The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 886: recover

Prime Minister Yasuo and Prime Minister Alov came very quickly.

When Baili Qingfeng and the Void Legion began to sweep around for four weeks, the two prime ministers took two huge teams on a special plane and hurried over.

Behind them, there are not only huge armies from the Kingdom of Shia, the Knight League, the Aurora Empire, but also huge amounts of materials mobilized from within the Knights League, the Kingdom of Shia, and the Aurora Empire.

Although East Shenzhou and West Yanzhou are located on two continents, because of their borders, transportation of materials is more convenient than other continents. I believe it won't be long before these materials arrive, plus the steel empire, glory The empire's supporting items, this occupied area originally occupied by the Temple of the True God of Death, will regain prosperity at a very rapid rate.

Time flicked, and then three days.

On this day, Baili Qingfeng is leading the Void Corps, and the troops of all countries in Xiyanzhou are constantly pursuing the scattered cave people on this 39 million square kilometers of land, following Prime Minister Yasuo together. Duanmu Rui brought good news.

"Chairman ... Your Majesty, good news came from the Iron Empire and the Shining Empire, and the troops of the Black Temple and the Temple of War retreated."

Duanmu Rui rejoiced.


When Baili Qingfeng was stunned, he was planning to sweep the area of ​​more than 30 million square kilometers for ten days and a half months to ensure that there would not be more than one hundred cave groups in this area. Temple of War.

did not expect……

The Black Temple and the War Temple actually retreated first?

"How come back?"

"They all retreated into the door of space!"

Duanmurui said: "More than 90% of the cave people have returned to the gate of space, and currently less than 10% of them are just guarding the 100-kilometer circle where the gate of space is. Never dare to expand outward or harm humanity in other regions! "

Speaking of which, he waved heavily: "It must be His Majesty's destructive weapons of punishment that really let them feel what the fear of death is. After learning that there is no chance of winning against His Majesty. , So they had to return to the door of space and escape to their own place. "

"What about the door to the space they are building?"

"All shutdown! And, based on the judgment of space fluctuations, the other party is removing the door of space!"

Duanmu Rui Road.

Baili Qingfeng listened and nodded.

In fact, he could guess some of the reasons for the withdrawal of the Black Temple and the War God Temple.

There are only four true gods in the cave people. At the beginning, in the dry rock city on the border of the Red Ginseng country, a blood **** fell, and not long ago, the true **** of death fell behind the gate of the space on the Saul Peak.

What a horrible loss the four true gods fell directly in half! ?

Furthermore, the four true gods, the true **** of death, the blood god, the black god, and the war god, all belong to the same grade. The blood **** and the death **** fell in the course of the war against the heavenly wilderness, the black **** and the war **** How can God ensure that they do not follow in the footsteps of the other two true gods?

After all, they didn't know the truth about the fall of these two true gods.

In this case, their withdrawal is an inevitable choice.

Although the beliefs of tens of billions of people in the Tianhuang Realm are very tempting, on the one hand, it is too dangerous, and on the other hand, the power of the true God is limited in the end.

three sides……

The **** of blood and the **** of death have been determined to fall, then the territory that belongs to them is all vacated and becomes a land without a master.

Compared with the Heavenly Famine Realm, this land without land is safer and easier to digest. Don't worry about encountering too much resistance.

Therefore, I am afraid that I will concentrate on the crypt world for a long time to come.

After thinking about this, Baili Qingfeng was a little relieved.

Although the problem of the cave world is not yet solved once and for all, there is no need to worry about what will happen for the time being.

"I know."

Baili Qingfeng nodded: "Then, after hanging the burrow people in this land, they will organize their hands to enter the control area of ​​the Black Temple and War Temple."

"We will send people to collect information in advance to prepare for the two temple control areas."

Duanmu Rui Road.

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

The situation in Xiyanzhou went smoothly beyond his imagination. Previously, he was still having a headache. At least millions of people from the caves rushed into Xiyanzhou. There was another breakthrough in the realm of swordsmanship, creating a sword technique that can be played one day and one night, but at the end of the day, it would kill 10,000 or more. Based on only two million enemies, it would take more than 100 days.

This time, the enemy retreated, and when he retreated, the door of the space being built was destroyed. The result ...

It's really good.

"Thanks to immortality ... maybe, I should find an opportunity to talk to him and guide him to goodness. If he can be made aware of the beauty of a modernist harmonious society, pull him into my camp and work together to maintain world peace It's best to work hard. "

Baili Qingfeng thought.

Anyway, because the world is blocked, even if immortality is angry, he can't help himself in this world.

Then ...

