The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 822: Danger

Nothing like the red carpet left.

Baili Qingfeng took out the mineral water bottle on the backpack with a little regret, unscrewed it, and took a big sip.

After drinking the water, he thought for a while: "I'm not the prime minister of any country. Visiting another country is necessary for others to spread the red carpet at the airport? That's the treatment of national leaders. Although I have some status now ... but not The leader of any country, when standing in the position of Shia, only has a shot as the deputy suzerainty of the Thunder Sect. The suzerain is not. Such a folk martial force visits the emperor of another country. The normal process should first enter them. City, find a hotel to stay, then send out an application for the meeting, and wait for the other party to see you again when they have time. "

Thinking of this, a trace of regret just born in his mind was quickly forgotten.

Moreover, he himself is not a person who likes communicative rituals, it is best to simply go home after trading things.

"So ... find a hotel first."

Baili Qingfeng said, looked at his mobile phone ...

There are no electronic maps at this time ...

I can only buy a map after entering the city.

Thinking to himself, Baili Qingfeng continued to walk towards the glorious empire.

Baili Qingfeng is carrying a one-meter-high box and is wearing a dark red armor. If he is naturally in the barren mountains and mountains, there is no need to worry about attracting attention. As he enters the sun, this glorious and ancient city , This style is attracting frequent visitors.

Fortunately, with the rise of martial arts, it is not uncommon for body armor similar to Baili Qingfeng. Many people who like to play role-playing will also travel in this way. Although he attracted a lot of attention, he Not too much trouble.

Baili Qingfeng bought a map at a newsstand for three minutes.

The reason why it took three minutes was mainly because the currency of the Kingdom of Shia and the currency of the Shining Empire were not the same. The other party refused to accept it. It took him a lot of time to convince the other party to sell him the map.

Fortunately, it is not something expensive to buy, otherwise the other party may not be willing to do it.

"You have to change some money."

Baili Qingfeng opened the map.

Thanks to the fact that Shia was a colony of the glorious empire, Baili Qingfeng could understand the words of the glorious empire.

"The hotel you stay in cannot be too far away from the palace, lest the other party wait for a long time after applying for a meeting, travel outside, be polite, and be a good visitor."

Baili Qingfeng watched for a moment and quickly chose a hotel.

Although the grade is not very high, it is only four kilometers away from the palace. If you walk a little faster, it will take you a few minutes, which can save the money of the bus.

Baili Qingfeng discerned the route clearly, and quickly set foot to walk to the chosen hotel.

Not long after leaving, his cell phone rang.

"Calling this time ... Fortunately, there is no such thing as roaming abroad in this world, and there are no expensive extra charges."

Baili Qingfeng connected the mobile phone, and soon there was a cautious voice from Prime Minister Yasuo: "Chairman Qingfeng, have you reached the glorious empire?"

"Here it is."

"But ... but didn't you let me arrange ..."

"Yes, I'll let you submit a meeting application for me, otherwise I'm embarrassed to go directly to someone's house and knock on the door? The emperor of the brilliant empire lives in the palace, and most people can't enter.

Baili Qingfeng said, and asked strangely, "How do you know that I have reached the glorious empire?"

"Yes ... it was someone from the Shining Empire who called to confirm."

Prime Minister Yasuo's tone was somewhat injured.


Baili Qingfeng glanced around.

Because of his strange appearance, many people are looking at him. These people are ordinary people and secret agents of the intelligence department. Baili Qingfeng cannot tell.

However, he traded for the glorious empire emperor brightly, and did not want to do anything bad that was unsatisfactory. He sat upright, and did not take these things seriously.

"By the way, Prime Minister Yasuo, did you submit the application for the meeting? When will Her Majesty William XII, the glorious empire, have time to meet with me? I'd better go back soon after the transaction is completed."

Baili Qingfeng said.

"It has been submitted, this ... Chairman Qingfeng, you wait for me now, I will arrange for the embassy to pick you up right away."


"Ambassador ..."

Baili Qingfeng listened, but did not refuse.

The embassy should have a lot of empty houses for domestic personnel. If you live in the embassy, ​​you can save money on hotel openings. You just do n’t know how long it takes for the embassy to be far from the palace.

Bai Li Qing Feng waited, looking around.

Although the Shining Empire and the Kingdom of Shia are two different countries, Shia has been colonized by the Shining Empire for many years. Although it was established independently, it has been less than two decades. Many places have not shaken off the Shining Empire and stood in the Shining Empire. On the streets, he didn't feel much difference from the Kingdom of Shia.

Even if the glorious empire's capital does not fall, it may not be better than Charya.

After all, in recent years, the development efficiency of the city of Charia has been too fast.

