The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 160 Entering the forest for the first time

In the afternoon, Lin Jue took Wuming and Xi'er down the mountain peak where the cabin was located and entered the forest.

Lin Jue took over a map from Lin Daoyin, as well as all the information about this forest.

"This should be the entrance to the Wuji Forest."

Lin Juebi looked at the map and said.

The Promise Forest is the human name for this large area of ​​forest, with countless small areas in it.

Such as Xionglinji, Tiger King Slope, Eagle Peak, Snake Den Forest and so on. They are all kinds of news left by predecessors who explored the forest.

The Promise Forest is the only existing forest and the largest forest, occupying 1/4 of the entire world.

It turns out that the lord of the forest is the recently overlord Snake Feiyi. There are also various dangerous existences, such as Black Bear Jubei, Rabbit King Entsu, Tiger Nine King Ten, Eagle Sekirei, Queen Bee Jade Gourd, etc.

By the way, these names were all given by humans who explored the forest. Lin Jue said that it was not easy to come up with these names.

At least it must be very leisurely.

Lin Jue came to the forest for two purposes. One was to practice his newly learned defensive skill, Earth - Turning Stone Dun'an. The second is to meet this group of animals.

Originally, Lin Jue wanted to take Wuming into a fight with these dangerous animals. After all, fighting can cultivate tacit understanding better than daily life.

However, considering Branch 1 and the challenge mission, Lin Jue finally chose to give up.

There are many ways to improve tacit understanding, but Lin Jue is not in a hurry.

In addition, Lin Jue also understood why he couldn't understand Wuming's words.

Because Wuming can’t speak at all!

It usually makes a "meow" sound, which really means "meow".

There was no need to communicate with Lin Jue. The two made a contract when they first established their relationship as master and pet, so Lin Jue could understand what Wuming meant without saying anything.

These are what the system told him

After Lin Jue went through a series of experiments on Wuming, the system couldn't stand it anymore, and he told Lin Jue the reason.

In this regard, Lin Jue was speechless.

How did he know about the contract he made with Wuming that time?

However, perhaps it is precisely because of the contract that the tacit understanding between him and Wuming is so high, right?

Lin Jue took another look. At this moment, the tacit understanding value between him and Wuming had reached (85/100).

Since he acquired the special status of Son of Nature, this tacit understanding value will rise a little from time to time. Lin Juedu suspected that if he just sat for a few days without doing anything, his tacit understanding value would automatically reach full.

At the same time, Lin Jue was also worried that if the tacit understanding value finally got stuck at (99/100), he would be unable to improve.

"Um, brother Lin Jue, do you want to go to Xiong Linji first?" Xierbi said in the direction of the two of them.


Lin Jue wanted to find the black bear first.

Because bears are creatures with poor eyesight, explosive tempers, strong strength and destructive power.

This kind of creature will probably fight directly when it sees him, and he can test how strong the defense of Earth-Turnstone Dunan is.

"Oh" Xi'er nodded and didn't ask any more questions. She just wanted to follow Lin Jue.

Along the way, the two of them seemed to be on an outing.

Xi'er changed into various clothes and found a place to take photos with Lin Jue from time to time.

Lin Jue was not in a hurry to complete the task, so he grabbed Wuming who was running around and took pictures together.

ha? Where did the camera come from, you ask?

Of course Lin Jue fished it from the world of sea beasts!

Don't forget, Lin Jue once visited three cities in the world of sea beasts, and threw countless snacks, daily necessities, and various materials into the system backpack that was not full. Of course, cameras and even film were included.

And there are several different models.

Fortunately, even if the items are not extracted, the system can still give various information about these items.

Otherwise, among these cameras from other worlds, Lin Jue really didn't know which one was best or how to use them.

What surprised both Lin Jue and Xi'er was that they did not encounter any danger at all along the way.

If he hadn't remembered his destination, Lin Jue would have had the illusion that he was here for an outing with Xi'er.

"Brother Lin Jue, here!"

Xi'er smiled like an ordinary little girl who had gotten high. She ran excitedly to a light-transmitting shade and waved to Lin Juedi.

Lin Jue understood the idea and walked over with his camera.

Xi'er put Wuming on her shoulders, leaned against the tree, and posed very skillfully.

Lin Jue felt emotional again when he saw this.

At first, Xi'er didn't know how to pose for photos. After he taught him two or three times, Xi'er quickly mastered and used it skillfully.

Is this a talent that belongs to Xier, or is it a talent shared by women?

Lin Jue quickly pressed the shutter and captured this scene.

Along the way, Lin Jue will also snap a few wonderful pictures. At the same time, he was also pulled by Xier to take several pictures.

Hei Xi was also pulled out by Xi'er midway and asked to take pictures.

