The unknown person in Honkai Impact 3

Chapter 36 Russian Beet Soup in Memories

I checked the refrigerator before and there was nothing in it. Google search reading

It was getting late, so Lin Jue decided to go out and find a 24-hour supermarket nearby to buy some ingredients.

More than ten minutes later, Lin Jue came back with two bags.

"Beets, carrots, cabbage"

"Hey? Lin Jue, you even bought sour cream."

Kiana took one of the bags from Lin Jue's hand and counted the things Lin Jue bought.

"Yes, that bag is for ingredients and this bag is for snacks."

Lin Jue gave another bag to Bronya, and then changed shoes at the entrance.

After changing their shoes and walking in, Kiana and Bronya had already taken out everything in the bags.

"Ah, no, Lin Jue, you just bought some dry and hard bread?"

Kiana held a piece of bread in her hand that had obviously been chewed, and said to Lin Jue with a look of disgust.

Lin Jue shrugged his shoulders: "I don't think so, it's just these breads left there."

And I don’t know if they taste good or not.

Bronya took the carrot, turned to the angry Kiana and said, "Bronya will cook."

"Oh, can Bronya cook too?"

Lin Jue looked at this little lolita with curiosity.

Bronya didn't answer Lin Jue's question, she just put the ingredients into the bag and took them all away.

Then, she brought a small bench, stepped on it, and started chopping vegetables.

Kiana held her head with both hands and glanced at the bread in front of her: "Why don't I just eat the bread. Does Bronya really know how to cook? I have known her for so long and I have never seen her cook before. ”

While talking, Kiana still had a tendency to fall asleep, maybe because it was getting late.

Lin Jue originally wanted to try cooking a few dishes from his memory, but all the ingredients were taken away by Bronya.

Suddenly remembering the principal of Xiaobai who had been silent since going upstairs, Lin Jue walked up the stairs.

"By the way, which one is Theresa's bedroom?"

After going upstairs, Lin Juecai slapped her head and realized that she had done another stupid thing.

Sure enough, if the spiritual consciousness is seriously damaged, will the IQ also decrease?

Naturally, outsiders are not allowed to enter a girl's boudoir casually. It would be quite exciting if there were any intimate clothes inside that had not been taken away on the bed, and Lin Jue pushed the door in and saw them.

As long as no one finds out, it seems really exciting.

Bah bah bah, what was I thinking.

Abnormal perversion.

Lin Jue stopped the abnormal fantasy in his mind and knocked on the doors on the second floor one by one.

"Theresa, are you there?"

No one responds, replace with the next one.

"Is Teresa awake?"

Still no one responds, change to the next one.

"Is Teresa here?"


Behind Lin Jue, the door across an open space from Lin Jue opened.

Theresa walked out with a tired look on her face.

"Yawn~ Lin Jue, why did you call me?"

Lin Jue: ""

Continue walking forward, turn right, pass through a corridor, turn right again, and Lin Jue comes to Theresa.

"Theresa, aren't you hungry?"

"Hungry? Huh? I seem to be really hungry. What time is it now?"

Perhaps because she had just woken up, Theresa's reaction was still a little slow and she was very confused.

"It's almost 22:30 now."

When Theresa heard Lin Jue's words, she suddenly woke up: "Ah?! No, I slept for so long?"

Lin Jue always felt that Theresa was inexplicably strange: "Theresa, are you okay?"

Lin Jue stretched out his hand and missed Theresa's forehead.

Theresa jumped back and avoided Lin Jue's hand: "What are you doing? I'm fine. I just accidentally fell asleep. I'm not a child anymore. I know how I am."

She can hide from my hand and say such words, she is indeed Theresa.

So what's so strange about it?


Teresa's stomach growled.

Lin Jue: ""

"Forget it, Theresa, let's go down first, Bronya is cooking."

"Huh? Bronya is cooking today? Where are Mei and Sakura?"

Seeing Lin Jue turn around and walk downstairs, Theresa breathed a sigh of relief. Then after hearing Lin Jue's words, he asked again in confusion.

"Mei, Sakura-sama and Himeko-sama are blocking the expressway. They won't be able to come back for a while. I went out to buy some ingredients, and Bronya volunteered to cook."

Lin Jue simply said with horror.

Theresa didn't realize that Lin Jue had noticed her relieved look just now.

After walking down the stairs, Lin Jue sat on the sofa and thought.

Something is wrong with Theresa, but what exactly is wrong? The person must not have been replaced by something else.

Otherwise, someone who can imitate so flawlessly would be a really formidable enemy.

If she hadn't been replaced, what would have happened to Theresa?

Lin Jue was thinking a lot in his heart, but on the surface, he turned on the TV and started watching it naturally.

Theresa stayed up there for a while before coming down.

"That kid has already begun to doubt you."

The voice came from Theresa's mind, and Theresa sat calmly on the dining table.

"Master Mo, why did you hide it from Lin Jue?"

"He shouldn't know until he defeats his inner demons."

"I know you have many doubts in your heart, but now is not the time to tell you."

"Relax and don't think too much."

After hearing what Mr. Mo said, Theresa was full of doubts, but she suppressed her curiosity.

"No matter what, I will definitely stay with Xiaojue."

Theresa looked at the starry sky outside the window, but her sight seemed to pass through the starry sky, passed through this world, and kept flying, flying to the wider, more mysterious and wonderful world outside

"Dice the beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes and onions. Crush the garlic into garlic paste, soften the butter at room temperature, and cut the baguette diagonally into strips."

"After that"

Bronya found a pot, heated the oil, poured the cooked vegetable cubes and part of the garlic paste into the stir-fry, and then added some water.

Bronya suddenly thought of something and jumped down from the small stool.

