The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 830: Star Assassination

The video recorder is full of pictures of Baili Qingfeng and William XII united, loving, and helping each other, including a scene in which William XII gratefully gave 104 miles of superb gold.

The recording of this was a maid hiding behind a gap in the wall, a hundred meters away, while the palace collapsed.

After recording these pictures, her eyes flashed with irresistible hatred, turned, and left the palace silently.

"Betrayal, we have been shamefully betrayed! The humans of these glorious empires did not really want to cooperate with us, they did not want to protect us! They jealous of our strength, the purpose of cooperation is to appease us until we relax Be vigilant and then use a shameful conspiracy to unite this terrible human power to kill the noble Holy Spirit and powerful burning wings. The next step is that they must decide our relationship and strike against us ... I must tell this news Everyone, this is a despicable act of betrayal! This is trample on the trust of all of our beastly warriors! "

The fury of her chest was burning: "Revenge! Our mighty beastly warrior must avenge this despicable act!"

With this kind of emotion, she tried her best to maintain her human form and ran out of the city with the fastest speed.

After leaving the city, she went in the direction ...

It is a coniferous forest area south of the Shining Empire.


"His Majesty William XII is a kind man."

Baili Qingfeng said with a sincere emotion, carrying his box.

Not long after he left the palace, he met Mr. Ambassador Chia, along with His Highness Lucius and Jin Long.

However, both His Royal Highness and the Golden Dragon looked a little ugly.

In this regard, Baili Qingfeng said that he could understand that after all, so many people died in his country's capital in one day. At this time, they must be so anxious that their emotions are wrong.

It is considered courteous to be able to take time to accompany him in this panic situation.

But others are courteous and thoughtful. As a guest, it is even more important to learn not to trouble the host. At the moment, Baili Qingfeng said to the two people: "Go back, don't accompany us, we will take a night off."

"My task is to accompany Chairman Baili Qingfeng, to entertain Chairman Baili Qingfeng's clothing and food, to lead the chairman to visit the scenic spots that will never fall, and to ask the chairman to give us this opportunity."

Lucius was courteous.

"It's really unnecessary."

Baili Qingfeng had some headaches.

Looking at the appearance of Lucius who must do his best to not leave, he had to lift out the box containing the blood **** steel from Mr. Ambassador: "No, no, really no, I am I just went back. There's still something at home. Okay, I know you are busy. Just go, don't worry about me, I'll go first. "

Having said that, he really couldn't hold the enthusiasm of these people, and he didn't even get into the ambassador of the Shia embassy. He just took the pace and ran straight outside the city.

"Chairman Baili Qingfeng, don't you, at least ... at least let us send you ..."

Lucius shouted from behind.

Unfortunately, Baili Qingfeng is not slow and has quickly disappeared into their field of vision.


"I didn't expect the people of the Shining Empire to be so enthusiastic. It seemed that I had been prejudiced against them before."

Baili Qingfeng thought.

At this point he was far away from the Sundown City. Although he was still in the glory of the Empire, he had already separated by thousands of kilometers.

The four legends are not, after all, a general generation.

Especially in the last moment, in order to stop the human traitor from attacking the Emperor William of the brilliant empire, he did not hesitate to burn the energy in the liver cells to trigger the disintegration of the golden demon. The damage to himself was not small.

This is why he previously wanted to follow Mr. Ambassador to the Embassy of the Kingdom of Shia for a night's rest.

However, the people of the glorious empire were too enthusiastic, and Baili Qingfeng had to leave first and rest for a night in a small hotel in a small town thousands of kilometers away.

The environment of the small hotels in the town is naturally not too good.

Not only was there no hot water, the lights were dim in orange, and the quilt had a strange smell.

Fortunately, Baili Qingfeng does not have high requirements for the living environment, let alone have a place to live. Even if he sleeps in the wilderness and caves, he has more than once or twice. Each time he travels in the cave world, the residence is not extremely bad?

There was a bathroom, and he was content to wash his hands after going to the bathroom.

"Poor sound insulation."

Baili Qingfeng sat on the bed, shook his head while listening to the footsteps from time to time from outside.

The sound of footsteps is actually not much. The key is that the women's shouts of "ahhhh" from the next room make it difficult to fall asleep.

Helpless Baili Qingfeng simply did not sleep, and concentrated his energy on his own practice.

If the biggest gain from this glorious empire's trip is not 104, it is not the first-class gold, but the brand-new sword skill created through the understanding and use of the half-step stardom.

