The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 842: Push back

"Fell down ... can you rush up again?"

Wu Shouzhen looked at Zhao Jiansheng and asked blankly.


Zhao Jiansheng said: "I thought I shouldn't be able to go up at the time when I fell down, but I couldn't go up if I couldn't go up. Anyway, it was so expensive that I couldn't keep it up. Someone in the yard caused a change in the air machine ... It should be the old gentleman, right? I sensed it at the time, wasn't it a special energy that caused the change in the air machine? Then why don't I also convert the energy in the body In this form? Thinking about it, I realized. "

那 "So ... what did you realize?"

I took a hard breath and swallowed the airway.

"It's very simple. The little brother Qingfeng said to me that year, the next step after practicing qi is to condense Jindan, so I followed this theory to condense the energy in my body into Jindan. This one Jin Dan is formed by the consolidation of Zhenqi, which is almost solidified. It contains huge amounts of energy. When it is excited at a critical moment, it can provide abundant energy, which makes it easy to have the consumption that supports the legendary life form. It took me a long time to carefully look for opportunities for breakthroughs, and it took me a long time to finally practice the legendary realm again ... "

Speaking of this, Zhao Jiansheng had some headaches: "Although Jin Dan can maintain the legendary life form, the energy in Jin Dan also comes from the true energy. What is the true energy? It is transformed from the essence of the human body, so it must be obtained. I can only maintain the existence of Jin Dan by eating and drinking, but it is so wasteful, so I fell down again. "


Wu Shouzhen, Baili Changkong, Dong Shengyang, Constantine and others looked at Zhao Jiansheng, all stunned ...

Especially in the half-step legendary realm has begun to seek the fidelity of the legendary way, the brain is buzzing even more.

He could hardly hear what Zhao Jiansheng was talking about, only a few words in his mind kept repeating ...

"I practiced, I fell, I practiced again, I fell again ..."

Legendary Realm!

Yeah ...

That is a legendary realm that everyone in the barren world can't wait for a lifetime!

"I've been thinking about how to solve the problem of eating too much during this time, so you didn't go when you asked me to go to Hill's Light. The question followed immediately. "

剑 Zhao Jiansheng was a little embarrassed.


Baili Changkong looked at Zhao Jiansheng. For a long time, he reached out and squeezed with trembling: "Okay, I understand. You don't have to say anything. Hurry up and break through the realm of legend. Wait for you to break through the realm of legend. Go and stop the legendary Youying of the Star Empire. "

没 "It's okay, the breakthrough is very simple. I can stimulate the power of Jin Dan on the line. We can make breakthroughs while walking."


Two hundred miles across the sky, the two kept their chests coincidentally.

They suddenly felt ...

Heart hurts.

Uh ...


In a field hundreds of kilometers away from Yandang Mountain, the legendary powerhouse You Ying from the star empire is leading his elite to rush towards the light of Hill at a very fast speed.

"Give them time to mobilize military bases? The population base of this world is extremely huge. The total population of an East China Island alone is not inferior to our entire Northland. In addition, the world has stepped out of a bar called 'Technology' based on their barren energy. The road has created a lot of war weapons that mortals can use. If they are really required to mobilize the army, it will still be a lot of trouble for us. Therefore, the correct way is that we first rush into their capital and bring them All the high-levels of the capital were slaughtered, causing great confusion, and they were not given the time to mobilize the army to face off against each other! "

There was a slight coldness on the faint face.

He is a soldier, a senior military officer who has lived in the family of soldiers since he was a child. All he should do is to defeat the enemy as the ultimate goal.

Before he came to this world, he deliberately spent a few days to collect information about the barren world. He already knew enough about the world, so he understood that even though the 40,000 troops they brought were among the elite, but In the face of the barren nations' mobilization of tens of millions of troops, the defense will still pay a heavy price.


What is their biggest advantage?

Only 40,000 people!

Because 4,000 people were left to assist the **** duke to fight against the rebellion, there are only 36,000 people!

In the face of the huge base of tens of millions of troops, 36 thousand elites are not worth mentioning at all. Therefore, they can fully use their flexibility advantages to walk and attack the enemy's rear and weak links at an extremely fast speed. Instead of confronting them, focus on the elite, constantly destroy its command system, and paralyze the command system of tens of millions of troops.

However, once the command is obstructed, the extent to which the tens of millions of troops will be disordered, you can know without thinking.

At that time, how could the troops of Dongshenzhou confront the elite of their star empire?

"General, according to the map we searched out, there will be more than one hundred and eighty kilometers to the capital of this country of Hea."

A half-step legendary lieutenant next to Wu Youying.

"Very good, defeat Hia, capture their high-level, and force them to search for those four civil organizations for us!"

With a hint of smile on the corner of Yu Youying's mouth: "Using their own barren world to deal with themselves, and we hold the butcher knife high for trial. This is the correct way for the ruler."

"General General Ming!"

Vice Admiral Qi praised.

Ji Youying nodded, and when he wanted to say something, he felt something, suddenly looked up, and for a moment, he reached out: "Stop!"

