The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 879: time


Baili Qingfeng looked at the holy spirit Garuda who was burning with black flames all over his body ...

No, Galunda at this moment is no longer even a pure Holy Spirit.

The kingdom of death envelops his body, and from the part of the kingdom above the door of space, there is a steady stream of terrifying majestic powers passing on his body, even though this power has passed through the world The power has been greatly reduced, but after continuously absorbing the power of sacrifice, it is more than enough to maintain the legendary Holy Spirit of Galounda.


Seeing that Baili Qingfeng was approaching, Galunda no longer simply stood still waiting, but uttered a roar, and the sword in his hand seemed to burn a layer of black flame. He just roared, striding meteor, and charged at full speed. , Aiming at the Baili Qingfeng, swept and killed, before the person arrives, I do not know whether the power of the divine power or the Holy Spirit has been rolling like a mountain, if it is replaced by ordinary living beings, it will definitely be choked and killed by this momentum.

"The experiment just verified my guess! Because the world is different, the immortal emperor cannot come to this world, and I don't believe that the death **** at the same level as the blood **** can project power over!"

There was a flash of light in the eyes of Baili Qingfeng. Facing Galouda from the charge, he also kept accelerating, and his momentum continued to rise during the charge.

In the process of continuous hedging, the distance between the two has rapidly decreased!

Six kilometers, four kilometers, two kilometers, one kilometer, five hundred meters ...

Just before the distance between the two was less than a hundred meters, the universal cells that had recovered in Baili Qingfeng's body were detonated again by the spirit.

Golden light burst!

At the same time, the spirit pried the magnetic field of the stars, and his shape plunged directly into the heavens and the earth to fit him.

Half-step stardom!

The moment he entered the half-step star, Jianguang erupted!

The golden flames exploded into more than a dozen sword lights, flooding Galunda's body in front of him.


This enhanced version of star assassination is still performed when the two are less than a hundred meters apart, almost at the same time as the sword of Baili Qingfeng, Jian Guang has penetrated Galunda's body without giving him any resistance. A chance to dodge!


Galauda itself did not seem to be blocking it!

He seemed to let the bright sword light assassinated by Baili Qingfeng run through his body, piercing his body through a dozen holes. The whole person still carried the horrible inertia, and at the same time chopped out the sword in his hand and carried it out. With the mighty divine power and black flame, he severely cut the body of Baili Qingfeng!


Baili Qingfeng, who was in the half-step star realm, was instantly cut by the sword.

Thunder ’s mighty power burst out, forming a circle of visible gas explosion, and the smashed shovel tore the ground on the spot within a hundred meters, and all the trees, flowers and plants within a few hundred meters were swept up. The hurricane shattered.

During the gas explosion, Baili Qingfeng, who was smashed at full speed, flew backward at a speed no less than the speed at which he arrived, and was chopped for more than 30 meters in an instant.

In the middle of the air, he has twisted his body, recaptured, and then landed on both feet, stepped on the ground fiercely, and resolved the inertia with the friction of the ground. Soon, his foothold has been plowed out of two trenches. .

For the first time, Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell on his shoulder, which was cut by the sword.


The golden light shone, but it had been cut open.

Yin Hong's blood flowed out from the stab wound. Although the wound was small, he was soon sealed by the precise control of himself and stopped the blood loss, but it is undeniable that ...

he is injured.

He was cut and wounded by the Holy Spirit Garuda.

Compared with the cut off wound on the shoulder of Baili Qingfeng, the blood flowed, and the figure of Galunda who was penetrated by dozens of swords by Baili Qingfeng was slightly shaking, and the source of the kingdom of God above the gate of space The constant infusion of the power of the Holy Spirit into his body caused the injuries on his body to be quickly repaired. In just a few moments, more than a dozen cave bodies had recovered as before.

And after seeing the wound on Baili Qingfeng, his face also showed a trace of cruel contempt with cruelty: "Just a human!"

Having said that, his body slumped and he charged again, and the sword in his hand boiled in flames.

"The Holy Spirit ..."

Baili Qingfeng looked at Galauda.

Finally understand why the special existence of the Holy Spirit is to be distinguished from the legendary life.

Legendary life still belongs to the category of flesh and blood, and due to the transformation of life forms, the Holy Spirit has evolved into a special kind of life with half flesh and half energy under the circumstances that the power of the Holy Spirit is inspired to the extreme.

It is precisely because of the energy of localized parts of the body that they can have a life span far beyond that of humans, reaching a level of 300, 400, or even 500 years.


It seems that because of the Holy Spirit and the energy, Galunda's speed is not slow. A sprint has already reached the front of Baili Qingfeng. The thunder of the sword is cut off again. The sword is not here. The mighty divine power in a knife has already been shocked like a torrent of terror.

