The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 895: Prototype

Star sky building.

At this moment, many celebrities from all walks of life who belong to the country of Chi Yan have gathered here.

The Cosmopolitan Group, Hengguang Group, Baiye Group, and the Four Seas Group, all of which belong to the Chiyan Country, are without exception, and all have representatives.

Not only the top ten groups, but also the Yunxiao Sword Palace, Zulong Mountain, and the Brotherhood of Iron and Steel, which have great influence in Chiyan, brought people here early to welcome the arrival of Baili Qingfeng and others.

As the team approached, a group of people swarmed up, each one full of enthusiasm.

"so many people."

The Baili Qingfeng got out of the car and kept looking: "Are these all members of our Golden Twelve Stars?"

"Most of them aren't, I just heard that the big guy is coming over, and came here to greet me."

Miao Wuji, who is responsible for driving.

"I have something to welcome, and isn't this a gathering inside our Golden Twelve-Star Palace. Except for Zulong Mountain, these people are not even family organizations? And they all have high weights, every day, every opportunity, in Waiting here is a waste of time and let them go back. "

"Okay, let me tell my father what they mean."

Miao Wuji said, and Miao Haoran said in the radio frequency, and then sent Baili Qingfeng to the gate of Xingkong Building.

When those people came around, Miao Haoran greeted the main members of the Miao family with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, already knows, but the main purpose of the present day is to hold the Golden Ten. The first meeting after the establishment of the two-star palace, so non-gold twelve-star palace members are also requested to temporarily retire. "

"Master Miao."

An old man from Baiye Group stepped forward, with a smile on his face, "I don't know what His Majesty Baili has specifically ordered."

Miao Haoran glanced at the old man.

This is Ye Shengming, the true controller of the Baiye Group. He was the ruling leader of the Kingdom of Chiyan 20 years ago. This existence was placed five years ago. It was not easy for the owner of the Miao family to see him. But now ...

The other party's words actually flattered him.

"Mr. Ye Lao, I don't know what the commander said."

"Do n’t stop laughing at the Miao master. Will the current situation in East Shenzhou not understand? The buck, Moro, and quicksand among the traditional powers of East Shenzhou have already worked for Hea, or in The Nether Temple, as long as the Order of the Hundred Miles of the Nether Temple is ordered, these countries are definitely willing to act as pioneers. His Majesty's order is to look forward. Not to mention the aurora empire of the original God Continent, let alone the Nether Temple in recent years completely The imperial rule of the empire is not inferior to that of the Emperor Aurora. In this case, it is no exaggeration to say that Her Majesty Barry has become the Lord of Divine Land. "

Ye Shengming had a bitter smile on his face: "In this situation, the situation of our country of Chi Yan has become very embarrassing, especially we are surrounded by the three countries of Aurora, Hea, and Quicksand ... So, do n’t understand Her Majesty's attitude towards our Chiyan, we ... have trouble sleeping and eating. "

"So, what if Mr. Ye Lao understood Her Majesty's attitude?"

Miao Haoran said something.

"Understanding Her Majesty's attitude ..."

Ye Shengming's eyes were full of powerlessness: "What else can you do, Your Majesty, if you really want to infect our country of Chi Yan, all we can do is to find ways to minimize the losses of our major groups to support Your Majesty's opposition. The rule of the Red Flame Country. "

Even the new and old hegemonic steel empire and the glorious empire that are the center of the world, Xi Yanzhou, bowed their heads to the Baili Qingfeng. The Chiyan nation, which is adjacent to the Shia and Aurora empires, could not only surrender themselves in a decent way, but what else could they do ?

This is why this time, when the Baili Qingfeng came to the Star Track City again, all the top officials of the entire Chiyan country were shocked.

Miao Haoran thought for a while, considering that Chi Yan Country is the foundation of the Miao family, and said: "You should understand the character of His Majesty, which is true jealousy. The experience of our Miao family was the best example. I believe that if your major groups can pay attention to this and improve the internal climate of the group, so that the Chiyan country becomes democratic, fair, and ruled by law, Her Majesty will not rush to interfere in other countries' internal affairs. "

After he said that, he added: "But if you go against the rules in Chiyan, it will make you angry, once you are told by His Majesty ..."

"No, no, absolutely not!"

Ye Shengming immediately said: "We have now vigorously rectified all maggots and black sheep in the group, strictly abide by the concepts of democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, rule of law, and justice, and strongly promote the concept of equality before the law. The previous cabinet Secretary-General Su Zi'an was severely punished for corruption, and hundreds of people in the top ten groups were severely punished during the year, which made the domestic political environment in Chiyan clear. The Miao homeowners should see our efforts and Work hard. "

Miao Haoran nodded: "I will convey these changes to Her Majesty."

"Thank you, Miao."

Ye Shengming breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, an old man from the Four Seas Group came forward and said, "Our Miao family, after discussion, we intend to divide 20% of the shares from the group and give it to His Majesty ..."

Before he finished speaking, Miao Haoran shook his head: "Mr. Su, based on my understanding of His Majesty Baili, he will not accept it."

