The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 838: destruction

"Thunder King's Dong Shengyang has already given a reply. He will lead Lin Huang as a reinforcement as soon as possible, but it will take time."

"We were contacted by Zhao Jiansheng, but Zhao Jiansheng said that he is now in a critical period and is in a critical period. In addition, he also promised Baili Qingfeng, optimistic about the city of Xia, and ca n’t leave Xiaya at will unless he waits Come, we are currently doing his ideological work. "

"The legendary beast Cangba over the gate of Tianyu Mountain's space has gone to the wind and has never landed yet. According to the breeder who provided food for the legendary creature Cangba, the Cangba as a bird stays in the sky and the field every day. It took more than twenty hours ... they couldn't control the trajectory of this legendary creature! But he said that once Cangyu came, he would have to rush it to Xuelan Town for reinforcements. "

Every message quickly spread to the town of Blood Orchid, where the basic defense had been established, and fell into the hands of the commander-in-chief of the legendary half-step.

"This Zhao Si actually ..."

Hexuheng listened to the report of these news, his face was a little dignified.

Except that Lin Huang led by Dong Shengyang responded in the first time, the remaining two combat powers, Zhao Jiansheng and the legendary creature Cang Ji, couldn't come at the first time?

"What happened to the Kingdom of Hea?"

Wu Xuheng asked the intelligence officer who had brought the news before him.

"The Shia side has held an emergency meeting and the army is now gathering."

The Heavenly Mansion who brought this news, a Xeon who has been hidden in the dark, named Wei Zhang, gave a slight pause after giving a response, and hesitated a little: "But ... the guardian of Shia has already Let's start alone, leading a few experts are coming, intending to support us as soon as possible. "

"Faithful? What's the point of his coming?"

Xu Huiheng shook his head.

After a short while, he also said, "Come on, come, after all, being a Xeon can also increase our comprehensive combat power."

"How's our man?"

"Thanks to the Tianmen Mountain Space Gate and the Blood Orchid Space Gate, during this time our four neutral forces have shifted their focus to Dongshenzhou, and because they want to attack the Blood Orchid Principality, the four neutral organizations More than 10% of the strong are concentrated in Dongshenzhou. Within four hours, the number of masters reached has reached 60%, and the other 10% will arrive in the next four hours. "

Wei Wei Zhang said.

Xu Hui nodded his head.

At the same time, I feel some heartache.

The four major neutral forces dispatched more than half of the forces to attack the Blood Orchid Principality. Even after the Blood Orchid Principality was defeated, 30% of the forces remained there, and these 30% of the forces ...

I finally don't know how much I can keep.


Suddenly, a harsh alarm sounded over the town of Blood Orchid!

Qixu Heng slightly stunned, then rushed out at the fastest speed, Wei Zhang followed closely behind.

More than him, Qilian, Chongluo, Xunhun and others appeared in several buildings, looking at the gate of space for the first time.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! They are coming!"

At the gate of space, a ninth-level powerhouse seems to have just rushed out of it, and his face is shouting with horror.

"Come here !? So fast !? Didn't the vanguard say there are at least four or five hours left? Our manpower didn't arrive at all!"

Wu Qilian's face was unbelievable.

敌人 "The enemy is obviously worried that we will deploy the Tian Luo Di net outside the door of space, so we deliberately dispatched Elite to arrive early, and we were caught off guard when we did not take sufficient precautions!"

Yongxu Hengda drank, and shouted, "Ready to welcome ..."


Xixuheng's words "ready to fight" have not yet been finished, and a mighty horror momentum suddenly swept out of the door of space, and suddenly the sky changed.

This change seems to have caused the two worlds' magnetic fields to collide with the already vigorous vitality environment, forming a wind-assisted fire-like effect, making the astronomical changes extremely violent, the first breath in the terror that came, Lightning and thunder, the second breath screamed, and the third breath was already pouring!

Such a horrible momentum, many powerful forces of the four major forces have gone from half-legged legends to ordinary martial arts, all of them have changed color.

"Legend! Legend! Is Legendary Life!"

"Before the army arrives, the legend comes first! Use the legendary powerhouse directly for lightning strikes !?"

"Why so fast! How come so fast !?"

Xixuheng and Qilian felt their brains tremble.

More than just legend!

At the same time that this legendary breath appeared, the more than twenty breaths behind him also appeared.

Although these two dozen breaths do not reach the level of legendary life, they are all without exception, all are Xeon strengths. Among them, the four deities are superior to all Xeons in terms of strength of blood and blood. Above, obviously each is a half-step legend that has cultivated the power of life.

Four half-step legends, twenty-one big knights, and the breath of the legendary powerhouse are united together, mixed with the vast astronomical changes, bringing unprecedented shock and fear to the four forces, one by one Almost stagnated breathing!

"Sure enough, there is defense, unfortunately, is it useful? In the face of absolute power, all resistance is futile! Those two half-step legends are even leaders? Leave a question, the others, all killed!"

