The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 862: Light

Latest website: Baili Qingfeng deliberately spent an extra morning to enter the gate of space, riding a legendary lingering gazing into the star empire's retreating team like a dragon, and barely believed that the enemy really retreated.

When he returned to Blood Orchid Town and Shouzhen, Baili Changkong, Jonson, Yasuo, Duanmurui, Constantine and others met, it was already afternoon in the afternoon.

"The reincarnation of nothingness?"

Baili Qingfeng heard the introduction of Prime Minister Yasuo, and did not turn for a while.

Wasn't the true **** of nothingness and the temple of nothingness the first cover that Shia used to soothe the aurora empire and maintain the situation of the aurora empire?


So those who believe in the Star Empire casually?

They say they are legendary powerhouses. Did they not see the strongest one on their side, Zhao Jiansheng, the new legend. Do they even believe that they really scared themselves and scared themselves away?

"This is a good thing."

Honesty: "Despite the existence of divine punishment weapons on our side, it stands to reason that even if the enemy invades us aggressively, there are methods of confrontation, but the people of the Star Empire are different from the cave people. The legendary Youying has spent more than half a month in our world. He has thoroughly understood the information of His Majesty Qing Feng and knows the existence of magical punishment weapons. Once they have prepared for them and blocked the void with air forces, our bombers may not be able to fly above them and drop bombs smoothly! "

After he said that, he quickly added: "Of course, there are two legendary birds and fighters under the command of Qing Feng. It should not be difficult to dominate the air, but not afraid of 10,000, just in case, if the hydrogen bomb fails, the empire and blood orchid One hundred thousand troops of the Principality rushed into the line of defense we barely built ... "

Although Baili Qingfeng felt that the action this time was a little too smooth, he did not exert much force and the enemy retreated, but ...

Everything he did was to avoid war. Now that the enemy has voluntarily retreated, he will save him the pain of assassination.

"Okay, but beware of the enemy. This is based on retreating. Maybe once their masters arrive, they will immediately kill us in the heavens, and once again set off a storm of blood in our heavens. "

Baili Qingfeng said.


"I will stay in Blood Orchid for another day and check back tomorrow morning to see if they really want to return to the empire of stars, and if it is true, return to Xia."

Baili Qingfeng said, his gaze fell on Shouzhen: "Senior Shouzhen, I will put the legendary lingering in Xuelan Town. I will rely on you to watch the future."

"Please be assured, Mr. Chairman, I must bow to the fullest and keep the door to the space in Blood Orchid."

Baili Qingfeng nodded, and began to teach Shouzhen how to control the legendary puppet.

While teaching Shouzhen to control the legendary Lingzhu, Baili Qingfeng found that the reason why Shouzhen grew slow after half a legend, was because he hadn't practiced God enough.

Considering that there were more than eighty crystal stones on his body, he immediately gave them to Shouzhen.

There are two clear crystals, coupled with the strength of life force, I believe that he will soon be able to make up for the shortcomings of lack of energy, plus he is always sitting in the town of Blood Orchid, and can understand the space up close It is estimated that it will not take long for the opportunity of heaven and man to transform into the legendary realm.

After taking the essence of true God, it will only be a matter of time until he achieves the legendary realm, the power of life, and the power of the soul inspired by triple magic.

The next day, Baili Qingfeng ran the blood orchid principality once again on the legendary Lingya.

When it was discovered that the blood duchy and the empire of the stars had already run out of the gate of space five or six hundred kilometers away, they were relieved.

"It looks like it's really gone."

Baili Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief: "The most secure way is for us to become stronger as soon as possible. I now rely on the assassination technique, and then take advantage of the second world's unique environment to increase, and barely have the assassination Qualifications, but the strongest of the empires of the stars is demigod ... I only hope to break through to the realm of legends, and then break through to high-level legends by means of welfare, and then refine the assassination technique, can there be hope of weak victory over strong, assassination of demigods After killing one or two demigods of the empire of stars, the empire of stars will really jealous us and stop fighting our idea of ​​heaven and earth. At that time, heaven and earth can concentrate their energy to solve the beastly man and the earth. The cavemen are threatened. "

With this kind of thought, Baili Qingfeng said goodbye one by one to Johnson, Shouzhen, Yasuo and others who came to see him.

"Qing Feng is going back to Xia? We will return together."

Baili Changkong said.

Baili Qingfeng looked at Xiaozhu, who was also coming from Yandang Mountain, but it was not good to run back, so he nodded: "Okay."

Currently driving by Baili Tianxing, the four set off on their way back to Xia Ya.

"Now that the enemies of the Star Empire have retreated, there is one thing I can tell you."

On the car, Baili Changkong considered the language and slowly said, "About the four neutral organizations."

