The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 874: Assassinate

The structure of the Temple of Death is similar to the structure of the Blood Temple. The highest person in charge is also composed of the Pope who handles the affairs of the church, the presiding judge in charge of the church judiciary, and the ascetics who serve the deities closest to God.

In order to sacrifice the death **** and expand the influence of the death god, two of the three giants of the death temple came, the leader of the ascetics, Hei Mukai, and the judge of justice, Naluo.

However, in addition to the two giants, the burrowers who were really responsible for handling large and small matters at this time also included the newly-appointed Cardinal Garuda and his close faithful Yahweh, who was later converted into the Holy Spirit by the **** of death.

The entire death temple is responsible for expanding the influence of the true **** of death in the barren world. The ruling class is composed of a legendary holy spirit, a legend, and two holy spirits. The lineup is strong and can be called the top. Even the black temple and the war temple occupy the first place. The opportunity to take advantage of the Temple of Death is also inferior.

Unlike lower-level burrowers, ruling-level burrowers are much smarter than lower-level burrowers.

It may not reach the level of the human elite, but it is not inferior to normal humans.

Normal humans know how to persuade intelligence from the captives after invading the enemy's kingdom, as do the burrow people of the ruling class.

In this case, they naturally knew the name of Baili Qingfeng. Similarly, as Baili Qingfeng invaded the area they controlled, it also attracted their high attention.

"It's that human!"

"This man is arrogant and claims to be a **** of nothingness! What a ridiculous thing! As a human being, stealing the name of God? If it were in our world, it would have been burned to death by the temple as heresy!"

"This is proof of the cowardice and ignorance of humans in this world, as if their self-righteous wisdom is ridiculous before our absolute power."

"This human being does not respect the true God, it is indeed damn, but his strength is not weak. According to the information we have, several Holy Spirits and legends have died in his hands. In addition, there is another unconfirmed message showing that we His old friend, the legendary holy spirit in the Temple of Blood, withered dead trees and the blood of the judge, was killed by him. This is why the Temple of Blood has never entered the world to this world. "

Chancellor Nalow whispered.

His words calmed Garuda, Yehua, and Heimukai a little.

"In addition to these, this human also has a weapon of divine punishment, which is also worthy of our vigilance. When they started the battle with the blood temple, they used 60,000 soldiers who belonged to the blood temple to wipe out. power!"

"The fluctuations emanating from the gate of space have a disruptive effect on so-called electronic products in this world. As for other gathering places, we are almost equipped with enough humans. Once they are hungry, they can use them as food. Second, they use magic weapons to deal with them. Our heroic fighters will kill twice as many their compatriots! In addition, we are also training a large number of air forces to avoid being hit by such weapons from the air. "

Garuda Road.

He served in the Iron Empire's army for several years. In these years, he did not do nothing, but constantly learned the knowledge of the human world. Because of this, he was able to formulate a series of responses in accordance with the rules of the human world. law.

"What we really need to be careful of is the human who claims to be the incarnation of the true **** of nothingness."

"Only one human being, we have four legendary combat powers on our side. I myself have been given by the Lord's God, with the power of the Holy Spirit. Why can he fight us!"

"The human record of defeating the Blood Temple may be exaggerated, but the Blood Temple did not enter the battlefield, it is indeed suspicious. Then think of this record of human beings beating the legendary beastly man in the glorious empire ... It's not too far away. Such opponents ... deserve all of us to be careful. "

Garuda said, turning to Hei Mukai, "We also need Lord Hei Mukai to lead us to conquer the world, so there can be no accidents with his war, and we will hold a sacrifice at the gate of space to die. Please please the great Lord, let our Lord's eyes revisit this world, and then give us more power of the Holy Spirit to defeat our opponents! "

"What are you waiting for, right now, I can't wait to bathe in the Lord's glory."

Hei Mukai said.

Soon, the Temple of Death had moved.

Originally, they had arrested more than 400,000 people from all over the world, and planned to gather a million people for a huge sacrifice in exchange for the power of the Holy Spirit, even the gift of divine magic, but only the 400,000 people. There is an opportunity to riot, and from time to time, human warriors come to the rescue. Although it ends up failing again and again, it will cause extremely serious losses. In half a month, 400,000 people have less than 300,000 people.

At the same time, nearly 300,000 people were sacrificed at the same time. It is still not difficult to attract the attention of the true **** of death with the huge force of death.

In the midst of wailing, screaming, and mourning, tens of thousands of people in the caves expelled everyone with yellow skin and thin skin. It seemed that humans who had been hungry for a long time walked towards the sacrifice rituals that had been portrayed for a long time.

The entire French array was established with the gate of space as the center, and a circle of 30 kilometers around the gate of space looked extremely vast.

And among the several key nodes around the formation, there is a burst of black breath rising constantly, and it seems that there are countless grieved souls in that black breath.

Seeing this scene, the chaos among human beings has become more and more intense.