Among the twenty-six strong men who came out, the glance of the first legendary middle-aged man was immediately ordered.

"Yes, General Youying!"

的 The commanded knights and half-step legends did not hesitate to kill the most powerful and high-end powerful men at the fastest speed.

Howling and wailing, it sounded quickly.

"Retreat! Retreat! Retreat from Blood Orchid Town, back one hundred kilometers!"

Wuxuheng ordered the order with a big drink.

"Did I let you back? We don't care about your warriors in the barren world, just because we didn't take you to heart at all, but you repeatedly used our kindness as a reason for wantonness, Even dare to challenge the majesty of the great Star Empire empire! If you dare, then be prepared to pay the price! "

The middle-aged man, known as Youying, said nothing, striding out at the market constant, before the people arrived, the legendary realm had been suppressed first.


At the same time, Xuxu ’s body shape exploded, and the legendary realm was stimulated. The collision between the two realms oscillated an invisible ripple in the void. The hurricane seemed to be even more violent than the lightning flashes and thunderstorms.

However, although they have mastered the legendary realm, the legendary life has already combined the realm with the power of life and the power of the mind. They are three-legged, and the texture is more powerful than the half-step legend in the pure realm. The moment the two collided, it was like taking a stone to touch the steel. In just a moment, the legendary field belonging to Xuheng had a complete collapse!

"how is this possible!?"

This remarkable gap makes Xuheng's eyes widen.

A pure field is embarrassed by the combined enemy of legendary life, if you count the comprehensive combat power ...

程度 How big is the gap between the half-step legend and the true legend! ?

"I'll help you!"

Qi Lian yelled in the distance, and the field was excited.

"Go! Hurry!"

But he has n’t had time to participate in the battle, and Xu Heng has yelled: "The two of us, or even our four big and half-step legends, can't fight against each other to get a legendary life! Let Hia take out the magic weapon! It is our only hope against them! Come on! "

Hearing Xuheng's words, Qi Lian, who was about to take part in the battle, was shocked and felt the powerful and shivering breath emanating from the legendary strongman You Ying. He gritted his teeth and drew away at the fastest speed. Retreat!

"Did I let you go?"

Wu Youying said coldly, stepping on one step, she would cross the block of Xuheng and kill Qilian.

But when he was about to kill Qilian, Xu Heng swallowed a medicine suddenly.

This is Wanhuaye!

Wanjie Commercial Co., Ltd. has been improved on the basis of Qianhua solution, and it is more suitable for the medicine of the dismantling of the demon.

While taking Wanhua Liquid, Xu Heng has not hesitated to inspire the demon's disintegration technique, and a moment of violent breath swept out of him, making his momentum even more than a true legendary life. Inferior, at the same time, this breath was transformed into swordsmanship by him, and the void seemed to have a black phoenix manifested and spread its wings, which tore apart the strength of the legendary strongman's realm.

"Feng Yi Tian Xiang!"

"This barren world has such a powerful forbidden technique !?"

Feeling the tragic and decisive nature of Xuheng Sword Art, Youying, the legendary powerhouse, finally changed his face. The sword in his hand came out and was cut off with one sword. The swordman and the legendary realm, the power of the soul, The three forces of life resonate at the same time, turning into a bright blow that tears the sky and earth, and chopping down to the imaginary phoenix that soars ...

Uh ...

Twenty-five hours later ~ ~ Xuelan Town, which was established just a month ago, has become dead.

顶端 At the top of a high-rise building that is still acceptable, the legendary You Ying is wiping the blood on the knife.

In a pothole that is several tens of meters wide by a distance of thousands of meters, Xuheng, who has not yet reached the grand ambition to promote the legendary half-step, has become a corpse, even broken to the point where the corpse cannot be seen.

"General, all the enemies in this town have been killed! But ... there are too few of us in the end, we only have time to leave all the big knights and most of the knights, and some people still escape from the town ..."

半 A half-step legend came to Youying and groaned.

"Anyway, a group of fish that missed even the big knights can't have any climate, let alone ..."

The middle-aged man known as Yinghao squinted his eyes: "The monk could not run the temple. The vanguard arrived four hours later. Two days later, my father Yinghao marshal will follow with 30,000 main forces. It is directed that the kingdom of Hea will be destroyed and crushed into powder. "

大 "Master ... according to the trial of some of our captured people, it seems that the invasion of the Blood Orchid Principality is not the country of Hea, but four civil organizations, but this door of space is exactly in this country called Hea."

"Is there a difference? It is nothing more than destroying Xia first, then the four civil organizations, who will let the door of space on their land? To blame, they can only blame them for being unlucky."

There was a trace of bloodthirsty in Wu Youying's indifferent eyes: "This time, everyone in this barren and barren world we want to kill thinks of a great star empire, and only shudder and fear remain in his mind."

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