The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 145 Disrupting the Galaxy! The true power of the Lawyer!

The huge power generated by the explosion triggered all the Honkai energy in this space.

A majestic vortex of Honkai energy rolled up in the starry sky.

"This is a Honkai fission bomb!" Youlandel recognized the missile and exclaimed.

"Can Destiny's collapse break down fission bombs?"

Walter also recognized the person. This is Destiny's ultimate weapon, which was fired during the second Honkai Impact.

The vast vortex of Honkai energy sucked in the boundless tentacle monsters in this space, and was then crushed.

Even the tentacles that kept emerging from the void were drawn into the vortex of Honkai energy and shattered.

The powerful fluctuations caused the high-altitude heads to lower their empty gazes again.

Its body squirmed sharply, and several giant tentacles came from far away. They wrapped around the Honkai energy vortex, seeming to disintegrate it.

After all, the Honkai Energy vortex only appeared in the center of the starry sky. It swept away a considerable number of enemies, but there were still countless enemies left.

Countless tentacle monsters waved their tentacles, hitting the crumbling blue shield.

Hollander found that the giant tentacle monster's attention was attracted by the Honkai energy vortex, and immediately realized that this was an opportunity!

Walter naturally understands

At this time, the blue shield was broken by countless tentacles!


The light wings behind Youlandel suddenly fluttered, and the surrounding collapse energy gathered on the white flowers of the black abyss.

Then a spear was thrust out, shattering a large tentacle monster in front of him into pieces with thunderous force.

Blue light appeared in Walter's pupils, he opened his hands, and structural energy surged out, turning into floating cannons one after another.

Countless floating cannons were fired.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The laser beam penetrated the enemy, and thick black liquid continued to fall into the endless abyss under the starry sky.

Walter shook his hand, and blue energy light appeared next to Hollander, and then shouted: "Youlandale!"

Youlandel understood and threw the Black Abyss White Flower towards the center of the starry sky - towards the Honkai Energy vortex.

Blue energy wrapped around the black abyss white flower and hit the giant tentacle.


Walter and Hollander gave orders at the same time.

Honkai energy gathered at the tip of the Black Abyss White Flower, and blue energy swirled around the Black Abyss White Flower.

Not a breath passed.

A crashing sound echoed across the starry sky.

Under the control of Walter and Hollander, the power of the Herrscher of Reason and the power of the Black Abyss White Flower merged with each other and repeled each other. The combined power of the two was enough to once again disturb the Honkai energy of this space. , and the originally existing Honkai energy vortex.

The giant tentacle was hit by the explosion, tearing a crack.

As expected, the violent explosion once again caused violent fluctuations in Honkai energy, and the Honkai energy vortex wrapped in giant tentacles in the center of the starry sky began to rotate at a high speed again.

The Honkai energy driven by the vortex tore at the giant tentacles, making bursts of harsh sounds.

The skin of the giant tentacle was broken open to the naked eye, and thick black liquid gushes out from the tear.


A clear call sounded, like an eagle, coming from above.

Complex lines appeared one after another on the surface of the high head, and the light in the empty eyes flashed rapidly.

Sudden! Several tentacles surged out from the inside of the Honkai Energy vortex, directly tearing the Honkai Energy vortex open from the middle.

The surging Honkai Energy in the space was violently broken open. The giant tentacle monster pushed its body arrogantly, pushing away all the Honkai Energy.

After doing all this, it seems to be tired of the constant obstruction of output.

The starry sky shook, and visible to the naked eye, the giant tentacle monster began to walk towards the black hole.

Obviously, it is going to take matters into its own hands and go to destroy the world!

Walter and Hollander were naturally aware of each other's movements.

"There's no time to think about it!" Walter spread his hands and closed his eyes.

Weak fluctuations flashed by without causing much ripples. Only Youlandel felt it.

Youlandel also held the Black Abyss White Flower tightly, preparing to step forward and fight for her life.

However, at this moment, another extremely powerful gravitational force suddenly emerged, sucking away the Honkai energy in this space.

Youlandel seemed to feel something and turned around to take a look.

A clear and delicate blue crystal floated above Walter's palm, and countless Honkai Energy turned into a vast ocean and flowed around Walter.

This blue crystal is the core of the Herrscher, the core of the first Herrscher - the Herrscher of Reason.

At this moment, it was shining with dazzling light, and the blue light was reflected in every corner of the starry sky.


The giant tentacle monster made a confused cry, and the instinct in its body made it feel a dangerous force rising in the starry sky.

The two eyes of the high head shot out two jet-black lights and rushed towards Walter.

Wherever the dark light reaches, the space is collapsed.

