The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 824: Destructive force

Golden light shines!

Time seems to be stuck at this moment!

Maybe a century, maybe a moment!


Golden light, flame, blood, explosion, roar!

The stagnant picture is shattered, and the bright golden light illuminates all directions. It will devour all the dozens of meters of the circle centering on the confrontation between the two.

The deafening explosion swept away at the center of the collision!

The space compressed to the extreme seemed to become a substance at this moment, carrying a pressure of more than one billion Pa to destroy all objects within a range of tens of meters centered on two people.

The ground on which the Burning Wings cracked instantly, countless stone debris shattered into the void, and was swept and crushed by all the shock waves sweeping in the next second. The violent hurricane was surrounded by countless debris and was like a bullet. .

Within dozens of meters, the ground subsided, houses collapsed, and cars parked on both sides of the road were lifted a dozen meters away. Trees and flowers planted on both sides were uprooted, and then hurled into debris by the hurricane.

"Burning Wings!"

The unbelievable voice of the Holy Spirit was startled from the explosion roar.

Watching the exploded Jianguang hole pierce his body and almost become the burning wings of blood mist, his heart's inspiration was shocked like never before!

The Burning Wing is slightly more powerful than Pompeii in terms of combat strength. It has reached the peak of the creatures under the high-end legend in strength, only to inspire one's spiritual conviction and condense the core of the soul. Put him into the realm of high-end legends and enjoy endless glory.

But this kind of existence was actually killed in a face-to-face meeting with Baili Qingfeng! ?

The explosive power of this human, and the horrible means of suddenly disappearing, seeing the power of God to suppress to nothing ...


The shattered earth shook again!

This is the sound caused by the burst of energy underfoot!

The shocked face of the Holy Spirit, "No!"

Then the power broke out and pulled back!

Almost at the same time as he pulled away, the dazzling golden light erupted from the diffused smoke, and a swordman tore up the dust and debris on the street, carrying an indiscriminate assassination machine, bursting out!

"call out!"

Jianguang stabbed, but it was the phantom left after the fall of the Holy Spirit of Golem!

Missing a sword, Baili Qingfeng did not mean to retreat.

By sudden assassination, he has beheaded a legend, and there is one left ...

Relying on his physical strength, he can completely advance, attack, retreat and defend, so why not chase after victory! ?


Baili Qingfeng flew in shape, and the assassination of Wushuang Sword in his hand once again. The fierce friction between the sword and the air directly formed a dazzling sword cricket, tearing the void under the increase of the residual power of the golden demon disintegration, killing in the air to the Holy Spirit body before.

At the critical moment, the shape of the Holy Spirit of Golem was twisted, cut out with a sword, and collided directly with the sword cricket shot by Baili Qingfeng volley!


The air waves burst!

The scattered radon gas and razor awn made the place where they met exploded a detonation bomb. All electric lights, glass, and porcelain within a range of tens of meters were smashed at the same time, and the ground on which the Holy Spirit was based was shot. The sword cricket rips out the sword marks of the Tao Road, fragmented!

Some ordinary people who are less able to dodge are even screaming, and the blood in the eardrums shoots blood!

And the sacred spirit of the gory sacrifice who hurriedly turned and cut a knife blocked the sword cricket shot by Baili Qingfeng, but the figure was slightly out of balance, and crashed into a ten-story building directly, and the building wall was Crashing a large hole caused a lot of dust.


Screams came from inside the building.

But before these screams and panics had time to spread, Baili Qingfeng seemed to be a golden streamer, followed by the kill!


At the next moment, it seems that the two people sent a real collision in the building. The ground shook and a terrifying shock wave blew out from the building. It shook all the windows and doors on the first and second floors at the same time. Counts out debris.


Body flashes!

The Holy Spirit of Golems did not know what secret method was used. It burst out from the building and crashed into the wall. It rushed out a hundred meters away at an incredible speed. Behind him, the dark red figure that was already dusty followed him. The golden sword light once again shone in the void, and two figures collided in a volley of more than ten meters in the sky!

The collision of Jian Guang and Dao Mang once again caused severe air explosion.

Fragile objects within a range of several tens of meters were smashed at the same time, and because the confrontation took place at a height of more than ten meters, the damage caused was far beyond everyone's imagination, and because of the block, the population was dense. The people of the glorious empire were shocked into blood mist directly under the impact of this gas explosion, and even dozens or hundreds of ordinary people were lifted up and shattered their internal organs tens of meters away!

Legend of life!

This is the horror of legendary life!