Facing Xi'er's request, Hei Xi twitched the corner of her mouth and could only agree.

Lin Jue actually knew why Xi'er did this.

If something goes wrong here, Lin Jue will send her back to the quantum sea.

Lin Jue couldn't take her out of the Quantum Sea, and Xi'er couldn't stay here. She had to wait in the Quantum Sea for Lin Jue and Bronya to save her.

Waiting means a long and boring time.

During this time, with these photos, Xier will not feel lonely.

Of course, Lin Jue also gave Xi'er some comics and novels - fished from the world of sea beasts - for Xi'er's entertainment.

Xiong Linji has arrived.

There really wasn't any danger along the way.

Lin Juedu wondered if he had come to the wrong place.

Obviously, Andre's notes recorded that he was almost preyed on from time to time.

Obviously, the information he received from Lin Dao Yinshun revealed that this forest is extremely dangerous and should be used with caution!

Lin Jue wondered if something serious had gone wrong in this forest, which resulted in not a single animal being seen along the way.

But now, he finally saw it.

In front of him, a huge black bear seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"I wonder why you broke into my territory?"

A rough voice came from the black bear's mouth, with a polite tone.

Lin Jue was stunned. Is this bear so polite?

How would he answer this? Did you say I came here to let you hit me?

Lin Jue thought for a while and said, "Who are you?"

"According to human terms, my name is Jubei, and I am the leader of the black bears."


Encountered a big boss when you came up?

This plot is wrong.

Moreover, it turns out that Jubei can understand human speech.

Suddenly, Jubei realized something and exclaimed: "That's wrong?! Do you understand what I'm talking about?"

When Xier saw the black bear suddenly roaring loudly, she thought it was about to attack and put on a defensive posture.

"Are you the son of nature?" Jubei calmed down again in an instant and asked doubtfully.

"Huh?" Lin Jue raised his eyebrows and admitted, "Yes, I am."

There is no need to prove it in other ways. Being able to understand the black bear's speech is the best evidence.

Jubei nodded, "In that case, I'll send you to see the unjust brother."

This development is seriously wrong.

Lin Jue was a little confused.

According to his assumption, it was his first time entering the forest and he encountered various dangers. After getting through it without any danger, we came to Xionglinji and met Jubei after another dangerous encounter. Finally, after a fierce fight, he tamed Jubei. Then go find other animals

The results of it? Look what he did.

Take pictures, take pictures, take pictures.

Take pictures of Xi'er, and Xi'er takes pictures of him. Xi'er and Wuming took pictures together. He and Xi'er took pictures together. He and Wuming took pictures together. The two of them took a photo together with a cat.

He's here for an outing with Xi'er, he must be, he must be, right?

Xi'er was also a little confused. What did the black bear mean when he nodded after roaring?

Wuming called out calmly.

"Okay. Let's go." Lin Jue reacted quickly and responded, "By the way, I didn't meet any animals all the way here. Is it because of my identity?"

Jubei glanced at him, as if doubting that he would ask this question: "If you are a child of nature, the whole forest will not harm you. However, those weak beings should be afraid of disturbing you, and deliberately Choose a detour, after all, the moment you enter the forest, all the animals can sense your presence, so they won’t disturb you.”

"Since you could feel it as soon as I came in, why didn't you recognize me at first?"

"Because I forgot."


Xi'er couldn't understand what the black bear was roaring, but just by listening to Lin Jue's words and looking at Lin Jue's expression, she could guess a lot about the conversation.

Then, Lin Jue followed Jubei to the Snake Den Forest.

When he arrived here, Lin Jue discovered that the leaders of all animal groups seemed to have been waiting there for a long time.

The huge tiger should be the Tiger King Jiu Wangtian, the little rabbit should be the Rabbit King Yuantong, the one sitting in the tree should be the Eagle Chiling, and the one among the beasts should be the Lord of the Forest—— The overlord snake is unjust.

"Welcome the Son of Nature."

The moment Lin Jue arrived, all the animals lowered their heads.

Seeing this scene, Xier felt amazing in her heart.

Lin Jue felt the aura of injustice and suddenly said: "Were you looking at me at the beginning?"

"Yes, Lord Son of Nature. Forgive me, because I didn't recognize it at the time, and you were in contact with my daughter, so"

Feiyi's huge body shows no sign of the aura of the Lord of the Forest.

Lin Jue waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, then you should know the purpose of my coming here, right?"

Feiyi nodded: "Lin Daoyin mentioned it to me a while ago."

No wonder.

Lin Jue suddenly understood why his appearance was so natural to them.

"Next, we all listen to the orders of the Son of Nature." Jiu Wangtian said.

Lin Jue's expression was complicated, but he still issued the order he had thought of for a long time.

Then, he took Xier and left.

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