The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 908: bloody battle


The King of Flames issued a roar of pain mixed with angry roar.

Due to the painful stimulus, his roar was slightly deformed.

This shot of Qian Baili Qingfeng penetrated his body, and the tearing damage caused by the high speed and great impact almost tore his entire left wing.

Although it is not completely torn at the moment, the effect ...

He is not far away yet!

The King of Flames, who lost a left wing, could no longer maintain his balance of free flying in the void. The huge body fell straight down to the ground. The powerful impact was like a meteorite, which caused the ground dust to splash.

The King of Blazing Flames suffered great damage, and Baili Qingfeng was also dizzy under the impact.

Although he was detached from the half-step star state when the stun gun hit the king of flames, half-step star state's load on himself still caused him severe injuries. The feeling was almost like a car accident in the mortal period. There is no pain above and below.


Baili Qingfeng's painful face was all white, and there was an illusion that the body was almost falling apart.

"Roar! No matter who you are, no matter who your incarnation! Today, I will burn your body to ashes with my fiery flame!"

The severe pain and anger made the King of Flames suddenly fall to the ground. Even if he could not fly, such a horrifying creature rushed in, still shaking the mountain, and a solid rock high on the ground was in front of him. It was easy to be stepped on. Into a smash, the sharp claws are not inferior to the weapons made by Shenjin.

Qian Baili Qingfeng forcibly united his spirit and stared at this behemoth.

The King of Phantom Flames has not yet been killed, and the hot, blazing breath emanating from him has rushed to his face, with a faint smell of sulfuric acid.

Feeling the high temperature of the King of Flames, Baili Qingfeng couldn't help but miss the heat-tracing missiles of the last generation.

If this missile can really be developed, it can definitely deal with the high body heat and extremely huge creature like the King of Flames.

The idea paused for a moment in Baili Qingfeng's mind. He was already holding a spear and rushed forward without hesitation against the flaming King.

Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate ...

In the midst of a wave of shaking, a large, a small, two creatures of very different shapes instantly touched each other.

As if Baili Qingfeng used to meet to open up.

The King of Flames started his breath and poured down.

I just lost his ability to fly, and his breath threatened Baili Qingfeng a lot.

As Baili Qingfeng flew by the side, smashing the air waves, he had already burst out of his breathing range.

Without the recovery of the circling in the air, his breath is equivalent to a cooling period. Taking this opportunity, Baili Qingfeng again charged, his figure flew and swept the golden light, like a shooting star that penetrated the void and assassinated to.


The king of the flames shook with thunder, and the huge figure showed incredible flexibility.

His body is countless times larger than Baili Qingfeng. One step back is hundreds of meters, thousands of kilometers, speed ...

I was one point faster than Baili Qingfeng!

By pulling away the distance between the two in this way, his tail was also roaring with a shocking void, and he patted it fiercely, hitting the Baili Qingfeng who was killed by the fly.


There was a thunderous thunder again in the void, and a meteor-like Baili Qingfeng was shot at a faster speed than it had come.

As his body was photographed and fluttered, the repulsing Flame King's body shone like a refraction, and his retreat turned directly into forward slaughter. The transformation process completely exceeded the laws of physics.

The captured Baili Qingfeng hit the ground heavily, before he could recover from this blow. The sharp claws of the King of Flames had been torn down, and he was trampled into the ground fiercely. The blazing high temperature caused the earth to tremble, and within a few dozen meters, it sank within a meter or two!


Not only that, after pressing Baili Qingfeng to the ground, the flames rose again in his mouth, containing the breath of high temperature and spitting at the Baili Qingfeng that was under him.


The flames, the melt, the explosion formed by the melting of the ground, and the explosion filled the area within a few ten meters in front of the King of Flames, turning this area into a fiery **** on the spot.

Everything is reduced to ashes in the flames, and all material is burned into nothingness by the terrifying dragon breath.


在 Just before the breath of the Dragon King's breath continued for a few seconds, a golden light suddenly screamed from the ground.

"What kind of body is this !?"

The King of Blazing Flames looked at the Baili Qingfeng who could still jump and jump, and his huge pupil narrowed sharply.

He was hit by his tail, sprayed by dragon breath, shot by sharp claws, and even burned by pressing dragon breath on the ground for a few seconds. He still escaped, and it seemed that there was still power ...

This body ...

He is not much more than the real **** body.


This is a low-energy world like the Heaven and Famine World. Which true **** can sustain the true god's body for so long in fierce battles! ?

