The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 192 Squad Leader Fu Hua

Following his memory, Lin Jue came to the classroom. Google search reading

I came early today and there was only one person in the classroom.

At this time, Lin Jue realized that he had an extra deskmate.

"Who are you?" Lin Jue looked at her in confusion.

He has gray hair and blue eyes, and wears plain and simple uniforms. Wearing black-rimmed glasses, he doesn't look weak at all.

The woman raised her eyes and glanced at Lin Jue, looking a little confused, "Who are you?"

"He is Lin Jue."

Ji Zi appeared at the right time and walked next to Lin Jue, "She is Fu Hua, the monitor of our class, and the person who will guide you in the future."

"So you are Lin Jue." Fu Hua suddenly realized, clasping his fists and saying, "This is the first time we meet, please give me some advice."

Lin Jue subconsciously hugged his fists and replied: "Nice to meet you, nice to meet you."

Fu Hua raised his eyebrows: "Are you from China?"

At this time, Lin Jue realized what Fu Hua had just done, "Yes, you too?"


oh? Lin Jue felt slightly excited.

I didn’t expect to meet fellow villagers here.

Fu Hua was also very excited.

She hasn't seen the Chinese people for a long time.

"Where did you grow up?"

"Uh, City F"

"Is it there? I go there less often. How is it there now?"

“It’s going great.”

"That's it"

"Ahem." Jizi coughed twice, "Sorry, let me interrupt. Let's get down to business first, okay?"

"Sorry, Teacher Jizi." Fu Hua also realized that he was a little too enthusiastic, took a step back, coughed twice, and said, "Classmate Lin Jue, in the next time, I will be responsible for instructing you on combat knowledge. "

"Okay." Lin Jue said he understood.

"After that, after dinner every night, come to the school training ground. I will wait for you there."

"Training venue? Is there any actual combat venue?"

"Why not?" Ji Zi rolled her eyes at Lin Jue, "Practical assessment is equally important in the final exam."

"Moreover, during actual combat, you can better understand the knowledge learned in class." Fu Hua continued.

"That's it." Lin Jue suddenly realized.

After the business was finished, Ji Zi left.

There was still some time before class started, so she went to the office to get textbooks.

Lin Jue took out a stack of information books that he had prepared.


A thick stack of books hit the desk hard, making a loud noise.

"Uh, classmate Lin Jue, what are you doing?"

Fu Hua looked at Lin Jue blankly.

Lin Jue was sorting out the books while replying to Fu Hua's question, "After all, I have to make up for the lost knowledge within a month, so I need to use more things."

Books were piled under the table. Lin Jue glanced at the class schedule, picked up a book and started reading.

There is still some time before class starts, and this time is enough for him to see a lot of things.

When it comes to learning, he is serious.

Seeing how attentive Lin Jue was, Fu Hua couldn't help but sigh in a low voice, "It would be great if classmate Qiana could be like classmate Lin Jue."

Time passed by, and people gradually came.

The classmates in the class were very excited when they saw Lin Jue coming back.

Anyone who wanted to come forward to say hello saw Lin Jue studying seriously and guessed the reason, so he quietly left.

Including Kiana, Mei, and Bronya who originally wanted to come up to say hello.

Kiana was even encouraged by Lin Jue and took out a book and started reading.

According to her words, it is

"No, no, I can't be worse than Lin Jue! I have to work hard too. I will definitely pass Lin Jue in the final exam!"

Mei smiled silently and encouraged Kiana.

Bronya's face was expressionless.

"Dingling bell~Dingling bell~"

Ji Zi came in with the bell ringing. Lin Jue put the book back and took out the teaching materials for this class.

Ji Zi walked to the podium and glanced at the audience.

When he saw Lin Jue's serious and firm eyes, he nodded silently in his heart.

"Students, before going to class, let me remind you." Jizi patted the table and asked everyone to focus on her. "There is still one month until the final exam. This final exam is about your daughter. Everyone should pay attention to my God of War rating and take the time to make up for any shortcomings.”

"Okay, now, let's start class."

The second class is history class.

Joyce walked in and also explained about the final exam. At the same time, he smiled and comforted everyone: "Don't worry, history won't be particularly difficult."

The third period is physical education.

Lin Jue followed Ji Zi to a classroom.

"Well, she is the instructor responsible for your theoretical knowledge next." Ji Zi introduced Lin Jue first, and at the same time said hello to the person, "Xiaojie, I brought you the person."

The person called "Xiaojie" turned around and looked Lin Jue up and down, "Sister Ji Zi, is that him?"

While being looked at, Lin Jue was also looking at the other person.

Exquisite figure and delicate face. But I don’t know if it’s because I stayed up late last night, but now I have some dark circles under my eyes.

Seeing Xiaojie's face, Lin Jue felt inexplicably familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Jizi: "It's him."

Carinjie let out a long sigh, "Why do you want me to give him tutoring? Is it because he is a qualified male, which is very rare?"

"Uh" Jizi didn't know how to answer her question.

Kalinjie waved her hand: "Forget it, just get a salary increase anyway."

"Speaking of salary increase, how was last night?"

"What can I do?" Kalinjie's eyes were filled with resentment. "I spent the whole night running or running again, from the easternmost point all the way to the westernmost point. People died while running, and things happened everywhere."

After hearing this, Lin Jue suddenly remembered this person.

One of the two Valkyries I saw last night, it seemed like one of them was her.

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