However, the light at Herrscher's core was even better, and the dazzling blue light blocked the dark light.

At this time, Honkai energy like a vast ocean suddenly merged into Walter's body.

"Uh-huh" Walter groaned.

The majestic energy stretched the entire body open, and the surface of the tall and powerful body was broken one after another.

Honkai can wander around in the body, destroying every corner of the body.

Blood continued to flow out, and Walter's pupils were red.


Several mottled and huge pieces of information entered Walter's mind.

An invisible wave flashed past, the starry sky was frozen, and time stopped passing.

A majestic voice sounded in Walter’s mind.

“Reason, by its power, liberates man from his dreaming ignorance.

From the stars to the atoms, we engrave the laws of creation in our hearts.

By its power, mankind stood proudly, never succumbing to divine authority in fear. "

The voice is like a god in the sky, majestic and oppressive.

"Principle, the beginning of creation of all things, the beginning of the birth of the world, and the ancestor of the enlightenment of human civilization."

"Therefore, of all the great avenues in the world, only 'principle' is indispensable. It encompasses the universe and galaxies and is contained in all kinds of things. It is the foundation of the three thousand great avenues, the bridge to the chasm of heaven, and the foundation of civilization and progress."

The sound of Hongmeng shocked Walter's mind, and pieces of mottled knowledge continued to flow into it.

Walter only felt severe pain all over his body, and his brain almost exploded.

But his spiritual consciousness is extremely clear and transparent.

"Legend has it that principles did not exist in the world until the birth of human beings. The ancestors of mankind understood the secrets of the world's operation, summarized various axioms and laws, and created a concept of principles to form a great avenue. Since then, three thousand avenues have come into being."

"Those who follow the path of common sense in future generations must remember, don't forget that facts are stored in your heart, and don't be blinded by false things. Remember, remember."

The majestic sound slowly dissipated, and time began to flow again.


A shrill scream erupted from the mouth of the giant tentacle monster, and for the first time, the empty eyes in its head appeared mutated.

——It felt a fatal threat from the human in front of it!

Countless tentacles appeared in Walter's body out of thin air and erupted instantly, tearing Walter's body into pieces.

"Mr. Walter!"

Youlandel was shocked when she saw this.

At this time, a dazzling blue light appeared in the starry sky.

After a breath, Walter's body appeared again.

However, the surface of his body suddenly tore open one after another, and countless collapses could escape from the openings.

But he didn't seem to care about this. At this moment, his eyes were extremely clear and bright.

Walter raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


A crisp sound fell.

A powerful invisible energy wave passed through.

"In one thought, everything in the world is constructed." Walter murmured softly.

Blue light appeared in the entire starry sky, and countless artillery pieces appeared one by one.

This is a cannon that Hollander has never seen before.

However, even with a cursory look, Youlandel can feel the subtlety of its structure and the powerful power hidden within.

The energy gathered at the muzzle, and each cannon sprayed out a thick energy beam, blasting the body of the giant tentacle monster with endless destructive power.

The body that was originally so huge and intimidating was now an extremely large living target.

The energy beam penetrated the body of the giant tentacle monster, taking away stream after stream of thick black liquid.


Painful howls sounded, and the giant tentacle monster moved its tentacles awkwardly, destroying a large number of artillery pieces.

But as soon as it destroyed one area, a larger area of ​​artillery appeared.

The giant tentacle monster was scared. It never thought that it would be buried here.

The high head was raised, and the empty eyes glowed.

The light seemed to be passing through the starry sky, perhaps to convey some message.

At the same time, endless thick black liquid emerged from below the starry sky, and they turned into tentacle monsters one after another.

In the blink of an eye, countless tentacle monsters filled the starry sky again. They rushed towards Walter as if life-threatening, as well as the dense artillery in the sky.

At this time, Walter raised his hand again and snapped his fingers.

“Everything can be split with just one thought.”

A wave passed by. The starry sky suddenly became quiet.

next moment

The endless tentacle monsters suddenly fell apart.

The light emanating from the head was also disintegrated.

Walter raised his hand again and pointed at the starry sky.

The starry sky shook violently, and cracks appeared one after another.


The giant tentacle monster panicked, feeling that its life was in danger.

Countless tentacles appeared in Walter's body out of thin air.

However, this time, the moment these tentacles appeared, they were overwhelmed by endless Honkai energy.

The starry sky was broken into pieces, and pieces continued to fall.

At the same time, dazzling blue light was released from Walter's body, filling the entire starry sky!

"Broken." Walter said one word lightly.

The next moment, Youlandel only felt that her eyes were filled with white light, and she could not see anything.

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