The noisy building was crowded with people.

"Yes, I have successfully sneaked into the building."

Brownie walked along the sea of ​​people, hiding her thin body in the huge flow of people. She turned her earphones into micro Bluetooth mode and whispered.

"I'm already here, right outside."

"Are your clothes too conspicuous? After all, you saw it yesterday."

"I know, I changed one."

A smile appeared on Brownie's lips, "The one I gave you before?"

"Bluetooth disconnected."

Brownie responded with a burst of electronic sound.

Brownie chuckled, stood at the stairs of the second floor, and looked back at the door.

Outside the door, a group of strange people came in.

This group of people were dressed in black clothes, black trousers, and sunglasses, looking like cold bodyguards.

Among them was the middle-aged man who looked like the leader.

He has a kind face, dignified manners, and elegant steps.

Of course, Brownie, who had "accidentally" read all the other party's information, knew that all this was just an act by the other party.

Brownie just glanced at it casually, then quickly turned around and walked towards the second floor without attracting the other party's attention.

The middle-aged man, supported by a group of "bodyguards", walked to the center of the first floor.

"Sir, are we too conspicuous?" A person on one side of the middle-aged man said in a low voice.

"We have no time and no other opportunities. If we can't catch her, everyone will be dead." The middle-aged man continued to move forward until he reached the elevator. "Order everyone to disperse to different floors to look for her. Pay attention. , don’t act rashly when you find it, inform me immediately. Also, this is the Xu family’s territory after all, so don’t make too much noise.”


The elevator arrived, and everyone except the middle-aged man got on the elevator.

The middle-aged man stopped outside the elevator door, his eyes unreadable.

After the elevator left, he walked to the stairs and stepped up.

Brownie didn't stop and walked all the way up.

There are many people on the other side, so it is easy to find them if they search in batches one by one. Unless she's disguised. But it's a pity that she has no money now, and she didn't expect that she would be in this situation when she set out, and she had no props at hand to disguise herself.

Originally, she wanted to give the other party a shot to escape from its golden cicada shell. When the other party focused all his attention here, she sneaked back to the first floor and walked out of the sewer.

But that middle-aged man was not a fuel-efficient lamp. I wonder if he guessed that Brownie had this idea. In short, every time they get to a floor, they will have people watching at the stairs and elevators on that floor.

In other words, Brownie can only continue to go upwards and cannot go back.

The other party's blanket search continues to spread upwards. As long as the other party is given enough time, Brownie will be found sooner or later.

Fortunately, all she had to do was try her best to delay

Suddenly, she stopped. Glancing at the floor.

13th floor.

She had seen the floor distribution area on the first floor. If she remembered correctly, this was a video game city.

The reason she stopped was not because the video game city was hiding people——

——She wants to play

Suddenly, her ears moved. ???

Someone is going up the stairs.

Brownie slipped through the door and stepped onto the 13th floor.

But as soon as she entered the door, she suddenly felt excited, quickly turned her back, and hid outside the door again.

Inside the door, a man in black clothes and black trousers seemed to feel something, and stopped to look at the entrance of the corridor.

no one.

He withdrew his gaze and followed his companions in front.

Not long after, Brownie slipped in quietly again.

After a while, a group of young people walked through the door and walked into the 13th floor, talking and laughing.

Not far from the gate, Brownie, hiding among the game consoles, breathed a sigh of relief.

This group of people should be just ordinary people who come here to have fun.

Brownie didn't intend to stay here, so he walked outside the door again, planning to continue walking upstairs.

The design of this building is quite special.

There is an elevator on the top floor that leads directly to the second underground floor.

Moreover, there is and is only one elevator that can be designed this way.

This design has not been made public.

Because there are secrets buried on the top floor and the second underground floor of this building.

If Brownie hadn't walked into the sewer and accidentally ran into the escape passage on the second underground floor, she wouldn't have thought of it.

The Xu family is actually collecting all kinds of information about everyone in the world.

There is something special left on some of the items sold by the Xu family. According to Brownie's understanding, it is something similar to a pinhole camera, except that it is more advanced and less easy to be discovered.

The second underground floor of the Xu family is filled with machines and images everywhere.

Through this, the Xu family can learn all the information about everyone who has bought the Xu family's products.

The top floor is the Xu family's office where they handle the news.

Of course, Brownie didn't know why the Xu family did such a thing, why they set up these things in this building instead of finding a more private place, whether they had ever been discovered, and how they would deal with it if they were discovered. of.

She doesn't need to know this, she just needs to know that the Xu family has ulterior secrets.

And she can use this to escape for herself.

By the way, did she "accidentally" discover something terrible again?

But fortunately, she should not have been discovered by the Xu family.

"Now, we have to go up."

As long as they reach the top floor, the Xu family cannot let those people do whatever they want.

She just had to wait for time, and when Stargazer had prepared everything, she could escape.

Brownie walked out of the corridor door.

Suddenly, Brownie's vision went dark.

Quietly, a pair of hands quickly pulled her away again.

Brownie's whole body was tense. Just when he wanted to do something, he felt that he couldn't move.

Who caught her?


The voice was extremely low, but Brownie could still tell that it was a female voice.

Brownie heard footsteps.

"Sir, the Taoist priests are sure that she was here just now."

The middle-aged man suddenly squatted down while listening to his subordinate's report.

Then he picked up a hair.

"It seems that those Taoist priests were right." The middle-aged man walked forward thoughtfully.

Brownie felt the footsteps getting closer and closer to her, and she panicked and wanted to do something.

But she couldn't move, as if her body was out of control.

Brownie's mind was racing.

The person who caught her now was obviously not part of that group.

Could it be that he is from the Xu family? Did she think there were no traces, or did she miss a loophole and be discovered?

The footsteps approached and then gradually moved away.

"let's go."

A group of people broke into the 13th floor.

After a while, Brownie felt his eyes light up again and his body regained consciousness.

She quickly got rid of the person behind her and subconsciously wanted to take out the gun.

As a result, she missed the opportunity.

"Are you looking for this again?"

A clear female voice reached Brownie's ears, and she looked up.

His gun has fallen into the opponent's hands.

Damn, she should have thought of that.

Brownie's heart sank, and then he looked at the other party.

At this sight, she was stunned.

Is that the girl she met this morning?

Xier returned the gun to Brownie and apologized sincerely, "I'm sorry, I was curious, so I couldn't hold it back, so I took it over to take a look."

This gun was not one that Sister Bronya had ever used.

"By the way, what's your name?" Xier kept her eyes on Brownie.

Brownie was holding a gun and was still in a daze.

What's happening here?

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