"This swordplay needs to be performed in a half-step star state, silent and silent, coupled with extremely fast speed, completely relying on privacy and speed to kill people, which is fully in line with my assassin's way, but it is the swordplay that suits me best. System ... hmm, give this swordplay a name ... "

Baili Qingfeng pondered for a moment, and soon made a decision: "The premise of this sword technique is half-step star state, plus another assassination sword technique that promotes the assassin's way, then it is called star assassination. . "

The name fits perfectly with the characteristics of this sword art.

Compared to the Holy Spirit swordsmanship like the sword array, this swordsmanship really belongs to his fighting swordsmanship.

Since then, there has been nihilism in the general outline of cultivation, small nihilism in the refining body, and the disintegration of the golden heavenly demon in the outbreak.

The Holy Spirit's eternal life method cannot be used for the time being, and it can only be supplemented by the idea of ​​the innate **** and demon concept, which is temporarily a short board.

The realm of the realm is the practice of small universe.

Coupled with the Holy Spirit Sword Art and the Assassination Book of the Star, his cultivation system has been completely improved in addition to refining the gods.

As for the mixed elementary Qi technique, the quantum warfare body, the phoenix nirvana, etc., he has already been integrated into the little nihility technique and became a part of the little nihility technique. As long as the little nihility technique is trained, these effects will naturally be derived There is no need to deliberately cultivate.

After sorting out his training system a little, Baili Qingfeng nodded with satisfaction, took out the first-class gold shirt before bedtime, and just rested by meditation instead of sleep.


One night passed quickly.

After a night of conditioning and cultivation, he and the four legendary lives left the wounds much better than half. Although the liver function has not completely recovered, it no longer affects daily operations.

At the moment he set off again and rushed back to Xiahai, Xiahai, East Asia, at night.

Because it was a little late when they returned, Shi Yiyi and Bailizhu both fell asleep. Baili Qingfeng didn't bother them, but put things down and changed their clothes out of the yard to the old town ... to renovate slightly After a while, it looked clean and tidy for a long time, and walked along the old town with a hint of history.

It is precisely because the old city was renovated that the bluestone floor was replaced with gray-white marble flooring. The surrounding shops have also undergone some renovations. As a result, Baili Qingfeng turned around in the old city, but no barbecue restaurant was found.

"Snack Street has been removed from the old town?"

Baili Qingfeng muttered, the spiritual power formed a ripple, and soon spread in all directions.

Not long after, he took a step forward and walked more than two thousand meters, and soon found a lively street in a place not far from the west gate of Shire University.

Although it was over ten o'clock, there were still people coming and going on the street.

On both sides of the street are a variety of small shops selling a variety of snacks, such as pancakes, grilled meat, oysters, milk tea, desserts, noodles, etc., all kinds of flavors are intertwined, making people appetite.

Baili Qingfeng bought a bunch of barbecue and strolled while walking, his eyes looked quite fresh.

This street seems to have been open for half a year, and it is less than three kilometers from the small yard where he lives, but he has no idea at all.

However, due to the proximity to the Blue Ocean College of Music, Shire University, and the Lanying Academy of Art, young people come and go on the streets, and most of them go together, and there are couples hugging and laughing in every direction.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the pairs of pedestrians around him, and then looked at himself and the barbecue he was holding in his hands.

He was a little bit nervous.


He seems to be crossing the street like this.

After a while, he picked up the skewers, bit the bottom piece of meat, and pulled the sign back. When he squeezed all the pieces of meat to the top, he swallowed it, and then threw the sign into the trash bin. Turned around chicly and headed towards Qingyuan Mountain.

This time ...

Somehow, he avoided the busiest street and walked into a quiet alley.

Maybe it's because there is too much traffic on the main street, or it is a short road ...

Baili Qingfeng moved forward, and after walking for a while, he seemed to find something, and stopped.

His gaze fell on a fruit shop in an alley.

This is a franchise fruit shop called Luye. The shop is just like most fruit shops, but the owner of the shop recognizes it.


It seems that it's time to snooze, Mormi is preparing to close the store, and at the alley, a woman who looks like him one or two years old is coming to pick him up with a little girl who has just learnt to walk for a year ~ ~ Seeing women and children, Mormi's face was full of smiles, and he stepped forward and hugged the little girl and held it high.

The woman watched tenderly, and the little girl was full of happy children's voices like "rakes, rakes" in the alley.

"Mormi is married ... and daughter ..."

Baili Qingfeng realized this problem in his mind.

Mormi is one year older than him, already twenty-four years old. If it is a virtual year, it is twenty-five. In this big city, it is all married at the age of twenty-two. It is normal for a daughter who is more than one year old.

A happy little family.

There was deep envy in Baili Qingfeng's eyes.

In the end, instead of greeting him, he turned around and changed alleys, and his body quickly disappeared into the darkness.

List of chapters with high-speed text and hand-to-hand enemies

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