The Unkillable Swordsman

Chapter 992: Advance

Baili Qingfeng's gaze focused on the spiritual world that evolved into a star world.

Because all the celestial stars were used by him to perform the star collapse, the star world was already in chaos.

The gravitational field left by the white stars, the collapsed natal stars, the stars conceived by the members of the Void Knights, and ...

The starlight condensed by the Knights of the Void, and even all those who repair the catalog of planetary light in the Void Temple.

All kinds of forces are interwoven, making the astral world overwhelmed, as if a galaxy is about to enter the collapse.

"Although I plan the astral world as a universe, it is obviously still a bit worse. Even if I return to the heyday, the astral world is a bit larger than a stellar system at best, so it is a fool's dream to just say such a universe.

Eat bite bit by bit, the way to go step by step.

The star world where his spiritual world evolved obviously could not support the evolution of a universe, but it was beyond a star system ...

Then ...

The correct approach should be to plan the astral system as a river system.

"It is the super black hole in the center that maintains the normal operation of the Milky Way. It is because of the existence of that super black hole that the gravitational balance of the Milky Way can be ensured. Exactly, the white stars that were the core of my will have collapsed. This formed force field can be regarded as a black hole that maintains the gravitational balance of one side of the river ... As for my thirty-two natal stars ... it can be directly manifested as a star, making it a stellar system The core point-stars, the Knights of the Nether Knights. The natal stars conceived by those who practice the new version of the catalog of stars are equivalent to the planets in the galaxy ... Thousands of practitioners who repair the catalog of planetary light, the power they provide It is equivalent to the large and small material in the river system, that is, meteorite ... "

Baili Qingfeng made some plans and soon finished the new Star World.

Since the new river system is about to be spawned, now this apparently incomplete star world is not needed.

Then ...

"Come on for a super collapse."

Although the process of this collapse was extremely dangerous, but ...

Breaks and then stands, without breaking or standing.

Baili Qingfeng has always believed that human potential is unlimited. No matter how dangerous the environment is, human beings can rely on their perseverance and perseverance to seek light from the darkness and redeem themselves from despair.

As a leader among human beings, the five good young people with excellent academic and academic excellence, this kind of flash point on his body is more shining than ordinary people. It is also because of this that he can break the limit again and again, so that ordinary people look like What is impossible at all.

Thinking about this, Baili Qingfeng began to refine the crystals one by one.

After the swallows of these brains of crystal clear crystals were swallowed, and after taking another portion of the divine spirit, Baili Qingfeng's eyes fell on Xiaozhu: "Then let's see Xiaozhu's yours."

After he finished, he also handed Jianshen Mirror to Xiaozhu: "This one you hold to ensure your life is safe, in case ..."

Speaking of which, his tone slightly changed: "If I can't recover from Nirvana, let the detached true **** escape, you will escape with all your strength, don't worry about me, I guess the will of the detached true **** is true When escaping from my spiritual world, he must also be seriously injured. It is estimated that he has no strength to deal with you. With the mirror of God, he can't help you. "

Bailizhu heard what he said, and suddenly thought of something, the pretty little face became pale: "Brother Qingfeng ... will you be in danger?"

"It should not be, I just said in case ..."

Baili Qingfeng comforted.

Baili bamboo eyes quickly appeared a mist of water: "No, Brother Qingfeng, you can't be in danger, you must be fine."

"Yes, I will not be okay. Xiaozhu is optimistic about me. At the critical moment, I will feed the chalcedony and the divine spirit to me, and I will not be okay."

Baili Qingfeng quickly touched her little head and comforted: "Then my safety will be handed over to you."


Baili Bamboo nodded vigorously and said with a very firm tone: "I will definitely protect Brother Qingfeng."

"Okay, I believe you."

Baili Qingfeng smiled.

In the astral world, the will of the detached true **** has been condensed, and he has begun to make waves again. Baili Qingfeng is not good to waste time. After giving Xiaozhu an encouraging look, he closed his eyes.

At the next moment, the natal stars in his spiritual world no longer perform star collapse, but instead turned into a chain that instantly bound the body of the detached true god.

Transcendental God saw this scene with great joy and overjoyed, thinking that Baili Qingfeng was finally exhausted, and his spiritual will broke out to the extreme.

Suddenly ...

The chains transformed by Baili Qingfeng's natal stars are broken and broken into sixty-four dim stars ...

Then, an unprecedented great collapse appeared in his spiritual world.

Astral World ...


Let's bury it completely with the spiritual will of the transcendent true **** who thought he could finally escape from birth.

The astral world collapsed, and the breath of Baili Qingfeng dropped to an unprecedented trough, like death, even the spiritual fluctuations became nothing.

"Brother Qingfeng !?"

Baili Bamboo exclaimed.

But got no response.

Thinking of Baili Qingfeng's explanation, Baili Bamboo's small face gradually became firm.