If immortality is angry, he should have a little more patience, tell him well, explain the reason to him, and influence him with an inclusive heart.

He believes that at the beginning of life, his nature is good, and one day he can make immortality change.

Reconstruction of Xiyanzhou proceeded quickly.

Although the whole process has all kinds of troubles, under the treatment of Yasuo and Alov, and Silvia, there is no need for Baili Qingfeng to worry.

For ten days, Baili Qingfeng led the Void Army to level all the grotto groups of more than a hundred people in the death temple area. The remaining group of dozens or dozens of cave people was scattered in the vicinity of 4,000. On a land of 10,000 square kilometers, it is no longer easy to search for it, and it must be handed over to the local forces of Xiyanzhou and the Thunder Sect, Kingdom of Shia, and the Knights League.

Next, Baili Qingfeng continued to advance the control area of ​​the Black Temple and the Temple of War.

This time, efficiency has improved a lot.

Thanks to the rich divine power left by the death of the true god, the thirty knights of the Void Knights refined the legendary blood essence, and all of them broke through to the Xeon stage. Among them, Constantine, Roth, and West who have taken the essence of the true god. Elvia, it is the power of life, step into the sky and step into the legend.

The three of them each carried a squad, and then transferred a thousand-man squad. Together with Baili Qingfeng, they moved into four directions to sweep the area controlled by the Black Temple and the Temple of War, making the sweeping efficiency more than doubled, only half. Months, the area controlled by the two temples fell in the hands of Baili Qingfeng, even if the gates of several spaces were 100 miles away.


Yu Ruiguo.

The Black Temple has spent huge sums of money in front of the gate of space.

Cardinal Bi Jing of the Black Temple and a cardinal Bishop of the Temple of War led the guard with some trembling looks at the Baili Qingfeng coming under the arch guard of the Void Knights.


Thinking of the request of the Lord Pope, and the deities personally issued by the true **** behind them, the two cardinals still stepped forward and greeted their heads: "Here is the great **** of nothingness. Bishop's Blade of Warrior greets you. "

"I heard that you are waiting here to meet me?"

Baili Qingfeng looked at the two.

"Yes, Your Majesty, because of some misunderstandings, we do n’t know that this world has become your sacred land, so lead the army to offend your great God of nothingness, even if we have evacuated all the troops and released all the original All the captured souls, but in the last few months have brought losses to His Majesty the True God of Nothingness, so I purposely sought His Majesty the True God of Nothingness in the hope of expressing our apologies to the Great God of Nothingness. "

Lu Jing said, looking respectfully.


Baili Qingfeng looked at Yan Jing: "I went to the site of the Blood Temple not long ago and asked a question to the person in charge of the Blood Temple, peace or war! Now it seems that you have made the right choice . "

The question of Baili Qingfeng embarrassed the Cardinal of the Temple of War.

And Jing Jing of the Black Temple quickly said: "Peace! Peace! We want peace!"

After speaking quickly, he said in a humble tone: "The black **** behind us is a very peace-loving true god. This time, if not for the deception of the true **** of death, I would not step into the great one anyway. Fortunately, your realm of true gods is dead. Fortunately, the true **** of death has fallen to His Majesty the Great True God of Nothingness and received the due punishment. We also responded in time to withdraw from the world at the fastest speed. Is aware of his mistake and is willing to make compensation. "

Baili Qingfeng's gaze turned to the Bishop of the Temple of War.

The bishop's face immediately showed a smile as kind and friendly as possible: "In fact, although our temple of war is named after war, there are other names, such as the temple of courage, the temple of glory ... I do n’t like it very much, after all, war means sacrifice, so we, as well as the true God behind us, want to live in peace with His Majesty, the True God of Nothingness. ”

"I'm glad you are aware of this. We in Heaven and Earth only want to develop quietly and quietly. We do not welcome the arrival of any cave people. Do you understand?"

Baili Qingfeng said.


Yan Jing and Battle Blade promised again and again.

During the conversation, UU read the book They glanced at each other secretly and relieved.

In the past half month or so, their meetings have been held countless times, and after a lot of discussions, they probably reached a conclusion.

This true **** of nothingness ...

Don't want to make things big.

After all, the world is full of tens of billions of souls, and the quality is quite extraordinary. At this time, it is reasonable to mutely make a fortune. Once everyone is known, it will be known by the gods in the north and even the gods in the middle land It is learned that a powerful deity, a huge deity, and even ancient gods in ancient times have projected their eyes into this world ...

The true **** of nothingness cannot carry it.

This is why they will risk their lives and stay here for compensation and peace.

Now it seems……

Fortunately, things are moving in the direction they expect.

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