The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 169: Having fun easily... is impossible.

A group of people stepped onto the elevator.

There are many people in the elevator.

Stargazing looked at Brownie speechlessly, who was about to jump with excitement. He leaned next to Xi'er and whispered: "Isn't it bad that I've spent money on you just after we met?"

Xi'er waved her hands and said, "It's okay."

Anyway, her purpose in coming out in the first place was to use that Supreme Membership Card.

Strangely enough, when she learned that she could stay with Brownie for a little longer, Xi'er was still very happy inside.

Since Xi'er didn't mind, Stargazing didn't say anything.

"Forget it, let her relax a bit." Guanxing shook his head.

"Ding dong~"

When the elevator reached its destination, Brownie, who had already been unable to hold himself back any longer, was like an arrow leaving the string. He agreed and disappeared with a "whoosh".

"Does Sister Brownie particularly like playing video games?" Xi'er couldn't help but ask.

Gazing at the stars and holding his forehead, he sighed: "It wasn't like this before, but it is now."

Xi'er and Guanxing walked out together along with the flow of people.

There are many people in the video game city, most of them are young people, and there are many kinds of games, all of which Stargazing and Xier have never seen before.

Rhythmic heavy metal music blasted inside the building, and bursts of cheers came from time to time.

Xier and Guanxing have never seen this kind of scene.

The two seemed a little overwhelmed.

"Xie'er! Xi'er! Come here quickly!"

Brownie's voice came from afar. Xi'er and Guanxing followed the sound and looked over. Brownie was already sitting in front of a game console and waving to them.

When the two walked over, Brownie said happily: "Xie'er! Xi'er! I want to play with this!"

Brownie said, pointing to the black screen game console.

Xi'er asked in confusion: "But, what should Xi'er do to open it?"

This was a good question, and it stopped Brownie in his tracks.

"Uh" Brownie stared blankly at the game console that was completely unfamiliar to her.

Stargazing: ""

Don't look at her, she knows nothing about this thing.

The three fell into silence for a moment.

"How about I go find the staff and ask?" Xi'er suggested weakly.


Suddenly, a cold word came into the ears of the three of them.

When Brownie heard the sound, he jumped up and looked at the source of the sound. ???

The handsome young man with purple pupils walked towards the three of them slowly, "I can drive this game console."

Stargazer turned his head and immediately noticed the other person's unique eyes.

Those were not ordinary purple eyes, but eyes like violets in full bloom, full of unusual charm.

Stargazing was shocked.

"You, you, you, you," Brownie pointed at the boy and stuttered for a moment.

"Brother Lin Jue!" Seeing this, Xi'er's eyes lit up and she said happily.

Lin Jue walked to Xi'er and rubbed Xi'er's head.

Seeing this scene, Brownie's eyes widened.

"Wait a minute, do you know each other?"

Lin Jue smiled slightly, walked to the game console, and fiddled with it a few times.

Soon, the screen came on.

Lin Jue turned around and saw Brownie's sharp eyes and tense body. He couldn't help but laugh and said, "You can't be so nervous."

"Ha," Brownie sneered, "Indeed, after all, it was me, not you, who had the knife held to his neck before."

"It's just a misunderstanding. I'm here just to clear up this misunderstanding." Lin Jue couldn't deny it. He walked aside and turned on another game console, "But before that..."

Lin Jue opened four game consoles one after another, "Let's have fun playing for a while first."

Brownie frowned, thinking about what this man wanted to do.

The next moment, Lin Jue seemed to see through her thoughts and said: "Don't think too much, I just want to play with Xi'er for a while. After all, she is too lonely."

Hearing this, Xi'er's heart trembled.

Brownie saw Xi'er's reaction in his eyes, and silently felt that their close relationship had taken another level to the next level.

Guanxing came over at this time, leaned close to Brownie's ear, and whispered: "He is very strong. Even if we use all our methods, he is not easy to deal with. The enemy is strong and we are weak, so let's follow his wishes first. Moreover, I think He certainly showed no hostility."

Brownie knew this in his heart.

The four of them sat down in front of the game console.

"Hey, what are you playing?" Brownie asked.

Lin Jue put the four game consoles into online mode, with him as the captain, and said: "Who is hey?"

Brownie's eyebrows twitched.

"Brother Lin Jue, stop teasing Sister Brownie." Xi'er said speechlessly when she saw the smile on Lin Jue's lips.

She understood that this was Lin Jue's bad taste.

"Lin Jue, right?" Brownie and Guanxing wrote down their names silently.

Lin Jue controlled the game console and said: "First, I'll teach you how to use this game console."

The scorching sun shines on the earth.

Lin family, in the ancestral temple.

Lin Daoyin closed his eyes and kept moving his hands.

He sat in the center of a large formation, and halo after halo moved with the movements of his hands.

The water vapor diffused around him, and from a distance, he looked like he was in a hot spring.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and raised his hands.

Halo and water vapor gathered above the formation.

Then, a scene appeared in the sky.

Lin Daoyin breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the screen.

In the picture, one blue-black transparent species floats past one after another.

"Sure enough, sure enough." Lin Daoyin waved his hand and the picture instantly shattered.

The ancestral temple was opened and two people walked in.

The leader of the group had a majestic face and a clear aura.

The other person has white hair and a childish face, dignified and elegant.

They are Lin Hai, the head of the Lin family, and Lin Hongxia, the elder of the Lin family.

Lin Daoyin is the elder of the Lin family.

"Mr. Yin, how is the situation?"

Lin Hai asked.

"Everything is as expected by the son of nature." Lin Daoyin said with lingering fear, "If we hadn't discovered it, I'm afraid the world would be in danger. Hongxia, please notify the government immediately and let them prepare."

"Now that the matter has been confirmed, I will immediately notify those people." Lin Hongxia said.

After saying that, she left in a hurry.

"I have contacted the Xu family, the Zhou family, the Chen family, and the Sun family." Lin Haidao.

Lin Daoyin nodded, "I'm not worried about them. But, since the Son of Nature has said that there are traitors among humans, we still have to be fully prepared."

Lin Hai continued: "In addition, I have synchronized the news with Feiyi. But I still didn't want to ask Chu, why did the previously expected natural disaster turn into this?"

Lin Daoyin sighed: "I don't know much about this either. I'm afraid only the Son of Nature knows about this issue."

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