She was sitting next to Baili Qingfeng with a mirror and a sword, just like a statue, quietly guarding beside him.


The moment when the Baili Qingfeng Star Realm collapsed, the members of the Void Knights and Void Legions, who were far away in the Heavenly Waste Realm, felt at the same time.

They clearly felt that their connection with the astral world was broken.

Although they can still practice the catalog of stars and catalogs of stars, they cannot connect to the starry sky world they are familiar with.

For a time, the Void Knights, Void Legions, and even the entire Void Temple caused some disorder.

This situation lasted for three days.

After three days later, there was no tendency for the astral world to recover at any point, the head of the Void Knight, Constantine, and the deputy head of Luosha, etc., could not sit still, and the two came to the bottom of Qingyuan Mountain at the same time, looking for teachers to learn about the inside story.

When knowing that Baili Qingfeng was going to negotiate on behalf of Heaven and Earth Realm, but lost news at this critical moment, the entire Temple of Nothingness and the high level of the Kingdom of Shia were turbulent.

In the evening, Baili Changkong, Alof, Yasuo, Shouzhen, Shiyi, Constantine, Luosha and others had gathered together, and their expressions were quite dignified.

"what is the problem?"

Asked in a hurry.

"Starlight catalogues and star catalogues were originally directed at the astral realm ... The astral realm is probably the prototype of the kingdom of God, the great emptiness, but now, the kingdom is closed ... This situation, and one of the cases in the book It ’s like ... "

Constantine looks dignified.

"what's the situation?"

Asked Yasuo quickly.

Constantine hesitated for a moment, but still said: "The true **** fell."

"You mean ... impossible ... Qing Feng ..."

Master Yiyi couldn't help but stood up.

"There is currently no evidence to support this speculation, don't talk indiscriminately."

Shouzhen said in a deep voice.

Relying on the essence of the true God, he has already broken through the legendary realm, and the most important thing is to say it among the people.

"His Majesty the Great Noble God is vast and immeasurable, absolutely nothing will happen ... I guess he just encountered some minor troubles."

Luo Sha also followed with a cry.

"Then we ..."

Shi Yiyi has n’t spoken yet, and the hundred-mile sky has said again: "Senior Truth, Qing Feng represents an accident after the Tianhuang Realm went to the Stars Empire to discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two sides. This matter naturally has to be investigated from the Stars Empire. The empire is the first empire in the north, and the strong are like clouds, and you are the only legendary strong among us. For safety, you can take the team to the skyland to hide your identity and find out what happened What happened. "

Nodded faithfully.

Baili Qingfeng is the Dinghai God Needle of the Heavenly Waste Realm, and is the only hope that can protect the inheritance of the Heavenly Waste Realm after the future and the Double Moon Realm are merged. No matter whether he has an accident or not, but now they have changed for three days, they must get Investigate clearly.

Looking at the sky for another hundred miles, "You take a team of knights with Senior Shouzhen to follow orders from Senior Shouzhen. At the same time, pay attention to confidentiality."

"As you wish."

Luosha bowed slightly.

"Prime Minister Yasuo and Prime Minister Alof, I want all the forces that you two can launch to search for the whereabouts of Zhao Jiansheng all over the world, and tell me immediately of his whereabouts!"

"Zhao Jiansheng?"

"Yes, Zhao Jiansheng will be your second batch of supporters."

Nodded faithfully.

Although he has broken through to the realm of legend, he knows very well that compared with the legend of Zhao Jiansheng, his legend is more than a little bit worse.

The picture of the first war of the Prime Minister's House in the Golden Eagle Empire has been passed to ~ ~ The legendary beastized man who controlled the Prime Minister's House, **** and weeping, has a strong combat power and is above all legends, even if he has not reached half. God, it is estimated that it is not far away.

Such a powerful legend has little ability to resist in front of the "Fa Tianxiangdi" that Zhao Jiansheng suddenly appeared, and was killed at a very fast rate.

Remember when he first saw the picture, he almost thought it was the real god.

"Commander Constantine, you have to be responsible for the order in the Temple of Nothingness. Don't let this matter cause confusion and panic. The new Federation of Heaven and Famine will not stand any trouble."

"I know."

Constantine nodded abruptly.

"regarding me……"

Baili Changkong stood up, and his eyes fell directly to the west: "In addition to Senior Shouzhen and Zhao Jiansheng, our side of Heavenly Waste Realm also has a top strongman, the legendary fire dragon sitting in Xiyanzhou-the flame Wang! According to Qing Feng, the legendary fire dragon is as inferior as the demigod. When your news comes, I will bring the legendary fire dragon as the third batch of power if necessary. , To meet you at the Double Moon Circle! "

Everyone nodded one after another.

"Find out what happened to the Empire of Stars as soon as possible, and find the Qing Feng as quickly as possible. It's not too late, everyone, act."

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