the other side.

Under a tree not far from the square.

Bronya looked serious and took a stance to face the enemy.

Not far away from Bronya, Lin Jue, Kiana, and Hitamaru were back to back, observing their surroundings equally carefully.

Around them and Bronya, a group of St. Freya's teachers looked ferocious, their eyes glowing with scarlet light, and they kept wandering around them.

And between them and Bronya was the principal whose bones were exposed.

The principal separated Lin Jue, the three of them, and Bronya. And he just stood there quietly without any movement.

There was just a strange black mist that was always surrounding him. The ominous smell emanating from it made everyone dare not take action against the principal.

"Unknown person Raiden Meiyi! Get out of Saint Freya!"

"Unknown person Raiden Meiyi! Get out of Saint Freya!"

"Unknown person Raiden Meiyi! Get out of Saint Freya!"

One roar after another came from the distance.

"Oh no, something might have happened to Yayi."

Kiana's heart sank and she said anxiously.

Just as she was about to take a step forward and rush out, she was held back by Lin Jue.

"Don't move, Kiana." Lin Jue glanced around, and while paying attention to the teachers around him, he said to Kiana, "You are worried about Mei, I am worried too, everyone is worried. But now is not the time to be impulsive. . Breaking out rashly when you don’t know the situation is likely to have immeasurable consequences for us and even Mei Yi. This is not what you want to see, right?"

Lin Jue's calm tone and calm voice but Kiana slowly calmed down.

"You're right. But what should we do now?"

This sentence seems to be what Kiana has said the most recently.

Hearing this, Lin Jue bit his lip and did not answer.

He was thinking too.

The white cat's fur suddenly exploded, and then it flew away as fast as lightning.

Hitamaru keenly discovered that the direction the white cat left was exactly the direction of the square.

So everyone thought something might have happened to Mei Na and wanted to go there.

Just as they were about to set off, Bronya was suddenly attacked.

A knife fell from the sky and flew straight towards Bronya.

Bronya jumped forward and hid behind. A black light exploded between Bronya, Lin Jue and others.

The violent air waves caused both parties to take several steps back.

Then the principal, who had bones from the head down, appeared in the middle, along with a group of teachers with scarlet eyes.

Fortunately, Lin Jue did not see Theresa's shadow among this group of teachers.

"Teacher Teresa should still be at Mei Yi's place right now. If so, at least she can help Mei Yi."

Lin Jue comforted himself.

"It's impossible for the two of them to be together."

Suddenly thinking of another possibility, Lin Jue became anxious again.

Bronya was also in the same anxious mood. From her position, she could just see what was going on in the square.

In front of their eyes, all the students waved their arms, shouted their "slogans", and rushed to the stage aggressively.

On the stage, Mei Yi stood alone without any defensive weapons and no one around her.


Bronya cursed angrily and looked around.

The group of ferocious-looking teachers just wandered around, staring at them with a pair of scarlet eyes, but they never stepped forward to take action.

There were a lot of teachers, and their eyes were shining red, especially the principal, whose head was covered with bones, which looked visceral. This may refer to some kind of supernatural situation.

Bronya has seen this situation twice recently.

When she was not sure, Bronya did not dare to take action rashly, otherwise it might be in vain.


Suddenly there was a thunder in the clear sky.

After the thunder, dark clouds filled the sky.

The originally cloudless sky suddenly became gloomy.

The strong wind blew, carrying countless fallen leaves.

Lin Jue and Bronya both clearly felt the murderous aura in the air suddenly surge at this moment.

"It's coming, Kiana, Hitamaru, be careful."

Lin Jue's violet-like pupils suddenly became sharp and he whispered.

The three of them were back to back, huddled together.

Bronya was alone and motionless.

But her tight body betrayed her current condition.

The murderous intention is still rising and permeating. The murderous aura that seemed to be real made everyone hold their breath involuntarily.

The world was completely quiet at this moment - like the last calm before the storm.

So it went for a while.



A bolt of thunder struck beside them.

The huge sound made everyone deaf instantly.

Black mist suddenly filled the air, covering the surrounding area.

The sky was completely darkened at this moment.

The thunder seemed to still be ringing in the ears, and neither Lin Jue, the others nor Bronya heard any sound.

Vision is also obscured.

However, the suppressed murderous intention seemed to reach its peak at this moment.

Suddenly, alarm bells rang in Bronya's heart.

The instincts brought to her by the underworld daughter allowed her to react quickly.

Turning to the right, he stretched out one hand and caught the fist attacking from behind with great precision.

Just as soon as she grabbed it, Bronya felt that the touch was wrong.

The cold and hard touch was transmitted from the hands to the brain.

"It's a hand bone!"

Bronya immediately realized who was attacking her.

The body's instinctive reaction continued. Bronya grabbed this hand and threw it forward over her shoulder.

However, Bronya's grasping hand suddenly broke. Bronya fell empty.

The black fog dissipated at this moment.

Bronya looked up, and the three teachers jumped over, their faces red with blood and ferocious smiles. Make fists with both hands and look ready to attack.

Bronya found the right moment and gave them a kick when the teacher was about to land.

Then, using one foot as the center of gravity, he kicked each of them violently.

They all kicked back.

The force was controlled perfectly. After Bronya knocked back the three teachers, she also hit the teacher behind them, causing a series of chain reactions.

Later, Bronya did not forget that there was an enemy behind her.

She just turned around, ready to attack. But he saw the principal showing a strange smile.

A burst of black energy passed by, and the principal disappeared out of thin air.

Only then did Bronya realize that Lin Jue and the others were in danger.

Not everyone is a daughter of the underworld. Bronya has been fighting since she was a child and has rich fighting experience.

Coupled with this kind of related training, the combat effectiveness has reached a very terrifying level.

But Lin Jue and others were different. Although these three people hugged each other, they were obviously struggling in the face of a large number of attacks.

Bronya had no time to think about the principal and immediately ran to the rescue.

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