Although Baili Qingfeng was dissatisfied with the big four empires causing such a big trouble for the empire of stars, the association between the two sides was ultimately related to asking: "How are they now? I've been in business for a long time, I'm afraid it's not so easy to be uprooted by a legendary Youying of the Star Empire and a dozen legendary teams. "

"In the four big and half-step legends, Qilian, Xuheng, and Jun Zhuofan all died, and a white plastic was returned alive. The Xeon ... none were left, they were cut and killed. I don't know ... "

"The loss is so great !?"

Baili Qingfeng heard a sudden burst of heart.

Moderator Aotian Sword God is also one of the Bai family members?

And white wins?

They should be fine.

For a moment, Baili Qingfeng quickly took out the phone.

"Qing Feng, listen to me first."

Baili Changkong held down the hand of Baili Qingfeng who wanted to make a phone call and Shen said: "You know, when our side has a legend and a legendary bird, why let Legend Yuying hunt down the four neutral organizations, They even uprooted the four forces ... "

Baili Qingfeng did have this idea in his mind, but he thought that the four major neutral organizations have taken root in the countries, and the Three Rabbit Caves should not have been so easily defeated by the legendary Youying, so I did n’t ask more, but we should know the four major neutrals The half-step legend of the organization fell by three. When the Xeons lost their losses, they realized that this time the four major neutral organizations were really hurt.

"what happened?"

"When the empire of the stars was killed by the 6,000 vanguards brought by the legendary Youying, the four major neutral organizations sought our cooperation and hoped that we would use enemies to destroy the enemy, but we refused."


Although Baili Qingfeng does not want the hydrogen bomb to detonate in the Kingdom of Shia, if the enemy's offensive is really completely blocked, this is also a last resort.

Baili Changkong took out a tablet-like instrument and clicked on one of the videos: "This is the video of the meeting at the time. You can take a look at it for yourself and you will know why we rejected it. Why ... we acquiesce to Legendary Yingying's slaying of the four neutral organizations. "

Baili Qingfeng did not speak, but opened the video.

In the video, Qilian, Jun Zhuofan, Bai Sugui, etc. in the four major neutral organizations are exposed in order to obtain the weapon of divine punishment to check the balance of the Kingdom of Hea.

In the end, they faced the legendary Youying they were provoked. The three and a half-step legends did not hesitate to lead all the Xeons to retreat, leaving everyone in the Kingdom of Hea exposed to the murderous power of the Legendary Youying to persecute Heia The kingdom succumbed to surrender of magical weapons.

After watching this video, Baili Qingfeng said nothing for a long time.

"Perhaps, in Legend Yuying's killing of the four neutral organizations, we were indirectly reduced to accomplices, without any obstruction to Legend Yuying, but ... I asked ourselves that we did nothing wrong."

Baili Chang said flatly.

Baili Qingfeng closed the video: "I see, you did nothing wrong."

"Every demon meets a buddha, and thunder and rain are all gods. People, you must learn to be in awe!"

"Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world!"

Baili Qingfeng calmly said: "I don't like this sentence, because it speaks too well, so good that it makes me self-defeating. There is a sentence called greater ability, greater responsibility, but I asked myself more than once. If I have the ability, can I shoulder the responsibility? "

"No one in the entire Hea, or even the entire world, dares to say that you have done badly, and no one can deny your contribution to the world of wasteland."

"Do not!"

Baili Qingfeng looked at Baili Changkong and said seriously: "Second Grandpa, I know exactly what you want to say to me. I really don't need to. I know exactly what kind of person I am. I ask myself, I If I have the ability, can I shoulder the responsibility on my body? The answer is, I can! So I ask myself, then, do you want to shoulder this responsibility? What makes me feel complacent is that the answer is not. "

"I don't want ..."

Baili Qingfeng turned his head and looked at the flowers and trees passing by the car window: "What do I think? What do I want? What do I do for what? I always remember, remember clearly, but actually until today I do n’t know what I ’m doing, I feel that I ’m getting farther and farther from what I want, contrary to what I want to do, I ca n’t see whether the future I ’m building in the first place is what I want Life ... But, I ca n’t think too much, and I dare not think too much ... Because ... some things must be done by someone. I am afraid that once I return to my heart, I stop not only stopping, but suddenly myself At the beginning, I remember everything that was clear and forgotten ... "

Baili Changfeng looked at Baili Qingfeng ~ ~ Baili Qingfeng did not speak for a long time.

Xiaozhu, who was sitting next to Baili Qingfeng, seemed to feel that the atmosphere in the car was a bit wrong. He leaned back into his arms, holding his arm and said crisply, "Brother Qingfeng, I will be with you. "

Baili Qingfeng in silence looked at Xiaozhu, smiled, and wiped her hair.

"So, I really hope to see more of the goodness and light of this world."

Baili Changkong looked at the smiling Baili Qingfeng, he understood.

For a moment, he sighed in his heart, "After all, there will be darkness hidden in the corner where the light cannot shine."

"So, before that ..."

Baili Qingfeng said: "I would like to light up all the light of darkness!"

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