eagle Empire, headed by President George and Vice President Ron, is smiling with a smile on the intelligence minister Hess and defense minister Freders and others to discuss a new plan for the empire.

"Okay! OK! Director Hess, you really did not let us down."

总统 President George smiled and praised.

"It ’s mainly the sacred hypnosis of Saint Charles. If it weren't for his insidious hypnosis for several of the principals of the World Peace Commission, we wouldn't be able to get so much information and successfully overcome the Shia blockade. Strict 'sentence punishment' technology, imitating the weapon of punishment in his hands! "

Hess also responded with a smile: "In fact, thanks to the technical reserves of China's scientific research departments, the technical reserves of all of us have matured. The difference is only one direction. The direction is right. Naturally, it is easy to break through the control. The "sentence punishment" technology in the hands of Baili Qingfeng, even without these materials, scientific research departments can still develop such weapons within ten years. "

"The resources of our Golden Eagle Empire are far beyond what Baili Qingfeng can match. Immediately prepare large-scale preparations for‘ Divine Penalty ’weapons, and ...”

George's eyes fell on Secretary of Defense Freders: "Has this weapon, can we be fearless of the hundred miles and blue fronts, the strongest and half-step legends of all countries?"

"The power of this weapon is unquestionable, but it is not completely without its shortcomings. The biggest problem is the speed of attack. Once the opponent is prepared, the situation will become complicated."

Freders said, adding quickly: "But the rocket propulsion technology over the Ministry of Space can be used for this weapon. They are currently conducting related research and believe that there will be results soon."

"Only relying on this kind of weapon can kill more than one, but I'm afraid it can't resist the crazy revenge of the top warriors afterwards. The Golden Eagle Empire itself must have enough high-level military force."

George said.

Ron on the side smiled and took out a few copies of the documents and said, "I was about to talk about this today. The think tank handed me a plan the day before yesterday. I studied it carefully and cooperated with our new development. "Divine punishment" weapons have a lot of room for operation. If we are lucky, our Golden Eagle Empire will be able to produce a batch of top powerhouses in batches. "

"Oh, what plan?"

Ron passed the information to President George, Minister Flanders, and Director Hess.

"Holy Spirit Plan?"

A few people glanced for a moment, one by one could not help but move: "This ... this is too bold?"

"But it works!"

Ron is full of confidence: "I have carefully studied the special existence of the Holy Spirit. Although this life is completely subject to the deities, the converted Holy Spirit will not only become a carrier of the deities. At the critical moment, the deities can even Take back the power given to the Holy Spirit and bring them back from the legendary combat power, but ... as long as you can be given power to transform the Holy Spirit, even a ninth-level warrior can be legendary in a very short time! Once our Golden Eagle Empire can There are ten eight holy spirits, what is Baili Qingfeng worth? What is the glorious empire and the steel empire? "

但 "But ... if there is a problem with the plan, all these converted holy spirits will become the puppets of the gods, and even our Golden Eagle Empire will be controlled by that god's converted holy spirit ..."

Freders frowned.

所以 "So, choosing the right shrine to work is the top priority."

Ron said: "The deity we choose must be generous, generous, and eager to achieve a certain purpose. In addition, we must confirm that he will come to our world someday in the future. Only in this way can we be fundamental to him. Before we understand our world, relying on the weapon of "God punishment" to kill it unexpectedly. When the oracle is dead, the Holy Spirit in the country is equal to getting rid of control. We are equivalent to cultivating several, even dozens of legendary grades The strong, this kind of gain is many times stronger than martial arts training ... "

"This plan is too dangerous and daring. It's a tightrope walk, in case this‘ sentence punishment ’weapon ca n’t kill the deity…”

Fladers was worried.