During the two battles, the figures are moving and fighting at a speed of more than 200 meters per second. Each collision and explosion of air waves can destroy tens of meters of life, spreading hundreds of meters, and can erupt in a densely populated city. Destructive power is unimaginable.



In the void, a dragon with a height of three or four hundred meters dropped suddenly from the sky. It was like a living life, with a horrifying roar that smashed the soul, raised its claws in anger, and aimed at the hundred miles that followed. Qing Feng took a hard shot.

The clash of the battle once again drove the Holy Spirit of Scarlet Flame back. The Baili Qingfeng, who was about to pursue the chase, was shot by this dragon's ghost, and his body seemed to weigh on tens of tons, including the dragon's ghost The impact of the power on his body is even more direct into his spiritual world, and it seems that he wants to defeat his spiritual world.

He chased after a while and fell involuntarily.

The Baili Qingfeng only received some shocks and was slow in shape, but the coercion emanating from the dragon's three to four hundred meters roaring to the ordinary people, how terrifying?

With a center of 500 to 600 meters, everyone ’s spirit is like a candle swept by the storm, and it extinguishes instantly. Thousands of people fall instantly, even hundreds of meters away. People can't help but send out a painful sorrow, and some people can't stand rolling.

The range of the gas explosion caused by ordinary attacks may be only one or two hundred meters, and the lethal lethal range is only tens of meters. However, when these legendary strongmen use their attack methods, the lethality soars tenfold!

A legend, one person destroying the city, is not empty words!

One shot drove Baili Qingfeng back. Facing this opportunity that could obviously reverse the war situation, the Holy Spirit of the Flames did not dare to fight back, but whistled in one direction again at the fastest speed.

"Can't let this legendary beastly man go any further!"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the large number of ordinary people who fell around, and the pain and sorrows coming from a distance, with a solemn look.

Even if these are the people of the glorious empire, not the people of Hea, they belong to the human race after all ...

Watching them die because of their battle with the Holy Spirit ...

He can't do it!

Of course, this does not mean that he is willing to watch the legendary beastly man escape because of these sacrifices!

If a legendary beastly man fleeing from hiding if he sabotages the damage and destruction that can eventually be caused, I don't know how many times it is now!

Moreover, these legendary beastly men came to assassinate the brilliant emperor William XII. If they really let their conspiracy succeed, the glorious empire would be in chaos, and the beastly humans thought they had seized the opportunity and would definitely invade the brilliant empire. At that time, the sacrifice could be as simple as hundreds or thousands of people. It was a war between the glorious empire and the beastly man. The casualties would be calculated by 100,000, millions, or even tens of millions.

How many people will be destroyed by that time, and how many wives will be scattered by that time?

Long pain is worse than short pain!

In order to help the glorious empire to destroy these beastly people plotting wars, and to be able to let the glorious empire be dragged into the quagmire of war with the beastly people, he must not have the slightest kind of woman!

Even if he watched countless people fall into a pool of blood, he had to harden his heart and kill this legendary beastly man!

"This is our human kingdom! You cannot escape!"

Baili Qingfeng shouted.

Feeling the intense emotions brewing in his heart, he immediately detonated this emotion with the triple technique. For a time, the speed soared, coupled with the increase in the heaven and human realm, the two had just opened a trace of distance and were instantly drawn closer!

"Only 50% of the universal cells in my body have been left ... well, just recovered some, and only 60% are left ... half ... but there is not much difference between 60% and 50%. Strictly speaking I have only one hit Power……"

With one stroke of power, the only way to truly kill the Holy Spirit of Golem is to cast a half-step of the star realm, so as to ignore the repressive power brought by the summoning dragon ghost.

Although the half-step star state consumes a lot of spirit, ...

Hasn't he completed many divisions, and his spirit has changed from the previous two to eight?

The two spirits can support half a step of the star state, and now eight are ...

Even if four of them are freshmen, the half-step stardom is not difficult!

At this moment, two breaths broke into the telepathy of Baili Qingfeng.

And these two breaths ...

Although a little weird ~ ~, but the strength of the breath is not inferior to the legendary life!

In order to deal with the glorious empire, the beastly man actually sent four legendary strongmen! ?

It's heartbroken!

"You can't let their three legends converge! Otherwise, it will definitely be the end of my life!"

At the end of the reading, Baili Qingfeng's eyes flashed, his spirit boiled, and the golden demon's disintegration technique was excited again.


The golden flame that had been silent for a long time erupted again, and the violent breath rose into the sky, like a pillar of gas, straight into the sky, agitating the situation.

With his feet running violently, his body erupted, and his body whistled out into the shadow of the dragon called by the Holy Spirit of Golem, with a fierce air explosion!

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