It seems to know that there is only a dead end to wait for them.

With a roar of a **** third-level martial artist, he suddenly attacked a cave man around his body, while other humans shouted in horror and began to flee in all directions.


The gap between the two sides is too big.

In front of the cavemen warriors whose average physical fitness has reached the war level, humans and them are equivalent to facing a powerful tiger, or a mutant version. A large number of humans who want to escape are killed and their riot It doesn't make any sense except to add a little chaos to the cavemen.

"Really weak!"

Nalo stood on a platform built on a hill and looked down at the scene.

"Although they are weak, their 'spirituality' is much stronger than ours. The power provided by their death is continuously acquired by the great God of Death, which fills his kingdom. At present, the Lord ’s kingdom It has been perfecting at a very fast speed. When I prayed last night, I even saw the ghost of the Lord ’s kingdom ... "

Hei Mukai said.

"Is the Lord's Kingdom of God finally made?"

There was a touch of excitement on Narlow's face.

Only the God who owns the kingdom of God can have centripetal force, and can fully spread his faith in every corner.

Otherwise, the temples in the two places will have trouble communicating. What more do they talk about?

If it wasn't because the cave people had only four true gods and they were persecuted by the gods in the north, their faith in the true **** of death would not be as firm as they are now.

But even so, less than half of the true believers in the cave people are dominated by shallow believers and widespread believers.

Like the Blood Wolf City that Baili Qingfeng contacted earlier, although it seems to believe in the Blood Temple, the relationship between the two is mainly cooperation.

"Master Hei Mukai, there is news ahead, that human is here!"

At this time, Garuda suddenly stepped forward.

"So fast?"

Hei Mukai glanced at the door of space as the rioters were suppressed and killed and turned into a rising black air stream, frowning slightly: "The sacrifice has not been completed, we need one or two more Hours ... "

Speaking of this, he paused: "Fortunately, I can already feel the power of the Holy Spirit in my body ... Naluo, Garuda, speed up the sacrifice process! Yehua, you follow me to stop this human, See if he is as good as rumored! "

While speaking, he strode with the meteor, and the Holy Spirit Yehua rushed towards the direction of Baili Qingfeng.

Although the physical strength is preserved, the speeds of the two holy spirits, Heimukai and Yehua, are not slow. In less than half an hour, they have spanned dozens of kilometers.

At this time, they also clearly felt that a huge breath in the distance was surging, and the first thing was the sharp sword light sweeping from him.

Wushuang Sword!

Jianguang whistled, madly running through the tundras around him, three kilometers away, and few people survived.

"Half-step legend? No realm !?"

Hei Mukai's eyes paused for a moment at Baili Qingfeng, as if he had found something, with a hint of stun in his eyes.

"This human does not have a realm, but why is the rumor that he has defeated the legend more than once? Killed the legend?"

Yehua was also a little puzzled.

"If there is no realm ..."

Hei Mukai wanted to summon thousands of cavemen to slay Baili Qingfeng and consume his power, but considering that his identity as the Holy Spirit represents the face of the true **** of great death, he finally overwhelmed this idea. Go on.

While Hei Mukai's eyes locked on Baili Qingfeng, Baili Qingfeng also sensed their arrival. The sword's blade turned and his foot broke out, killing them like a shell.

"Come here!"

He Mukai's eyes flashed a light, and his mental state was gradually high and boiling: "The great **** of death, you are the walker of death, you are the spokesperson of the underworld, you dominate the destruction of all beings ..."

As he continued to pray, a faint shadow emerged from his body. The faint shadow seemed to be a dreamlike dark country, and a kind of power condensed in it. It seemed that he would infuse his body and show him. Full gesture as the legendary Holy Spirit!

This scene fell into Ye Hua's eyes, making him full of envy.

The legendary Holy Spirit, which is a higher level of existence than the Holy Spirit, waits until the Lord ’s kingdom is established, and can even face the true God through the Kingdom of God. To cause qualitative change, it is also possible to be promoted to be a servant god, becoming a demigod existence comparable to the cultivation system ...


Enviously, Ye Hua suddenly felt that the human breath had disappeared.

Was it scared away?

Yes, after all, Lord Heimukai is the legendary Holy Spirit equivalent to a high-end legend, and this human being is just a small half-step legend! ?

With this thought, Yehua turned around ...

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

There seemed to be a flash of golden light!

These golden lights ...

Seems to penetrate the body of the powerful legendary Holy Spirit Heimukai! ?

"and many more!?"

Ye Hua suddenly became a spirit!

Jin Guangdong wore Hei Mukai's body! ?

We are under attack! ?

Isn't the enemy still a kilometer away? ?

"Master Hemukai be careful!"

Yehua screamed ~ ~ Then he found that he was envious and just chanting the great legend of the true **** of death, Heimu Kai, who had more than a dozen blood on his head, heart, lungs, limbs The hole, just silent, fell straight down.


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