The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 873: trend

Under Qingyuan Mountain.

Yasuo, Shouzhen, Duanmurui, Dongshengyang, Baili Changkong, Baili Tianxing, Shi Yiyi, Baili Bamboo, Shi Tianya and many others gathered on the open space outside the small courtyard of Qingli's home.

Baili Qingfeng called Miro last night and summoned the Void Knights and Void Legion, but did not set off immediately.

On the one hand he had to wait for the Void Knights and Void Legion, on the other hand ...

He had to wait for the military to send him the armor.

Coupled with the fact that it was not early, Baili Qingfeng simply decided to sleep at home again and leave after having breakfast tomorrow morning.


This scene appeared the next morning when he woke up.

"Qing Feng, I know that with your character, you definitely won't sit by and watch Xiyanzhou people sink into the deep waters. Sooner or later, you will definitely go to Xiyanzhou. I will not say anything else, in any case, protect yourself. Safe and secure, come back safe and sound. "

Baili Changkong looked at Baili Qingfeng, who had changed into a battle armor, and said in a deep voice.

"I will be responsible for my life."

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

"Your Majesty Qing Feng."

Prime Minister Yasuo stepped forward: "Although Shia's strength is still in the water, but as long as Her Majesty Qing Feng needs it, all the Shia soldiers will follow your steps and go to Xiyanzhou!"

"Everything I do is to bring peace to the Kingdom of Hea, not war and disaster to the Kingdom of Hea. The matter of Xiyanzhou is personally I want to go, so Prime Minister Yasuo kindly I have a heart. "

"This incident cannot simply be regarded as the case of Qingli's next person. The threat from the cave people in Xiyanzhou is intensified. Once the steel empire, the glorious empire, and even the complete collapse of Xiyanzhou, those cavemen must not It will be tied to the land of Xiyanzhou, but will continue to expand to East Shenzhou, North Hanzhou and Nanlizhou, which are connected to Xiyanzhou. By then, of course, our Kingdom of Shia will not be able to survive alone. "

Honesty: "We are your second line of defense for Your Majesty, if you have any accidents, Your Majesty will be able to retreat. You do n’t have to stand up. We will use our greatest strength to fight for your time. I believe that as long as you give Qing Feng time, there is nothing in this world that can stop you. "

"Thank you."

Baili Qingfeng said aloud.

"No, I should say thank you is us."

After Shouzhen said, he took a step back and bowed slightly at him.

Not only him, Yasuo, Duanmurui, Dongshengyang, and even Baili Changkong, Baili Tianxing, Shiyiyi, and Xiaozhu, who are equivalent to Baili Qingfeng's friends and family, bowed their bows at the same time.

"Thank you for everything you have done for East Shenzhou and for the Heavenly Wasteland."

Baili Qingfeng looked at the people who saluted sincerely, for a moment he was on the spot, speechless for a long time.

He was caught off guard.

In the early winter and early morning, the sun pours through the clouds, illuminating the open space under the Qingyuan Mountain, and it seems that the armored Baili Qingfeng is plated with a layer of gold ...

This scene is like a classic scroll spread in an epic song.

After a while, Baili Qingfeng returned to God, and his gaze retreated from the crowd.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear it!

Regardless of whether he is ready to face all this and accept all of it, the situation has developed to this day, after all, one person must stand up.

Baili Qingfeng, Lord of the Nether Temple, Reincarnation of the True God, Chairman of the Joint Committee of Six Affairs, Sovereign of the Thunder Sovereign, Terminator of the Legendary Age, First Assassin in the Famine World ...

As Baili Changkong said, Xi Yanzhou, sooner or later, he is imperative.

"I'm leaving."

Having said that, taking a step forward, in the eyes of everyone, facing the morning light, headed for Xiyanzhou.



The flames are burning.


"I fight with you!"


Life is mourning.

This is a group of thousands of beastly people.

They are all elites of the Burning Wings, quietly occupying the space path of Su Xinzong. They want to bring the method of gaining faith in this world to the Golden Temple of the ally of the Flame King in exchange for the Golden Temple to deal with the glorious empire, and Assist them with the chips to revive the Lord of Flames.

I just didn't expect that when they quietly waited for the opening period of Su Xinzong's space channel to come, under the intervention of external forces, the opening time of this space channel was actually advanced, and then greeted them ...


A new kind of intelligent creature was killed from the space channel, and tortured the slaughter of these beastly humans.

Without the legendary powerful burning wings and the legendary Holy Spirit Golem, these troops, which had only leftover soldiers, could not resist the slaughter of the Nightmare Knights. In a burst of flames and mourning, thousands of beastly humans were The slaughter was empty, and even the beastly man who survived by chance had completely lost the courage to confront these nightmare knights.

