The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 899: Variety


Bursts of roar spread on Baili Qingfeng.

The violent power was excited and swept through Baili Qingfeng's body, making his eyebrows and hair all become golden, and the surface of his body was shining with a layer of golden flame, even if the golden flame had not completely escaped yet, it could be contained in his body That majestic energy still severely oppressed the tens of meters of air, generating a small range of high temperatures and hurricanes.

Even because of the accuracy of Baili Qingfeng's control of his own power, a trace of true energy mixed with lightning properties was released from time to time, and it would cause arcs around his body, and the ground hit a black.

However, this level of arc is naturally not worth mentioning to Baili Qingfeng, whose body's solidity and toughness are better than that of Yaojin.

"Energy ... is infinite."

Baili Qingfeng felt the ring-shaped magnetic field restraining a large amount of energy constantly running in the body, and made a heartfelt sigh.

As long as this energy does not disappear, his golden demon disintegration can be sustained.

And it is maintained to the limit that the physical body can bear.

Previously, if he wanted to obtain this form of combat power, he had to burn the equivalent of one-half the almighty cell.

As for energy ...

Whenever he feels insufficient energy, he only needs to separate some tritium and deuterium from his body as fuel, and can quickly replenish it. As for how to obtain deuterium and tritium ...

Just drink saliva.

"The energy problem of Golden Demon's disintegration has finally been solved, so now I should be considered the first full power state of Golden Demon's disintegration. When the physical body can withstand the energy equivalent to all the universal cells detonate at the same time, it should be Entering the golden demon disintegration is the second most important. "

Baili Qingfeng maintained this pattern and moved slightly.

Suddenly, forces far beyond his control poured out of his body.

The ground he stood on was cracked and collapsed quickly in a fierce roar, as if being hit by a cannonball.


This change made Baili Qingfeng slightly surprised: "The power is too strong."

Previously, he burned one-half of almighty cells and often only exploded a blow, and he still killed life and death with almost invincible strong enemies, and did not need to consider the issue of control.

but now……

The continuous polymerization of deuterium and tritium atoms has provided him with a steady stream of energy, but this energy exists in his body and is also very dangerous in state.

The magnetic confinement ring in his body is still better to maintain normal operation. If there is any problem in the operation, the balance is broken ...

The consequences could be disastrous.

"It seems that I have to practice a little more, and I am familiar with the new state of the golden demon's disintegration."

Baili Qingfeng, who had intended to leave the testing ground, stopped.

On the one hand, he should be familiar with the first new state of the golden demon's disintegration. On the other hand, as the golden demon's disintegration gradually changes from the outburst mystery to the normal state, he also needs to master his own power. Hurricanes caused by punches can knock down the walls of the test field and step on them, making the range of hundreds of meters as if a small earthquake occurred.

Time passes in this constant familiar training.


"Are your Majesty still in the training ground?"

Outside the training ground, the sword guard hurriedly coming from Xia City faced Zhang Qingshan Road solemnly.

"Yes, but every three days, the Lord will come out to eat and take a bath. Based on this calculation, he should come out of it tomorrow ..."

Zhang Qingshan didn't finish talking, but saw the training ground door open.

Immediately afterwards, a figure came out of it.

This figure is full of gold, and there is a layer of golden fluorescence shining on the surface of his body, like a holy god.

When he walked in, the air of dozens of meters seemed to become extremely heavy, it seemed to be compressed and pulled away by an invisible force, and it was almost difficult to breathe. The special change of this air formed a strange vision. Twisted, making people know he was right in front of them, but giving people an extremely distant illusion, like ...

Not in one world.

The magical impact brought by this scene immediately made Shou Jian and other people around him who saw the form of Baili Qingfeng for the first time couldn't help opening their eyes and suffocating.

"Did something happen?"

Baili Qingfeng said.

After speaking, he seemed to be aware of something, and soon released the disenchantment state of the golden demon.

"Sorry, I'm used to these days."

As Baili Qingfeng released the state of the golden demon's disintegration, the depressive atmosphere in the field gradually dissipated, and the vacuum-like atmosphere re-established after the air in this area was stripped away caused the air to pour into the air and rolled up. Gusts of dust.

And the kind of distorted vision that originally enveloped Baili Qingfeng gradually recovered.

After all, while maintaining the full power of Golden Demon's disintegration, his body is equivalent to having a huge energy source. Even if he converges and controls, the impact of this energy source on the external environment is inevitable.