For a moment ...

"No matter what you are, you will die today!"

The thunderous voice of the King of Flames trembled, and the huge figure was extremely sensitive and smashed down towards the Baili Qingfeng.

His body is hundreds of meters long, and the Baili Qingfeng bursts and flies hundreds of meters, but the King of Flames can easily cross a distance of hundreds of meters without using wings.

In this case, it was clear that Baili Qingfeng fled and fled from his breath, but was sent by the queen of flames to catch up with his body, and then ...

The sharp claws are taken again!


The radon gas wave burst!

In this claw, there are traces of martial arts, and it is still the peak martial arts!

A claw not only grabbed the air and exploded the void of tens of meters into a void, but also formed a black hole-like potential when the air was smashed, involuntarily drawing people to his sharp claws.

"Such a huge volume has an astonishing speed ... and also holds powerful martial arts ..."

Bali Qingfeng looked up and looked at the mighty flame king in front of him.

There is only one way to defeat the King of Flames!

Using his small size to rush into the flame king's body.

Otherwise ...

With the speed, strength, and martial arts of the King of Flames, he could only be beaten passively.


The spear in Qian Baili's hands trembled, blocking the claw of the flame king's slapping.

Although blocking the edge of the claw of the Flame King's claw, the power contained in this claw is too terrible.

The majestic and terrifying force of cricket smashed the stunner's spear with a destructive and destructive tendency, and the remaining momentum blasted into his body, causing him to hit the ground like a cannonball.

的 The power contained in a living body of hundreds of meters is far from being comparable to a human less than two meters!

"If he is photographed like this, no more than a few dozen, I will definitely be shot dead!"

Qi Baili Qingfeng felt the pain in his body and looked at the King of Flames who was killed again. His thinking moved to the extreme.

To rush to the body of the King of Flames, you can only bless by the force of the magnetic field of the stars in the half-step star state.

Ye Ke blessed a person with a magnetic field of a star, and the load on the body was too great, just as he had even heard the sounds of bone fracture and internal organ damage ...

it is true!

His bones and internal organs really cracked.

Once this tactic fails ...

He probably will die here!

"This is the only way I can think of at the moment! If you fight, you will die!"

Bali Qingfeng eyes gazed.

Strive to survive!

At this point, his breath disappeared again.

Immediately after the disappearance, the King of Flames immediately noticed the crisis.

"Do you think the same moves are still useful?"

The next moment, a fiery red field broke out from him.

Do not!

This is no longer a field!

It is a real world of flames!


The King of Flames Yangtian screamed.

The fiery flame condenses with him as the center, forming an extremely high temperature. This high temperature under the control of the King of Flames quickly produces a strong extreme expansion effect, and explodes in an instant, forming a terrifying high pressure. Exploded in all directions.

That effect ...

A bit like resisting the ring of fire!

With the half-step star field's star magnetic field aimed at the king of flames, the Baili Qingfeng killed by the flames was shocked by the ring-like shock wave. The physical load was extremely amazing. He was actually spitting blood by the impacted mouth. .

It was as if a supersonic fighter had hit a bird ...

Although the blast of flames was smashed by the body of Baili Qingfeng, his body finally fell to the body of the King of Flames, but he himself was as if the bones were broken, and he seemed to have lost all his strength.

"Can't be dropped!"

At the moment of life and death, Baili Qingfeng did not hesitate to sacrifice a quantum war body!

The flesh that had almost collapsed was fully resurrected at once ~ ~ Then he broke out at his feet, stepped on the King of Flames, united the human gun, and sharply pierced the sharp gun in his hand ...

The target is a hole that was previously penetrated by the assassination hole of the stars!


The blood shines.

百里 青锋 The entire person smashed into the body of the King of Flames through the hole, and the whole body was stained red with fiery lava-like dragon blood.


The King of Flames roared painfully, his body ran and twisted, and the temperature was rising and falling, even if the scales on his body seemed to be given life, erecting and shaking layer by layer. Qing Feng descended.

However, it was only after the explosion of the Quantum Warfare that Baili Qingfeng broke into the King of Flames to gain an advantage.

The power of the ring-shaped magnetic field inside the body continued to explode and swept away from his body. He didn't even do too much processing. He let out these powers and destroyed them in the body of the King of Flames.

"嘭! 嘭! 嘭!"

Each time a spear stabs, it's blood shot!

Every time a power bursts out, flesh and blood fly!

"Do not!"

The fierce pain caused the fierce scream of the Lord of Flames.

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