In less than half a day, the battle was over.

In a **** sea of ​​corpses, there is a creature that is four meters high. This creature looks human, but it has two wings and a horn on its head. It is similar to the mythical purgatory creature—the flame demon.

But the flame on the flame is fiery blood red, and the flame on him ...

It was black!

From time to time in that burning flame, there seemed to be a bit of grieving creatures mourning, sending out screams that stimulated the innermost fear of human beings.

"Your Highness, we have an interesting discovery here."

At this moment, a beastly man exuding a high breath of life on his body reported respectfully before him.

"Oh? But the body of the Holy Spirit Golem has been found? This legendary Holy Spirit is the only Holy Spirit that survived the Fire Dragon's Fire Dragon. If he can capture it, maybe he can find a clue to the sleeping place of the Fire Lord. Kill this deity who dare not submit to the Father. "

"According to the results of those heretical trials, the Holy Spirit of the King of Flames has fallen and died in the hands of a human who claims to be the reincarnation of the true **** of nothingness."

"The reincarnated body of the true **** of nothingness? What kind of **** will be born in such a barren world? The divinity will be completely worn away in the process of growth because it is not stimulated by the external environment. It is foolish and ridiculous."

The creature with the black flame on his body said disdainfully, "Blood cry, you should know that this statement will also deceive the ignorant humans in this world."

"His Royal Highness is wise, but his subordinates are not talking about this, but about the power of sacrifice and faith about this world. As this world becomes more and more connected with our world, the space channel is constantly opened, and a group of cavemen It was found that when sacrificing or holding a grand ceremony at the space channel or the door of the space, it can be sensed by the deities behind it, so as to receive the feedback of the great true god. These heretics of Burning Wings want to take this news to the Golden Temple, Trade with the Pope of Gold and the God of Titans in exchange for their support from the Temple of Gold. "

The legend of the beastly man known as the Blood Weep.

"Huh? Ritual in the gates and passages of space can get a response from the Father !?"

The look of the **** of terror entangled with black flames gradually became cautious: "If I remember correctly, there are many intelligent lives in the barren world?"

"Very many, in the tens of billions, and the quality is very high, much higher than most of us orcs and cavemen."


The God of Fear drew in his eyes: "Without saying tens of billions, even if I gather a million wise lives to perform a ritual of fear, I will also receive the favor of God the Father! I have been given a stronger bloodline to the point of being a demigod!"

"Very right, Your Highness, and the fear of creating millions of intelligent lives in this world is not difficult. It is just a little trouble to drive them near the space channel, but in the presence of the heroic knights of our Nightmare Corps, this is not a problem at all. . "

"Since it's not a problem, why not try it?"

"The human who claimed to be the reincarnation of the real **** in that world is not weak, and it is said that he has the power to defeat high-end legends ... by then I'm afraid to ask His Highness to take his own shot."

Blood cried.

"Defeat the high-level legend ... Which **** son can't stay in this barren world, is it the possession of evil?"

The God of Fear stunned for a moment, while holding his hand empty, a black flame entangled with his burning has been drawn away and condensed into the hand, accompanied by the countless grievous screams of mourning in the black flame, he screamed the black The flames swallowed.

"Whether it is an evil thing or not, if you dare to obstruct the plan of your Highness, you will be shot dead."

"Yes, Your Highness."


West Yanzhou.

The gate of space in the Black Temple.

At this moment, in a human building twenty kilometers outside the gate of this space, as the Pope's Plutonium is deploying supplies, he intends to open the second gate of space to occupy the forthcoming four temple competition. Get the advantage.

But besides this, there was another thing that really concerned him.

"Isn't there any movement over the Blood Temple?"

曜 Middle Pope Road.

"Not yet. I have heard some rumors previously, but it soon subsided. So far, the Blood Temple has not actually entered the market."

In front of him, a burrow man in a robe as if an assistant responded.

"It has been almost three months since our army of the Black Temple invaded the world, and the news at the Blood Temple should be dull, but we should be aware of it, but so far there has been no movement ..."

Wu Ming knocked on the table: "There is a conspiracy!"

"I will let Bishop Yun Jing go deep into the blood temple to investigate!"

Assistant said ~ ~ At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and then saw Jing Jing hurriedly came in: "The Pope ... I heard the news, the people in the Blood Temple could not come."

"Can't come?"

Wu Ming looked at the cardinal who trusted him most: "What can't come?"

"The Blood Temple was defeated, their Grand Judgment Blood Hidden, the leader of the ascetic ... killed as many as possible!"

"What !? The chief justice and the ascetic leader of the Blood Temple are dead?"

"In addition, I heard another news ..."

Qi Jing looked in shock with an incredible look.

"what news?"

"Blood God ... fallen!"

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