Baili Qingfeng waited for a while, and a car from Hisa ’s embassy in the glorious empire ’s capital, Sunburst City, stopped beside him. He was accompanied by the future Emperor Crown Prince Lucius and the Dragon Nest. High-rise golden dragon.

Following the introduction by the ambassador, Prince Lucius immediately stepped forward and greeted Baili Qingfeng with a smile: "Welcome His Excellency Chairman Baili Qingfeng of the Six-State Military Joint Commission."

Jinlong aside also kept a smile.

However, his smile was obviously unnatural.

Say good submission route? Say good official visit too!

They all looked good for elementary school students, but then you told me that you have arrived in the capital?

"Hello, hello."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud, "You have come to meet you with labor."

"Yes, yes, Chairman Baili Qingfeng came to our glorious empire, and the glorious empire is honored. My father was pleasantly surprised to learn that the chairman was here. He has prepared a banquet for the chairman, and received the wind for the chairman . "

Lucius said very politely.

"Hmm? Is it tonight? Will you meet up tonight? Doesn't Her Majesty need to arrange time?"

Baili Qingfeng was a little surprised.

According to this trend, the transaction can be completed at night and can go back tomorrow?

If he rushes home, he can start his journey and go back tonight.

Anyway, with his eyesight, there is not much difference between day and night.

"Chairman Baili Qingfeng is our most honorable guest of the glorious empire, and my father has pushed you out of all meetings and arrangements."

"How sorry?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

"Chairman, let's go to the embassy to store our luggage and prepare for the evening meeting."

Mr. Ambassador smiled.

"it is good."

Baili Qingfeng glanced at the car, said hello to Lucius, and sat up.

At the moment, the convoy moved forward towards the embassy area.

On the way, the expressions of Lucius and Jinlong were full of response.

"Fortunately, this Baili Qingfeng suddenly appeared in our glorious empire capital. It didn't look like what was found. If he did find something, he wouldn't talk to us kindly. "

Lucius said.

There was a hint of escape from death in his tone.

"This is indeed good news in the bad news."

Jin Long bowed and said, "All of our three-handed plans are no longer available. His Majesty just circulated to me and pushed the action to the evening banquet. He has already recalled four people, including the Holy King, as quickly as possible ... this Although the plan is a backup plan, the degree of perfection cannot be compared with the first plan, but it is better than no response. "

"It can only be this way. I hope that the character model established by Wensley based on the behavior of Baili Qingfeng will have some reference to his prediction, otherwise ..."

Lucius was a little worried.

"In any case, there are four legends on our side. How can Baili Qingfeng fight so well that they have one against each other, and even two legends joined together, but under the siege of the four legends, there is still only one way to go."

Jinlong gritted his teeth.

Lucius nodded.

I hope so.


At this moment, Baili Qingfeng was sitting in the car, and beside him, Mr. Ambassador was introducing him some glorious empire information.


When approaching the embassy area, Baili Qingfeng seemed to notice something, and suddenly glanced in one direction: "That's ... the breath of higher life !?"

In today's world, there is only one kind of legend that can be called a higher life!

According to the legend, even if human beings break their own human limits again and again, they still belong to ordinary life. Their use of power is limited to strength, vitality, spirituality, bleeding, hypoxia, toxins, diseases and other issues that can lead to their death. Even the most powerful people who have built up their true body are no exception.

But when it comes to legendary life, the power of the soul and the power of life will combine, they will undergo a round of transformation from the inside out.

Under this transformation, some of the deadly features of low-level life will no longer be applicable to them. Remodeling of broken limbs and regeneration of internal organs will no longer be extravagant expectations for them. Some powerful people of life will be pierced through their skulls. Can still die.

However, in order to maintain this form, the external environment is more demanding. The current barren realm is difficult to support except for the gates of space, space channels with very high opening frequencies, and high energy places. Therefore, today, There are only two legendary lives, and there is no one among human beings.

But just now ...

He faintly felt the existence of the legendary life! ?

"Is there a legendary life in the glorious empire?"

Baili Qingfeng's look gradually condensed ~ ~ At the moment when others are in the car, the four mental forces have been excited at the same time. Within a second, a large amount of particulate dust has been polished into many smooth lenses. The sight 14 kilometers away was suddenly exposed to his vision.

In his "field of vision", two legendary breaths are moving in one car in one direction ...

But this is not the point, the point is that in those two legends, he felt the breath of the beastly man!

And the direction of their vehicles ...

Seems to be the palace of the shining empire! ?

"No! There are assassins! Her Majesty William is in danger!"

List of chapters with high-speed text and hand-to-hand enemies

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