This visual distortion is actually a normal change caused by the temperature rise. If he maintains the state of the golden demon disintegration and stays in one place for a long time, the temperature in this place will be ten to twenty degrees higher than in other places. If it is a fierce battle, The fusion reaction in his body is more intense, and this temperature rise will become more intense.

"Hmm ... Your Majesty ..."

Shou Jian looked at Baili Qingfeng, alas, for a while he was unclear.

"Is Shouzhen senior asking you to come to me?"

Baili Qingfeng asked again.

"Yes, it is."

Shou Jian stunned for a moment before returning to God, and quickly said, "Hundred ... Your Majesty ... A new storm has appeared."


"Evil God! Maybe ... another evil God projected his eyes on our world ..."

Shou Jian took a deep breath and gradually recovered his calmness: "As early as a month ago, we had received the news that an evil force was stirring the wind and rain in Beihanzhou. They did not kill, but they vented their fear and let The ghostly beastly man disguised as a human, lurking to many cities and towns in Beihanzhou, killing, and using various means to stimulate the original fear of humankind, but the frequency of this incident was not very high Gao, plus that this happened in Beihanzhou. Except for the local forces in Beihanzhou, things did not attract our attention, but half a month ago ... this kind of thing suddenly increased, and there was a self-proclaimed belief The sect of the fear of the Lord quickly spread ... "

"Is there any information?"

Baili Qingfeng said.


Shou Jian quickly handed over a prepared document to Baili Qingfeng: "Although there is no evidence to suggest that evil sects are actually colluded behind the sect that believes in the fear of the Lord, things are involved in this terrible existence, There are also a lot of beastly human activities, and it seems that there are still traces of legendary beastly humans, but we dare not be half-minded, so I came to the laboratory to report to you. "

Baili Qingfeng looked at these materials.

There is indeed no clear data in the data indicating that there must be a shrine behind that sect, but from the attitude of the true faith and the Kingdom of Hea to this matter, it can be seen that people have become more and more important to the invasion of external forces.

The cave people ’s rebellion in Xiyanzhou was due to the lack of attention of the steel empire and the glorious empire, and they could not pull their faces to ask for help from the Kingdom of Hea. Half a small West Yanzhou.

However, the Bei Hanzhou incident itself is not related to the East Shenzhou, but it has only happened for a month now. All kinds of information have been collected and carefully passed by the Kingdom of Hea, and this is a great progress.

"Have you ever sent someone to deal with that sect?"

"Go, but every church gathering point we pulled out found that the people who presided over the church were ordinary people, those beastly people have been hidden in the dark and never appeared, and this panic pervaded the entire North Hanzhou, Beihanzhou Although the area cannot be compared with Xiyanzhou, it is not inferior to Dongshenzhou. There are dozens of countries and billions of people on the entire continent ... We must search for hidden in such a large population base Tens of thousands, even thousands of beastly people, I am afraid it is not an easy task. "

Baili Qingfeng heard it suddenly felt a little tricky.

Is the enemy smart?

It is no longer a full-scale invasion like the previous one, for fear of not being known, this wave of enemies, while killing, causing disasters, destruction and panic, is also a beastization that has made thousands of experts in camouflage. The humanization has been reduced to zero, and the wind and rain have stirred up in the entire North Cold Island.

"What do they say over here, Senior Shouzhen, Prime Minister Yasuo, and the owner of Baiji Sheng of Tianji Building?"

"They ... would like to ask Your Majesty your Majesty ... Your Majesty is a great existence that even the true God can kill. Even the Star Empire sends messengers to sing your greatness, using the magic you master ... I wonder if it can be sensed. Is there a God behind that group of beastly humans? And search for them ... or their subordinates? "

Shoujian was a little cautious.

Baili Qingfeng heard a bit of surprise.

When did Shouzhen and Yasuo consider him omnipotent?

They should understand ~ ~ He is just a college student who has just graduated. Isn't the so-called true **** of nothing created by them?

"Wait a minute, the Star Empire sends a messenger over?"

Baili Qingfeng suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, this messenger is Wu Zun Maria, the three sages of the Star Empire. She also said that her father, Marquis Saitama, knew her Majesty."


"I know one Earl Saitama."

Baili Qingfeng said, at this time he suddenly realized that Shoujian's title to that deity has always been an evil god, not a true god. Obviously, they also know other information.

Then think of this female Wu Zun Marcia ...

"People in the Star Empire know the origin of this dreaded Lord?"

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