I waited for them to stop. Twenty-six of them stopped at the end of the sky. Several of them quickly rushed with a ferocious beast and soon came to Youying and others.

Youying and others did not pay attention to the huge Lin Huang who was on the body, but immediately set their eyes on the ordinary, like a farmer in the field, Zhao Jiansheng, with an incredible look on his face: "Legend !? This world is actually There are legends too !? "

"General, that is the legendary creature Lin Huang! A legendary creature who is not yet a minor !?"

Vice Admiral Wu also identified the origin of Lin Huang.

As for Shouzhen, Dongshengyang, Constantine and others, they are a bit worthless.

I saw Youying and others' eyes constantly looking at Zhao Jiansheng without launching the offensive in the first place, keeping true, and the hundreds of miles that followed followed were relieved.

They are afraid that the people in these star empires will not even give them a chance to reason, and they will directly kill the killer, which is bad.

Fortunately ...

Zhao Jiansheng, the legendary life that broke into the realm of legend at this critical moment, still has enough weight.

"The Guardian of the Kingdom of Hea is true, and I have seen all the empires of the stars."

You Ying took a look at Shouzhen and quickly turned her attention to Zhao Jiansheng, looking a little calmer: "I don't think anyone in your barren world can break through to the realm of legend. Talent is truly extraordinary. If you were born in the double month, you must Can be a party figure, but if I read correctly, you should have just become a legend, a new legend, plus a minor legendary beast and a half-step legend, relying on you alone, I am afraid Can't stop us! "

"We are not trying to stop you. As for the attack on the Bloodland Principality by Tianjilou, the League of Nations, the Hunters Association, and Wanjie Commercial Bank, our Shia side has always opposed the position, and our Chairman of Baili Qingfeng even hoped that Destroy the door of space to avoid misunderstandings between the two parties, but the four major neutral forces will go their own way. We are not good at tearing down our faces and working with them. In the end, we can only let the door of space be built. "

Shouzhen said what he meant: "You are really going to deal with the four forces. We in Shia will not have half interference. Even our Shia has deported them not long ago. I hope you are dealing with the four. In the process of great power, do not affect our Kingdom of Shia. "


Yu Youying looked at Shouzhen, her eyes narrowed slightly: "Did you really expel the strong from the four forces?"


Wu Shouzhen nodded his head: "At present they should be heading for a branch of the Chi-Yan Country, but you can take your shot."

Wu Youying didn't reply, and her eyes fell on Zhao Jiansheng again.

And Zhao Jiansheng ...

I gave him a thick smile.

This smile made Youying's eyes flicker a little: "Your Majesty's order for us this time is to kill chickens and monkeys. Let the people in the barren world fully understand that once your actions have angered our star empire, we must pay! And the goal of killing chickens and tamarins is the Kingdom of Shia ... "

Wu Shouzhen listened to his heart sinking.

However, Baili Changkong came forward at this time, and resolutely stated: "Our Kingdom of Shia has no intention to be hostile to the star empire, and we have never invaded any territory of the star empire. But if the star empire still wants to 咄咄Forced, then, in the face of the fate of the country's ruined family, our kingdom of Shia will fight back! Not long ago, our kingdom of Shia had just ended the battle with the Blood Temple, and the incarnation of the **** of nothingness, Baili Qingfeng, killed the blood The two legendary strongmen of the temple forced the blood temple to present a legendary bird and a lot of resources to sum up, and then killed a legendary beastly man and three statues in the chaos of the beastly man who subsequently fell in the glorious empire's capital. Holy Spirit, the legendary bird is coming, and it wo n’t be long before we run to the battlefield, and we are also contacting the incarnation of the travelling god. Maybe he ca n’t come to the battlefield immediately, but ... at least, in the future , He will revenge us! "


There was a flash of cold light in Yan Youying's eyes ~ ~ An invisible coercion suddenly rose from him: "You are threatening me !?"

"I'm just stating a fact! It's not that we Shia didn't work hard. Everything I said is well documented. Youyou can inquire if you don't believe it!"

Hundreds of miles are not humble or overbearing.

I looked at him with a seemingly energetic look and hesitated in Youying's heart.

Smashed the Blood Temple, beheaded the two legendary strongmen of the Blood Temple, and killed a legendary beastly man and three holy spirits in the glorious empire's capital, Sunburst City ...

如果 If this combat power is real ...

I'm afraid it's not a high-end legend! ?

世界 This world has not only legends, but also high-end legends! ?

Not to mention another legendary bird is coming.

He didn't think that the person in front of him would lie on this matter, just as he said, a real fake came out.

He hesitated for a moment, after all, Youying was reluctant to risk offending the dangerous branch of a suspected high-end legend and a legendary bird ...

At the moment, there was a smile on his face: "Our goal has always been the four forces, since the people of Heia did not invade our empire of stars, and the people who expelled the four forces showed enough Sincerity, we will never offend the Kingdom of Shia again! Goodbye! "

After saying that, he waved his hand, and led his 25 men to the direction of Chiyan Kingdom.

:. :

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