At the dining table, the sleepy Kiana was awakened by Bronya's jumping action, and watched Bronya trotting to her room with sleepy eyes.

Lin Jue also saw Bronya's actions and was stunned for a while.

It's not that Bronya suddenly did this, but that she was confused.

Is there a bedroom on the first floor? Their bedroom is not on the first floor, right? Then I just knocked on the door stupidly.

No, that's not right. Maybe only Bronya's room is downstairs. My caution is right.

Lin Jue comforted himself and continued to watch TV.

"The latest news is that the strongest S-class Valkyrie of destiny is Yulandel"

"At this time, the TV is actually broadcasting the news." Theresa shook her head speechlessly, and then saw Kiana followed Bronya into her room.

"This child, idle."

After being speechless for a while, Theresa found that she had nothing to do.

So, she also lay on the sofa and watched the news with Lin Jue.

Bronya trotted all the way to her bed and dragged out a big box from under the bed.

The box was opened, and Kiana and Bronya looked inside the box together.

There was a pile of canned food and game discs of the Hom series.

"Hey, what is this?" Kiana asked curiously.

"Canned beef." Bronya replied expressionlessly.

"Why are there so many cans under your bed?" Kiana asked curiously.

"It's food reserves." Bronya replied expressionlessly.

"Then" Kiana picked up a game disc with a slight smirk on her face, "What is this?"

Bronya's face was dark: "It's the reserve of the soldier."


"Add the diced beef and the previously cut potatoes to the pot."

"Wait for the water to boil, then add some salt, and then cut to low heat."

After doing all this, Bronya covered the pot and sat down on the spot holding Hum.

The original stool was nowhere to be found.

"Next, Bronya will be on standby for 30 minutes."

Time passed by minute by minute

Lin Jue and Theresa went from watching the news with a blank look on their faces to being slightly interested in the news, and even chatted about it in the end.

This time, Kiana ran directly to the sofa and fell asleep with a pillow in her arms.

Bronya waited quietly, and she also felt sleepy, nodding her head.

"Sister, it's time."

In a trance, Bronya heard Seele's words.


Bronya narrowed her eyes.


At this time, the Hom in Bronya's hand made a sound.

It was the alarm clock that Bronya prepared for fear that she would accidentally fall asleep.

Bronya was awakened by the alarm, looked around, and did not see a familiar figure.


Bronya stood up and opened the lid of the pot.

"Finally, remember to add sour cream to the soup."

Bronya poured the Russian beet soup into a bowl and brought it to the table.

Lin Jue, Theresa and Kiana were ready.

Kiana couldn't help it first, picked up the spoon and tasted it.

"Hmm~ha~! So delicious! This wonderful sour taste makes people unable to stop eating it."

Kiana took a sip of beet soup and felt that her whole body was glowing. Then she put her head in front of the bowl and ate frantically.

Bronya looked at the bread on the plate on the table: "Kiana, try to dip the bread in the soup."

Hearing this, Kiana tore the bread on the plate in half, picked up half and dipped it in the soup.

"Aww" Kiana ate it all in one bite.

"Hehe——" Kiana took a breath of cold air, "Is this this this this this still a bad dry bread?"

Then Kiana buried her head in eating bitterly

Lin Jue and Theresa saw Kiana eating so happily, and they couldn't help but drink a sip.

Then the two were surprised by the taste of this beet soup and fought with Kiana.

"Hmm~ Bronya's dish is not inferior to Mei's dish at all~ Delicious!"

Theresa drank the Russian beet soup in the bowl and said with satisfaction while lying on the chair.

"Thank you for the compliment from the school principal. Compared to Mei, Bronya is still far behind."

Bronya watched the three people eating, and in a trance she saw a familiar figure again.

The figure had just finished drinking the beet soup and smiled at Bronya, saying, "It's really delicious, sister."

Bronya half-stretched her hand and took a step closer to the figure.


With a sound, the figure disappeared, and Bronya woke up and looked at the door.

The door opened, and it was Yae Sakura and Mei who came back, followed by a tired-looking Himeko.

"Ah~ I'm finally back." Jizi bent over, tiredness written all over her body.

Both hands of the three of them were carrying bags full of bags.

Meiyi smiled and said, "You must be hungry. Sakura and I will go cook right now."

"No need for Mei and Sister Sakura, Bronya made beet soup. Come and have a taste, Himeko, and I'll rub your shoulders later." Kiana came out and pointed to the beet soup on the table. Zhu Yayi and the others said.

Bronya looked at the scene in front of her, her eyes softened, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Kiana suddenly came to Bronya again at some point and poked Bronya's smiling face with her finger: "Bronya, why are you giggling alone?"

Bronya glanced at Kiana, turned around and walked to the window: "It's nothing, even if I tell such a fool like you, you won't understand."

"Ah? You!" Kiana was speechless for a moment.

Bronya ignored Kiana and looked out the window.

"Mei, Bronya said bad things about me again!"

Bronya didn't pay attention to what happened behind her and stared blankly out of the window.

Lin Jue followed Bronya's gaze and saw a flying blue butterfly.

"Huh, uh, ah, Mei~ I didn't mess with her!" Kiana's tone was full of grievances.

Bronya withdrew her gaze, turned around and drank soup with everyone.

"Ha, this soup is so delicious." Someone's voice of praise sounded.

Everyone spent this wonderful night happily.

Except for Lin Jue, who had to go back after finishing a bowl.

Because he couldn't stay overnight in the girls' dormitory, and he had to go to class tomorrow, he had to go back to bed early.

"Forget it, although I haven't tasted Sister Ying's food, Bronya's beet soup tastes good too."

To know how to be content in life, you must know how to keep yourself in a happy state at all times.

Lin Jue shook his head and returned to his dormitory under the moonlight.

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