The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 847: intuition

“Hello everyone, I ’m a field-controlling star Yao. Thank you for coming to our Yasselin Chamber of Commerce and trusting us. We at Yasseling Chamber of Commerce are also committed to collecting exotic treasures from all over the world and strive for all trust. The guests of our Jatherine Chamber of Commerce are satisfied. There are a total of twenty-four items in this auction. According to our appraisers of the Jatherine Chamber of Commerce ... "

女子 The woman habitually described the opening words.

"Xing Yao is afraid that it is about to reach the high-end legend? President Yasselin really accepted a good disciple."

Lin Linde looked at Xing Yao in the field, and there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

"It's almost an opportunity. The legend of Jatherine in two veins is already a good story. If the pulse is still two high-level legends, the influence of Jatherine Chamber of Commerce will probably increase as a result."

Tong Nanxiu said, taking a look at Prince Linde: "The royal family strongly supported the Yasselring Chamber of Commerce before it took off, and the gains now ... have been returned in multiples."

"It is also their apprenticeship."

Prince Linde smiled.

"The big people and big lords they invited this time are not a few. We will not talk about the big lords within the Alfonso Kingdom. Among the surrounding forces, the member of the King Frost King's family Frostwing arrived, and the Count Saitama of the Star Empire arrived. The well-known high lord and high-level legend Sara arrives, in addition to the **** of the night, the **** of the sky, and the three deities of the six saints, Heiqi ... Which one of these big men is of amazing value? A **** gold coin that circulates only at the legendary level, and each person is the property of at least tens of thousands of **** gold coins. "

Angele Road.

Baili Qingfeng, who was aside, heard a few people's words, and was a little surprised: "God ... God gold coins?"

Linde knew that Baili Qingfeng came from the barren world, and smiled and introduced: "The world only knows common currencies such as gold, silver, and silver coins, but for the top and powerful men, the amount of ordinary gold and silver is meaningless. So four hundred years ago, the Supreme Lord of the Star Empire ordered the issuance of the **** gold coin system, using **** gold as the transaction currency, and ten **** gold coins are roughly equivalent to one kilogram of **** gold. "

Bai Qingqing heard the introduction of Prince Linde, but it was difficult to answer.

After all, the reason why he wasn't surprised was not the special currency of God gold coin, but the name of God gold coin ...

"Okay, the auction has started."

Lin Lind, Angele and others chatted for a while, and their eyes fell on the table again.

And Baili Qingfeng is focused and sits critically.

This scene made Angelle, a legend, look slightly: "Mr. Baili, you seem a little nervous?"

"is a little……"

Qian Baili Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, considering that Prince Linde was not thin, he said aloud: "After all ... if I expected it to be good, the auction will last for a while ... I'm afraid it will hit ..."


Lin Lind's face changed slightly: "Qing Feng, did you hear anything?"

"No, I guess."

"Guess? Why is there such a guess?"

"This one……"

Xi Baili Qingfeng organized the language a bit: "Experience? Intuition?"

解释 This explanation made Prince Linde and Angelle look at each other.

what is this?

"Can Qingfeng have evidence?"


Xi Baili Qingfeng shook his head, and after that, he added: "Of course ... maybe this auction will be held smoothly and smoothly."

Linde looked at him in a suit of armor, fully armed, some wondering whether to believe him.

When Linde thought about it, the auction went well.

Nearly halfway through the auction, a voice suddenly increased: "You should know that my child was injured by a beast that year and his arm was broken. This heavenly holy water can help my child to re-arm his arm. I am very important, and I ask your fellows to show mercy ... I am willing to give out four hundred **** gold coins! "

"Sorry, I want this holy water, too, four hundred and one."

"Lord Black Shark does not seem to have any relatives who need to use this thing, please give me face, 422."

"it has started!"

Seeing this scene, Bian Qingfeng suddenly refreshed, and at the same time whispered in his mouth: "He should say‘ your face is worth a few dollars, the auction is competitive, the highest bidder will be! 430 ’!”

Sure enough, he heard the man called the Black Shark loudly: "Your face is worth a few dollars, the auction is competitive, the highest bidder is 430 ..."

"Black Shark, I asked myself that I didn't offend you, you are deliberately making life difficult for me !?"

Bali Qingfeng followed closely to himself.

On the other side, the owner of the voice was a little annoyed and repeated his words: "Black Shark, I Tang Long asked myself not to offend you, you are deliberately trying to get through with me !?"

怎么 "Why, if bidding fails, you want to overpower someone?"

Baili Qingfeng whispered again.

Over there, the black shark laughed aloud: "Hahaha, why, Tang Long, you can't bid, you want to overpower others?"

"Well, the lines are a bit inconsistent? The character setting is still a little different from the conventional instrumental man ... then the next sentence should be ..."

