The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 980: fear

Three days!

Baili Qingfeng looked up and looked at the night ...

It is estimated that it is one in the morning.

Even from today, there is not much time left for him.

Even if it does not count the holy star, holy star dust, and the holy star that has lost its flesh, the empire of stars should have thirty-seven half gods.

Thirty-seven demigods ...

He must kill at least twelve in a day.

Although now there is the Frost God Armor and the Crossing Sword, there are even kingdoms of the realm that can avoid the enemy ’s escape, but ...

Killed twelve demigods a day, and he still had little confidence.

"I can only do my best to weaken the power of the Star Empire ..."

Baili Qingfeng thought, his eyes fell on the artifact of the kingdom of the realm.

The artifacts of this world do not have any such statement as blood drowning, and anyone can use them as long as they hold the artifact and have the power to excite it.

Baili Qingfeng looked at this artifact called the kingdom of the domain, and directly inspired his own domain power to integrate into the domain of the domain.


A slight shock circulated from the kingdom of the realm.

The country of the whole field seems to be transformed into an amplifier, quickly inspiring the power of his field.

Not only stimulated the field, but also took a slight increase in the spiritual will of the practitioner. Under this increase, his control of his own field became extremely precise.

"Is this the prototype of the kingdom of God on earth ... No wonder my electromagnetic swordsmanship can be disturbed ... this kind of control ..."

Baili Qingfeng felt the changes in the field, and looked a little bit sighed.

For a moment, he seemed to think of something, and reduced the effect of the country of the field on the increase of the field, but poured a lot of spirit into the field.

Although the role of the amplifier of the country of the field is not mainly on the spirit, when the spirit of Baili Qingfeng poured into the country of the field, the amplification effect was also significant.

For a time, the thirty-two spirit stars in his spiritual world shone at the same time, quickly merging with the kingdom of the realm.


Baili Qingfeng feels that he seems to be transformed into a spiritual giant. The spiritual power is so powerful that it has never been seen before, especially the control of the various forces in the field. It is extremely accurate!

This kind of magic ...

Surprises him.

"The growth rate of the country of the field seems to be calculated as a percentage !?"

Feeling the greatly strengthened spiritual power, Baili Qingfeng did not hesitate to exhibit the electromagnetic swordsmanship. An electromagnetic field was quickly formed, and the arc was sputtered in the electromagnetic field.

not only that.

Under the astonishing power of control and the power of the field, another wave of his spirit rippled again, followed by the formation of a second electromagnetic field, and in the formed electromagnetic field, the flying sword cast by Chishen Steel rapidly rotated Burst out.

"Not yet the limit!"

Baili Qingfeng's eyes flashed with light, and the next moment, the third electromagnetic field continued to be constructed, which was born during the arc sputtering.

Three-handed flying sword!

Relying on the control and strengthening of the field by the country of the field, his electromagnetic swordsmanship showed a qualitative transformation directly.

"Worthy an artifact!"

Baili Qingfeng carefully realized this kind of miraculousness and heartily sighed.

No wonder that the true God with the Kingdom of God is very different from the true God without the Kingdom of God.

At this moment, he can only use the power of the field to form the earthly kingdom of God, and he can do many things that he can't do on a weekday. If he constructs a real kingdom of God one day and builds rules in the kingdom of God with spirit, then he can To what extent can the outbreak of combat power be forced.

"The consumption of spirit by one mind and three uses seems to increase geometrically ..."

Baili Qingfeng felt for a moment, and dispersed two electromagnetic swordsmanships that were ready to go.

"Maybe you can try to see if you can use the magic of the kingdom of the field to perform nuclear fission-related operations in vitro ..."

He did not dare to nuclear fusion, but nuclear fission actually did not have much technical difficulty.

But ...

The current enemy, he dare not rashly experiment.

Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it will be troublesome to hurt yourself.


When Baili Qingfeng adaptively controlled the kingdom of the realm, a starlight suddenly appeared over the Star City. This starlight was like an enchantment, covering the entire Star City, making it even in the dark night Emitting an intoxicating light.


"Father and Emperor, Ten Thousand Stars Array has risen."

In the hall of the deliberations of the empire of stars, the Holy Star Soul quickly ran over.

Hearing this news, several people, Sheng Xinghui, Sheng Xingyu, Sheng Xingheng, and Sheng Xingman, who temporarily dwell their own will in a holy soul stone, were relieved.

At this time, after witnessing that only one will escaped, Sheng Xinghui, who had been in a state of anxiety, had a little mood to talk.

His tone is full of complexities: "Veteran ... that Baili Qingfeng really masters such a terrible magic?"

"It's more terrifying than expected. That magical art can cause a fatal attack on me nearly ten kilometers away. I even guessed that once it was hit by that kind of sword art 20 kilometers, 30 kilometers, or 40 kilometers away. , We still have to wait for our flesh to collapse, so ... unless the Ten Thousand Star Divine Array is raised, we ca n’t escape the long-range strike of Baili Qingfeng ... "

The will of the Holy Star Burst spreads from the Holy Soul Stone.