But Ron waved his hand: "I have discussed it with experts who are studying the Second World. According to their speculation, the so-called oracles have only evolved to higher levels of beings, just like the nine-level martial arts and Xeon. Like the legendary, the Xeon is like the legend, how powerful is the power of Bai Di Qingfeng's "sentence punishment". You know very well that the high temperature of tens of millions of degrees erupts instantly, let alone a legend, even the gods above the legend will Reduced to ashes! "

Speaking of this, he said, "Moreover, the national strength we have is far beyond what Baili Qingfeng can match. The R & D department can improve the original technology of Baili Qingfeng and develop a more powerful 'sentence punishment' weapon. ... as Baili Qingfeng said when he was speaking at the base outside Xia Ya, when we have thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of "sentence punishment" weapons, we can have the destruction of the world Power! Did the oracle have the power to destroy the world? "

"Of course not. According to the translations of the Second World information we have obtained, their angry punishment has destroyed at most one city ... Therefore, as long as we really have a large number of such weapons, they can only be in the face of our human 'sentence'. Shivering! "

Hayes said with a smile.

"His Excellency, this is our best opportunity. If we do n’t take advantage of this opportunity, we will use the power of the gods to cultivate more Holy Spirits. Wait until the Baili Qingfeng and the country of Hea behind him truly digest the Aurora Empire and unify. After East China Island, we are afraid there is no such hope. Baili Qingfeng can create a weapon of "shen punishment", which shows that we attach great importance to scientific research. One unites East China Island, has a large population, and has a hundred million people. Feng and other top powerhouses sit in the town, and even the technology is not inferior to the terrible forces of our Golden Eagle Empire ... "

Ron said this without saying any more.

But George already understood what he meant.

I really want this to happen, the Golden Eagle Empire, never want to ascend the throne of the world overlord, in the next hundred years will have to tremble under the suppression of Hia and Baili Qingfeng.

Even if Baili Qingfeng lived a little longer, this time will reach hundreds of years!

Hundreds of years……

George thought for a long time, and finally exhaled a long breath: "Have a cabinet meeting to discuss!"

"Sir President, I think the fewer people this plan knows, the better."

Ron stopped: "A large number of people may ensure that the plan is tight and complete, but it will increase the possibility of exposure! We are plotting oracles, saying that it is not too much to conspire to kill God with the power of mortals, in case someone reports Spread it out ... "

George was silent for a full minute this time.

"I know, go ahead and prepare. This matter requires great care. If you don't choose a suitable deity, you would rather not execute the plan!"

"Yes! Everything for the Empire!"

Ron said heavily.

George nodded, "Everything is for the Empire!"

Uh ...

"淅 LELI ..."

In the bathroom, the water droplets from the shower kept flowing down, which washed away the breath of earth from Baili Qingfeng.

Maybe ...

I also have a persistent **** smell.

This time around the world of the caveman, there are not many cave people who died in his hands, there are definitely 4,000.

Ordinary people need an hour or two from counting to four thousand, let alone killing more than four thousand souls.

"No matter how I do it, no matter how much I do, but all kinds of things continue to happen ... even, under these troubles, I have less and less time to enjoy a peaceful life ... What the **** is wrong ... "

Bali Qingfeng looked up at the ceiling ~ ~ Let the water flow constantly wash down from the head.

He thought of his experience on the road, thinking of the people living and working in the city of Xia, and the peace of the Kingdom of Hea ...

"I'm not wrong, at least, I think I'm not wrong."

Bali Qingfeng stopped the flushing action.

He's not wrong, so ...

Who is wrong?

Bali Qingfeng was speechless for a long time.

He sighed for three minutes, and even the hot water was almost gone, he sighed deeply.

"Human heart ..."

Uh ...

Turn off the water source, Baili Qingfeng took the towel, wiped off the water stains on her body, changed a set of clothes, then dried her hair with a hair dryer, and returned to the living room.

依 In the living room, Shi Yiyi was busy, helping Baili Qingfeng to take out a book and a lot of medicine, and put it away.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng, Shi Yiyi said, "Qing Feng, you have finished taking a shower. Grand Sky Grandfather just called and said he would come to visit later."


Qian Baili Qingfeng nodded, which was expected.

For a moment, his eyes fell on the medicine cleared from the box by Shi Yiyi.

Twenty-nine are the essence of legendary blood and three are the essence of true God.

In addition, there are fourteen instant flowers and twelve crystals.

Looking at these things, Baili Qingfeng was a little lost.

After this distraction, he suddenly laughed. .

There is no emotion in this smile.


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