Baili Qingfeng was about to continue to take the line, but found that Prince Linde, Angele, Nan Xiu, Lin Lin, and Fei were all looking at him with a strange look on his face, and saw him somehow: " What's wrong, everyone? Do I have flowers on my face? "

"Qing Feng ... you ... Do you know Lord Blackwood's guard commanding Black Shark and Lord Yushan Lord Tang Long?"

Linde took a hard breath.

"I don't know, I am strictly speaking the first time I came to the human city in the Northland. Even before I visited the Northland, it was a wild mountain."

那 "Then ... then how can you be so clear about what they want to say?"


Baili Qingfeng immediately said, at the end, added a little more: "Add a little intuition."

Experience ...

Intuition ...

Luangele was silent for a moment, and turned to Linde with some caution: "Mr. Baili Qingfeng can practice half-step legends at this age in the special environment of the barren world. There must be something extraordinary ..."

Prince Linde listened, and if he realized, clapped his hands, and soon a guard came in, and he said something in the guard's ear, and the guard retreated immediately.

The auction continues.

But, what made Baili Qingfeng somewhat surprised was that this person named Tang Long and Black Shark did not actually fight?

However, when Baili Qingfeng's eyes focused on the two for a moment, it was thoughtful: "The two people ... just ordinary legends ... The kingdom of Alfonso is not a small duchy, but can be bowed down by the six principalities. There are two or three strong titles in the royal family. If you want to destroy in the capital, you have the strength of a high-level legend ... "

Advanced Legends ...

There are four in total, including members of Frost King Royal Frost Wing, Sara, the night **** goddess of the wind, and the three deities of the six saints.

Of course, Yasselyn, the chairman of the Yasselin Chamber of Commerce, is also a high-level legend. He is in charge of the audience. There are five high-level legends, but she obviously will not destroy it at the auction site. At that time, only two of the four, or even three or four, of Frostwing, Sarah, Sky Wind, and Hei Qi could be at war.

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng focused on several people, guessing who caused the war.

This scene fell in the eyes of Prince Linde, and asked him to call on the guard again.

Soon after, Xingyao had taken out a treasure box, and as she opened the box, a clear crystal in it was exuding a clean and pure light, which was enchanting.

"There are nineteen auction items next, but these nineteen auction items can only be regarded as one type, that is, a total of nineteen clear crystals. The clear crystals are the treasures of refining gods, which can greatly reduce the refining. The accumulation of spiritual practice in the **** stage hastened the practice efficiency of refining the gods. Now it is the first crystal stone to be sold at a price no less than five hundred **** gold coins. "

I saw that the crystals had finally been sold, and Baili Qingfeng kept looking around.

Nothing happened?

I'm so strange.

This unscientific.

Chengjing crystals are now on sale. If nineteen crystals are really bought by others, it will not be easy for him to collect them.

I just ... think of the price of crystal clear crystal ...

Bai Qingfeng sighed and turned to Linde: "His Highness Linde, I plan to buy nineteen clear crystals. However, I don't have enough funds, so I want to temporarily auction an item on my body, I wonder if it is feasible?"

这 "This ... if the value of the item is mediocre, I'm afraid it can't be inserted into it ..."

"I can trust the value of this item."

Baili Qingfeng Road.


Linde said, thinking for a while to stand up: "Qing Feng, you follow me, I will take you to meet President Yasselin."

"I have Mr. Rao'Angele to bargain for me. Regardless of the price, even a thousand **** gold coins will help me buy the clear crystal."

"One thousand **** gold coins?"

Juan Angel was slightly moved, but when he glanced at the set of armors on Baili Qingfeng, he smiled and said, "Well, I'll just spoof the rich once."

Baili Qingfeng and Prince Linde now walked behind the auction site. In a room behind, a woman who looked thirty or above was still listening to what ~ ~ saw Lin De arrived, somewhat surprised: "I have made it possible for people to investigate and monitor Frostwing, Sara, Skywind, and Hei Qi as much as possible, what's the matter? Is there anything new for your Highness?"

"I'm not here for this, but Mr. Baili said that there is a treasure that I want to add to the auction."

"Oh? What treasure?"

Arthurine looked curiously at Baili Qingfeng.

Xi Baili Qingfeng was anxious to buy Chengjing spar, and he did not dare to hesitate, and took out the essence of the true God for the first time: "President Yasselin, please see."


Looking at the object, Jasselyn didn't recognize it for a while, but when she looked at it for a while, her pupils suddenly shrank: "This ... Is this possible ... how is it possible !? Who would take this? Wait until Zhibao comes out for sale! This ... this is not true ... "

"Why isn't it true?"

Bali Qingfeng glanced at Yasselin: "This is the essence of the true gods who are replaced by fake ones. Do not believe that I inspired the divine power inside to show you."

"True God !?"

Linde's eyes widened suddenly.

"No, we have to ..."

Arthurine exclaimed for the first time.

But she was obviously a step slower. As Baili Qingfeng separated a trace of spirit into the essence of the true god, suddenly, a mighty divine power suddenly burst out from this special bottle, soaring into the sky, and the entire auction venue was permeated in an instant. !!

:. :

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