"But ... opening the Ten Thousand Gods Array to cover the entire Star City, it is too expensive ..."

"That is also impossible. We call on Lord Saint Star and ask him to return immediately. In addition ... go to the practice room and ask Lord St. Tsukimo to get out! Today's thing ... I'm afraid I can only ask Lord St. Quiz to hand it out before hand. To meet the elders of St. Stardust, the strength of the two of them can only turn the world around ... "

Holy Star Road.

His words were immediately approved by several people: "To this day, only the adult who has disturbed Sheng Guiyue has been repaired."

In the royal family, there are still two demigods, Holy Strange Moon and Holy Star Song. Among them, Holy Strange Moon is retreating during this period of time, in order to condense the **** body and achieve the true God, so as to continue to protect the empire of stars The Empire of Stars will not lose its hegemony in the following Six Kingdoms chaos.

The holy star song itself has a relatively high age and can only rely on the blood of the true **** to maintain its combat power. However, as the domain **** falls, his blood is silent, and he has to fall asleep to save his life. Waiting for the domain **** to come back to him wake.

"I personally went to invite Master Saint Guiyue."

Sheng Xinghui stood up.

At this time, a royal child guarding the ancestral court hurriedly ran over, panic-stricken and said: "Your Majesty, the major event is not good. In the ancestral court, the holy soul stone belonging to the veteran of the holy star dust ... broken ... … "

"Sen Stardust Senior !?"

I just planned to invite the elders of Saint Guiyue to come to meet the star dust, and the emperor emperor of the stars immediately felt a shaking body, a soft body, and almost fell down.

"Senior Stardust ... sacrificed !?"

"How could this be……"

Several other people also got black eyes when they heard the news.

At this time, Shengxingmang was even more distressed, and the mental fluctuations seemed to be a bit collapsed: "It's my fault! It's me who hurt Stardust Senior and Star Yao Senior! If it wasn't for the Jianshen Mirror I was in charge of, Mistake was wrongly judged. The true ability of Feng makes us determined to **** the essence of the true God in him. Why can our royal family suffer such tragic losses, I am a sinner in the royal family! "

Sheng Xinghui, Shengxing Soul, and the two old olds also produced unstoppable regrets.

I knew that Baili Qingfeng's combat power was so terrible. In one day, he turned two places, defeated their three royal gods in a row, and gave Stardust and Xingyao two elders no chance to escape. They gave them ten guts. They Not dare to push Baili Qingfeng to the opposite.

The essence of the true God?

Not to mention that the essence of the true **** can ensure that a legend can become a demigod 100%. Even if they can become a demigod, the two veterans they lost in the Stardust and Starry Stars will eventually be much larger than the two quintessence of the true god.


Then he died with Baili Qingfeng, God knows how much they have to pay.

Their star empire this time is a real loss of power and no return.

"Elder, this is not the time for self-blame, but Elder Stardust's sacrifice is enough to prove that Baili Qingfeng may be more terrible than we thought ..."

Holy Star Road.

Sheng Xinghui, Sheng Xinghun and others nodded deeply.

At this time, there was a voice outside the door: "Your Majesty, Lord Thale, Lord Riemann, Marquis Saitama, Marquis of Roaring Lions, and Bishop Torchbearer are seeking out.

Sheng Xinghui glanced at the piece of starlight that belonged to the Wanxing Divine Array that enveloped the entire Star City, and more or less knew why the five of them came at this time.

For a moment, he said: "It is impossible to conceal, and then ... The terrible fear of Baili Qingfeng is far beyond our imagination. If we want to cut this serious trouble, I am afraid that we cannot rely on the power of our royal family. Can be pinned on the domain shrine and the lords everywhere to help. "

After speaking, he said to the soul of the holy star: "You go and invite Master Guiyue, UU to read the book I will see them."

There are a total of 14 demigods on the bright side of the Empire of Stars.

Is four people in the royal family, four people in one line of the lord, four people in the Temple of the Domain, and two people in the royal family.

These demigods, together with one or two demigods hidden in the dark by all parties, constitute the top power of the Star Empire.

The royal family of the stars is suffering heavy losses, and Baili Qingfeng is still staring outside. At this time, they have to resort to civilian power.

Even for this ...

The royal family has to pay a great price.

"Lord of the Lord and the Temple of Realm may be sucking blood on our royal family again."

Holy Star Road.

"But ... this is impossible. Our royal family can't afford any more sacrifices."

Sheng Xingman personally ordered: "Please come in and discuss the matter of Baili Qingfeng."

Has fallen for two consecutive gods, and even he has lost his flesh, and he has already feared Baili Qingfeng in his heart.

I knew why it was so early.

After all, Baili Qingfeng's request was nothing more than a peaceful establishment of diplomatic relations with the Star Empire.


(It was past twelve o'clock last night to finish this chapter. Just leave it at noon today.)

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