The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 116 The so-called rumors

Meiyi hugged the girl's frail body tightly into her arms. There was no hesitation.

Hitamaru felt the tenderness in his arms and quietly closed his eyes.

Both of them seemed to have a lot to say to each other at this moment, but neither of them knew where to start.

Just like that, the miserable moon emerged from the night sky.

Only then did Mei Yi say, "It's so late."

time to go.

Mei didn't say the second half of the sentence, but Hitamaru knew the remaining half of Mei's sentence.

She nodded slightly and followed Mei Yi.

——As for Lin Jue?

At the beginning, it was said that whoever found it first would have to call to inform the other party - St. Freya High School did not prohibit students from bringing mobile phones to school.

However, Meiyi had long forgotten all about it.

As luck would have it, her cell phone ran out of battery.

So a certain man who couldn't get through the phone walked around for a long time. It wasn't until he ran to the park and saw Mei and Hitamaru that he turned around and left with a twitch in his mouth.

Walking out of the school gate, the guard was not curious as to why these two people came out now so late.

"Hey, are you finally ready to give up?"

Bronya walked out of the darkness and yawned, "I have been waiting for a long time."

Now that the storm has not passed, no one knows whether a group of people will take the opportunity to come and gamble on them.

Bronya was worried, so she simply waited for them nearby.

This was also the idea Lin Jue told her.

"Hitamaru is probably in a very bad mood, and Mei is good at comforting people. At this time, just let the two of them stay quietly for a while."

These are Lin Jue's original words.

Bronya glanced at Hitamaru, who had dried tears on his face and was still in good condition.

It seems that guy Lin Jue was right.

"Let's go home. Mei, Kiana and Lin Jue are waiting for you not far away. You can meet them if you walk in that direction."

Although the rumor spread about Hitamamaru, it was Hitamamaru who was targeted.

But Lin Jue and the others, who were close to Hitamamaru and even often helped Hitamamaru, were also targeted.

There are even new rumors spreading - Lin Jue and the others were bewitched by the power of the curse, so they helped Hitamaru. ???

So now they have to go home in groups. Once someone is left alone, it may be in danger.

Meiyi nodded after hearing Bronya's words. She said goodbye to Hitamaru and left.

Back at Bronya's house, the two simply settled down for dinner.

Before going to bed, Hitamaru also told Bronya the dream he told Mei before. He also confessed the fact that he had the power of curses.

However, Bronya's focus was not on Hitamamaru.

"Interesting story, the story of Honkai Herrscher Valkyrie may be made into a game." Bronya said with great interest.


"Ahem." Bronya felt that the way Hitamamaru looked at her was not right, so she coughed twice, "So, the rumors are actually true?"

"Not really."

Contrary to Bronya's expectation, Hitamaru gave a negative answer.

"Or, not all of them."

Hitamaru thought for a moment and added another sentence.

“What is and what isn’t?”

"Except for the natural vision, everything else is false."


This answer exceeded Bronya's expectations.

Hitamaru had expected this: "Those dreams before were dreams that I had been having since I was just born. They lasted for a long, long time, so I remember them so deeply. It was during that time that I felt There is a strange energy in my body."

"I don't know if the energy is the power of the curse, because so far, I have never used these energies. I can't use these energies at all, and I can't even mobilize them."

Bronya asked: "So, in the rumor, all the so-called people related to you are dead?"

"It's all fake." Hitamaru sighed deeply and looked out the window in a daze: "When I was in kindergarten, the fire incident happened during the summer vacation. We were all on vacation at that time, and no one was involved in the fire. Injured. I don’t know why I am the only one left alive.”

"The claim that everyone related to me is dead is completely false. So far, no one around me is dead."

Bronya then asked: "Then why?"

"I don't know either." Hitamaru knew what Bronya wanted to ask and interrupted, "This kind of rumor has been around since elementary school, all the way to junior high school."

"I also thought about speaking out for myself, but it didn't work. Those who should isolate me will still be isolated, and those who should target me will still be targeted."

The corner of Hitamaru's mouth was a little bitter: "I finally got through junior high school. I thought that after changing to a new environment, I would be able to usher in a new life, but I didn't expect it."

Bronya frowned tightly.

Perhaps Hitamaru was relatively innocent. As a member of society who wandered in the darkness, Bronya smelled something abnormal in these incidents.

Rumors don't spread casually, and they can spread so outrageously. In today's well-informed world, such low-level rumors will be quickly spotted by the masses.

But it didn't, as if something clouded everyone's minds and made them think "this makes sense."

"It's almost time to go to bed." Hitamaru looked up at the clock and said to Bronya.


Think about it after the information exchange tomorrow, Bronya made a decision in her mind.


The lights went out.

The dim moonlight filtered through the window screen and reflected on the faces of the two sleeping people.

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