Vaguely, Bai Li Qingfeng's spiritual world seemed to hear countless people screaming screaming.

"Death! Death! Death!"

This voice contains the power to shake the soul, and it seems to be able to inspire the deepest fear of death in the human soul. If it is replaced by other people, even if it is a legendary life, the mind will be severely disturbed by this continuous impact. 10% of the power can not exert 70%, but ...

He has been used to this kind of prayer, chanting, and the sacred prayer in the kingdom of the immortal emperor. The deceptive power is much stronger than the impact of this mind. Qing Feng ignored it.

"The Holy Spirit, although it can be transformed into half-blood and half-energy life when the power of the Holy Spirit is stimulated to the extreme, but after all, it is life. Once there is no physical body as a carrier, there is still only a dead end! Therefore, you can blast your physical body!"

As soon as the Baili Qingfeng reads this, he no longer performs a half-step star state, the universal cells in the body detonate, and the golden flame suddenly rises into the sky, as if a golden beam of light that torn the sky, the kilometer, let the sky within a kilometer range. Upheavals and storms.

"call out!"

With the power of the golden demon's disintegration bursting out, Baili Qingfeng burst out his sword!

This sword is no longer winning with speed and fierceness, but with strength!

The explosive power contained in the sword!

In the face of such a sword, Galunda, who swept down the mighty sword and slammed the sword, quickly realized what the sword was.

Originally abandoning all defenses and cutting towards the direction of Baili Qingfeng's sword, instantly collided with a sword pierced by Baili Qingfeng!


The swords intersect, and the power contained in the two is released at the moment of the impact, making it seem as if a blaster is released within a hundred meters of the circle. The flowers, trees, stone debris, soil layers, and even the air within this range, All shattered.

And exactly ten cavemen who were located in this area were blown up into blood fog in front of this horrible shock force.

It even includes a ninth-level knight in armor.

During the explosion, Galunda's body flew out like a cannonball.

Even if he blocked a sword, a smashable sword light, and a scabbard stabbed by Baili Qingfeng with the golden demon's disintegration technique at the critical moment, he still tore his body with a lot of scars and blood splash It was permeated and soon stopped again by the power of the Holy Spirit flowing down from the door of space!

"Mortal! You have irritated me!"

Garuda, who flew upside down, growled, and the injuries on his body were quickly repaired by the power of the Holy Spirit when he flew down. When his body landed and he stood still, the broken body had been repaired as before!

It was just that he didn't have time for another counterattack. Baili Qingfeng's figure had been smashed from the exploding air waves, like a cannonball that broke through the void, carrying a terrifying impact, and was severely cut. Garuda's stature!


Daoguang and Jianmang blow up again, tearing everything in the range of dozens of meters!

However, due to the exhaustion of all-purpose cells, this sword did not inspire the disintegration of the golden demon. Although Garuda's foothold shattered and collapsed into a large pit with a diameter of several meters, he carried his sword to life.

"that is it!?"

Carrying the sword of Baili Qingfeng, Galunda struck back, the form of the Holy Spirit was inspiring to the extreme, and the endless flame entangled his body, turning it into a dazzling sword light and slashing to Baili Qingfeng's body.

The Baili Qingfeng, who still had some room for resistance, seemed to be completely returned to its original form after the disintegration of the golden demon, and became a half-step legend. Under the attack of the Holy Spirit, which is comparable to the legendary Galunda, Makes every effort to defend.

"Okay! Great!"

"Galada's Holy Spirit received the gift of my Lord and was given the power of the great Holy Spirit! At this moment, he is invincible!"

"The great true **** of death, you are the walker of death, you are the substitute of the underworld, you dominate the destruction of all beings ..."

Seeing this scene, all those people in the caves became very excited, shouting the name of the true **** of death one by one, eyes full of enthusiasm.

"Half-step legend, after all, is a half-step legend! Even relying on the mystery of outbreak and relying on inheritance of magic ~ ~ can not get rid of the fact that you are a half-step legend! I will capture you and ask you All the secrets in your body! "

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Knife after knife!

Galunda in the state of the Holy Spirit inspired the sword to the extreme.

The mighty divine power and the destructive Holy Spirit's power are continuously released and scattered, one tearing the body of Baili Qingfeng, crushing and shattering the golden light on him.

At the beginning, Baili Qingfeng could barely counterattack, but in the later period, his simple sword skills were completely pierced by Galunda. His counterattack suddenly became weak and weak. Under Galunda's crazy attack, it seemed that he had only Can be passively beaten.


Galauda filled the void with a proud voice.

It is only a matter of time before Baili Qingfeng's defeat completely loses his resistance.

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