The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 111 Hitamaru’s wish

After lunch, everyone did not take a lunch break.

At Kiana's suggestion, everyone went shopping on Baicao Street.

They walked all the way from Baicao Street to Sanwei Shangdao.

In a certain clothing store, Kiana was trying on the clothes she had chosen.

"Hey, Hitamaru, do you think I look good in this?"

After walking out of the fitting room, Kiana said excitedly to Hitamaru. Two pairs of eyes are just short of writing "Come on me for looking good" written on them.

Hitamaru nodded: "Yes, it looks good."

The light yellow shirt just perfectly reflects Kiana's curvy figure. It doesn't appear to be deliberate or cover-up, but it is elegant and elegant.

The blue short skirt is paired with a white skirt and is embellished with yellow bows. The smooth and tender legs are shown without any obstruction, and the black leg ring on the right leg perfectly shows the beautiful posture of the girl.

However, the only thing that was a little awkward was the cloak behind the girl - it was called a cloak, but it was actually a piece of blue cloth tied around her waist by Kiana.

Bronya looked at it for a few times and said, "It's very suitable, but Kiana had better take off the temporary cloak you put on."

"No, this is the way to look handsome!"

Bronya shook her head: "A cloak that is too big not only does not make you look handsome, it actually makes you look bloated."

"But I don't want to untie it." Kiana suddenly acted coquettishly.

Mei Yi looked at Kiana's cloak, and a look of thoughtfulness appeared on her face: "Actually, I just need to change the size of the cloak, and it will be perfect."

"Well, as for scissors, I have them here." Hearing this, Hitamaru took out a pair of scissors from his clothes.

The scissors are neither big nor small, so they are suitable for cutting clothes.


"Why do you carry a pair of scissors with you, Hitamaru?" Mei asked curiously.

"Uh" This question seemed a little difficult for Hitamaru.

Seeing Hitamaru's appearance, Mei smiled softly: "It's okay, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to say it. Come on, give me the scissors."

"Yes." Hitamaru nodded and handed the scissors to Mei.

After Mei took the scissors, she pulled Kiana's cloak that was so big that it touched the floor, gestured with the size, and then started cutting it.

In just two attempts, Meiyi was ready.

"Now, how do you feel?" Yayi showed his "results" to everyone.

"Well, he is indeed the best learner. After revising it like this, it is indeed much better." Bronya agreed.

After cutting, the length of the cape just reaches the knees. After being blown up by the wind, I definitely felt that way.

Kiana smiled happily and said, "Hey, Mei is the best to me!"

At this time, a male voice full of resentment interrupted their conversation.

"I said, aren't you tired?" Lin Jue said with a tired look.

He was panting and carrying two large bags filled with various things - toys, snacks, clothes, which the girls bought while shopping.

Kiana, Mei, and Bronya are all wealthy owners. The three of them basically buy items they like on the spot.

This is very painful for Lin Jue. As the only male in the team, Lin Jue was naturally pushed to work as a coolie.

Seeing that the girls were full of energy and showed no signs of fatigue, Lin Jue said helplessly: "It's almost time for us to go back to school."

Hearing this, Yayi glanced at her watch: "Indeed, it's almost time to go back."

"I'll buy this suit first." Kiana immediately ran to pay.

Lin Jue breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that they were finally going back.

How much water did I have in my head before I came out to go shopping with them? Girls in a shopping state are so scary, really so scary.

Lin Jue complained silently in his heart.

Back in class, Lin Jue put down his bag and slumped weakly on the chair.

When the girls arrived, they started playing with the white cat again with great interest.

I didn’t take the white cat with me when I went shopping before. Because when class was over, Lin Jue found that the white cat in his schoolbag was missing.

But with the white cat's intelligence, nothing should happen.

So Lin Jue didn't look for the white cat - he probably wouldn't be able to find it.

After all, the white cat will run around.

"Kitten~" Kiana picked up the white cat and smoothed its fur.

The white cat seemed to enjoy it and meowed happily.

Suddenly, a pair of hands snatched the white cat away.

Bronya held the white cat in her hand and turned her back: "I feel that this cat should be more compatible with me."

Only then did Kiana react and yelled: "Nonsense, I'm obviously the best friend with it."

After saying that, Kiana was about to go up and grab the white cat.

Bronya refused to give it, so the two began a fierce battle for the cat.

Yayi shook her head and sat next to Lin Jue.

"Thank you for carrying so many things today. Here, eat an orange."

Yayi took out a peeled orange and handed it to Lin Jue.

Lin Jue was not polite and took it directly into his mouth to eat: "It's okay, it's okay, it's a small problem. It's not a big deal with this level of physical work."

Yayi just looked at Lin Jue with a smile and said nothing.

At this time, the fight between Kiana and Bronya ended.

Because the white cat couldn't stand it anymore, he found an opportunity to slip away.

"Okay, you two, stop making trouble." Lin Jue said.

"Okay." Kiana nodded.

"No problem." Bronya also nodded and said.

Then the two of them opened the bags and sorted out today's harvest.

This confused Lin Jue.

How do these two people manage to be incompatible with each other one second, fighting to the death, and then reconcile as before and nothing happens the next second?

Don't guess what a girl is thinking, you can't even guess it.

"This is for me, this is for Bronya, this is for Mei, and this is for Hitamaru."

Kiana took out a necklace.

Hitamaru was stunned: "Huh? Why do you have mine?"

While shopping, Hitamaru didn't buy anything, for no other reason than she was poor.

Kiana chuckled: "I saw a suitable Hidama Pill and bought it. Here, here it is."

Facing the necklace handed over by Kiana, Hitamaru did not take it.

"Sorry, I can't have this."

However, Kiana suddenly grabbed Hitamaru's hand forcefully and forced it to her.

"Oh, just accept it with confidence. It's okay, it's nothing to us. Just treat it as a gift from friends!" Kiana patted her chest and said with a smile.

"Kiana, this is yours." Behind Kiana, Bronya took out a piece of clothing.

"Ah, okay." Kiana turned back and took the clothes.

Later, Yayi and Lin Jue also came to help. They bought a bit too much and couldn't divide it all in a while.

Hitamaru looked at the busy figures of the four people, and then looked at the necklace in his hand.

A tear suddenly flowed from his eyes and hit the ground.

"Hitamawan, don't stand there stupidly. Come on, let's help together!" Lin Jue shouted to Hitamawan.

"Yeah, okay." Hitamaru wiped the corners of his eyes with his hand and walked over to help.

In the following days, Kiana and the others often took care of Hitamaru and often played together. When they encountered learning difficulties, Mei and Bronya would also help Hitamaru.

This was the happiest time Hitamaru had ever had.

The night sky is particularly bright today because of the rare Leonid meteor shower.

Kiana took everyone to a good place to enjoy it. When the meteor came, they all closed their eyes and said they wanted to make a wish. Lin Jue was the only one who didn't fit in with the crowd. He was filming videos.

Under the starry night sky, Hitamaru made his wish to the light rain in the night sky.

"It would be great if it could continue like this."

"I hope that the cursed power in my body will not appear again."

"Definitely, no, I promise."

Hitamaru said firmly.

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