The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 105: Purgatory Ghost King Staff

After opening the system panel, Lin Jue saw the information about the scepter in his hand. Google search reading

[Item: Purgatory Ghost King Staff

Introduction: The artifact of Huangquan Dao can only be obtained by those recognized by Huangquan Dao.

Other information: Unknown. 】

Oh, this time the system did not give "???", but directly said "Other information is unknown".

This scepter, like the previous sword, is also a six-path artifact.

But the difference is that the previous Shura Blood-devouring Blade had the word (disabled) in it.

Not this one.

Moreover, the Shura Dao was really testing before. Huang Quandao just went through the motions and got something better than passing the test.

Please do more of this.

"But, what's the use of this thing?" Lin Jue shook the scepter speechlessly.

It's on the heavy side and feels good in the hand. It should be fun to hit people with.

"Oh, getting a priceless treasure when you are not strong enough is like a man who has lost his ability and met a beautiful woman who fell into his arms."

Even if I give you a chance, it won't work.

Lin Jue placed the Purgatory Ghost King Staff into the system space.

At this time, the system prompt sounds.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the first mission."

Lin Jue didn't have any expression. It would be better to say that he already had antibodies after seeing the Dao of the Human World and the Dao of the Underworld.

Perhaps, among the fragments of the Six Paths, only the first three are tested.

The surrounding environment gradually collapsed, and Lin Jue felt a sense of weightlessness.

Afterwards, he returned to the castle tower.

Familiar environment, familiar room.

The difference was that in front of Lin Jue stood a group of Honkai beasts.

Dozens of chariot-level Honkaiju, more than a dozen temple-level Honkaiju, and one Warlord-level Honkaiju.

The sudden appearance of Lin Jue startled the Honkai Beasts. They spread out their stance and attacked Lin Jue.

Lin Jue took out the Lingxi knife and swung it.

The scorching sword energy overflowed and met the Honkai beasts, creating a huge cloud of smoke.


After a burst of smoke and dust, Lin Jue disappeared.

The Honkai Beasts lost their target for a moment and wandered around this floor, looking for traces of Lin Jue.

At the stairs not far from the Honkai beast herd, Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief and released the stealth state while walking up the stairs.

It was also the test of the Shura Dao that made him familiar with the use of stealth. At that moment, he was able to instinctively use stealth to avoid the group of Honkai beasts.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to cope with so many Honkai beasts.

After entering the second floor, Lin Jue found that there was nothing here.

Only some traces of battle and a faint hint of Honkai energy remained on the ground.

Lin Jue seemed to have guessed something and immediately came to the third floor.

The third floor is the same as the second floor, there is nothing there, only traces of the battle remain.

The difference is that the collapse energy concentration of this layer is higher than that of the second layer.

"Is it Theresa and the others? Or someone else?"

Lin Jue quickly crossed the third floor and entered the fourth floor.

The same emptiness, the same traces of battle remaining.

However, there are obviously more traces of battle on this level, and the concentration of Honkai energy is also significantly higher.

Lin Jue picked up a white hair on the ground. Lin Jue felt a familiar power on it.

"This is cat hair, it seems to be nameless?"

Arriving straight to the fifth floor, Lin Jue heard movement from a higher level.

Something unknown hit the floor hard, and there was a faint exclamation.

After hearing the movement, Lin Jue quickened his pace.

On the highest floor of the castle tower. ???

"Hitamaru, wake up!"

"It's useless, hahahahahahahaha, it is me, I am it. This is how we are. Hahahahahahahahaha"

In the upper floors of the castle tower, a sword exuding strange power hovered in the air.

Hitamaru, also Hidamamaru, was holding the sword with a teasing smile on his lips.

After arriving at the highest level of the castle tower, Theresa and her group saw the enshrined sword.

Teresa guessed that this was the sword that Hiegomaru said could save Yae Sakura. Kiana wanted to get it, but was stopped by Theresa.

"We've reached the highest level, and Hijamaru hasn't appeared yet. It might be dangerous to step forward rashly."

These are Theresa's original words.

However, before Theresa could finish her words, Hitamaru rushed forward.

"I seem to have remembered. I have remembered!" Hitamaru stared at the knife and kept shouting similar words.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed into Hitamaru's figure.

This black shadow is the incarnation of Hijamaru.

"Do you remember? Another me, we are the same kind of existence, you are me, I am you. Come on, let's become one."

Hijamaru's demonic murmur echoed in the air.

Teresa saw something was wrong and immediately took out Judas's oath.

But at this time, Hitamaru went to get a knife.

The blood-red knife emitted infinite light the moment it was picked up.

Kiana, Bronya, and Mei fell into a coma after being exposed to the light.

Only Theresa was still conscious, but she could no longer hold on.

"You can't resist Akane Sakura's power, little girl." Hitamaru injected the power into the demon sword Akane Sakura, "Let's all enter the illusion, sink in the illusion, and all of them will become my slaves. "

The blood-red light became stronger and stronger, and Theresa finally couldn't hold on and fell down weakly.

Lin Jue, who arrived, happened to see Theresa falling.

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