"These funds are the funds we have provided to Her Majesty's Void Temple to contribute to the peace and stability of Eastern Shenzhou over the years. , So we can only express our minds in the logistics of resources. "

Su surnamed the old man.

"So, I will tell Her Majesty Barry."

Miao Haoran said, in the end, he seemed to think of something: "By the way, I heard Miao Wou-Ki said, Her Majesty Baili seems to have a good opinion of Xingdao City ..."

The principals of the major groups looked at each other, and not only did not worry in their eyes, but they were happy: "Our Four Seas Group has 16 buildings in Star Rail City, 22 communities, and 322 facade shops ..."

"We also have the White Night Group ..."

"The Cotai Group has also invested in a lot of industries in the star track city ..."

"The Yunxiao Sword Palace has four hills and six large estates outside Star Rail ..."

Everyone spoke, rejoicing that they could finally give Baili Qingfeng a gift that satisfied her.

Soon, the assets of almost half a star track city were integrated out of the home of the Miao family.

With these assets, Baili Qingfeng is worthy of even claiming to be a hundred and a half cities in Star Track City.

Looking at these big men scrambling to give gifts to Baili Qingfeng, behind the crowd, a twenty-five, sixty-five urban lady full of refined atmosphere has a complex look.

She is Tong Yu. At that time, she was transferred to Shire University by the orders of the Yunxiao Sword Palace. She wanted to use her own beauty to attract Baili Qingfeng at a small price.


Every time she finds a topic and chats with Baili Qingfeng, Baili Qingfeng takes out a bunch of book assignments and asks her to do it. She repeatedly gave her patience, plus the pride of being a member of Yunxiao Sword Palace. She was too lazy to waste time with Baili Qingfeng again, and bluntly took out the name of the Yunxiao Sword Palace. As a result ...

The solicitation ended because of Bai Li Qingfeng's "arrogance".

But now ...

"If I could, then, not so stubborn, now, not so sorry."

Tong Yu muttered to himself, with remorse in his eyes: "If I can patiently read every book given by Baili Qingfeng and read and study with him, then it is not the teacher who is standing beside him Yiyi's woman is me ... our Yunxiao Sword Palace will not be in a difficult position like now ... "

She clearly remembered that at that time, Baili Qingfeng was friendly and patient. As long as she could seize the opportunity, the hope of stepping up to the sky was in sight.

But in the end ...

But she missed it.


Baili Qingfeng entered the Xingkong Building, and as soon as he got on the elevator to the floor where the banquet hall was located, all members of the Golden Zodiac, who had been waiting here, greeted them.

"Hey there."

"Thunder dominates!"

"Little brother Qingfeng."

The bursts of cheers made people's mood involuntarily follow a lot of cheerfulness.

Baili Qingfeng's eyes swept away from the nine people.

Aotian Sword God, Gentleman Sword, East Wins, Mint Desolation, Falling Sakura Tingyu, Quantum God of War, King of Black Holes, Ten Steps to One Kill, Shadow Master, plus Ethereal Fairy and Zhao Jiansheng, Golden Ten All members of the Second Star Palace arrived.

Perhaps Baili Qingfeng said in the group before, I hope that everyone can continue to get along as before, so that although the nine people are more restrained than before, they still have the relaxed atmosphere of a friend in general. .

"Are you all right these days?"

"Something happened, but overall it was fine."

The gentleman sword smiled.

"Yes, with the light of the big brothers, our home was originally stared at, but when I showed the identity of the members of the Golden Zodiac, they immediately retreated."

The East win is also a bit lucky.

What he said was true. Their family also belonged to the affiliated forces of Tianjilou. Tianjilou was hunted down, and they naturally reached Yuchi. It was because of his identity as a member of the Golden Zodiac that he repelled the intruder , Preserved the family.

At that time, he was really exasperated in the family who has always been a marginal figure.

"Mint desolate, how about you? I see your distress message."

"Brother Qingfeng, it's all right."

Mint desolately said, "It was the foreigners ... the outsiders wanted to catch us, and we were safe when we ran to the country of Hea."

"It's fine."

Baili Qingfeng nodded and chatted with everyone immediately.

The hundred-mile bamboo on the side watched the people cheerfully chatting with the sky, with envy in their eyes, and seemed to want to be part of it.

Baili Qingfeng saw this. Considering that Xiaozhu had no friends who could really play together except Shi Yiyi, he suddenly proposed: "Or, Xiaozhu, you can also join our Golden Zodiac ~ ~ Me? Can I do that too? "

There are some surprises on thyme.

"What do you think?"

Baili Qingfeng still asked everyone's opinions.

And seeing a lovely little girl like Bailizhu, everyone naturally would not refuse, nodded one after another.

"It's just that there are twelve people in the twelve horoscope of gold?"

"As far as I know, in addition to the Golden Twelve Stars Palace, in addition to the Golden Warrior, the Silver Warrior, and the Bronze Warrior, there is also a guarded person. It is precisely because of the existence of this guarded person that all the soldiers can be united!

Baili Qingfeng said, looking at Xiaozhu and holding her up: "I decided, it's you, Xiaozhu is the little princess to be guarded by our Golden Twelve-Star Palace. From now on, we will all be your gold warrior!"

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