The black hole appeared and spit out a person.

That person was naturally Lin Jue, who fell heavily to the ground and then got up.

"It's better to put this system on standby." Lin Jue muttered.

Looking around, Lin Jue soon found the huge cherry tree in front of him. Compared with the cherry tree he had seen before, this cherry tree was slightly smaller. The cherry blossoms on the cherry tree were gradually falling. The falling cherry blossoms fell on Lin Jue and then slowly disappeared.

Lin Jue was amazed, like a newborn baby who was very curious about the world. He circled the cherry tree several times.

"Are you a child?"

In his mind, Mo Ye's voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Jue was startled: "When did you wake up?"

When Mo Ye said he was going to sleep, Lin Jue felt that his head, which was particularly heavy, was instantly relieved. So he guessed that his spirit could not bear the existence of two consciousnesses in his mind.

And now Lin Jue felt that the system was still there, Mo Ye was also there, but his body did not feel any discomfort.

Although Lin Jue's body and spirit were inexplicably getting stronger after a month, Lin Jue didn't think that his strength could withstand it.

Mo Ye saw the doubt in his heart and explained: "It's the special nature of the Collapse World."

"Because the Collapse Energy of the Collapse World is consistent with the energy source we absorbed before, I can use *** (crossed out) by absorbing the Collapse Energy to make me exist in another form."

"Use what?" Lin Jue suspected that he didn't hear clearly.

"Use, you haven't started your practice yet, so you can't hear these things."


Mo Ye's tone became serious.

"Some knowledge, to know it itself, requires strong strength. Otherwise, you will be crushed by the power contained in this knowledge."

"Boy, the most precious thing in this world is not wealth, but those 'knowledge' and 'secrets'."


Although he didn't understand it very well, Lin Jue still responded.

Master Mo laughed: "Boy, you said these words yourself before."

"By the way, you said that the collapse energy is the same as the energy source I absorbed before." Lin Jue temporarily put aside his curiosity about these things he couldn't touch yet, and asked Master Mo.

"Yes." Master Mo seemed to be recalling something, "That's why I said that the collapse world is a perfect opportunity. Not only can it make you improve your strength quickly, but also hehehe, you will find other benefits later."

Master Mo's laughter was a bit obscene.

"Your practice was very late in the original plan, and before that, your body will automatically absorb the origin of the world."

"The origin of the world?" Lin Jue suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head again.

"No matter which world it is, it has its origin. We will talk about this slowly later. Now your spirit cannot bear this knowledge."

"Boy, someone is coming. I'll sleep for a while. Let's talk later." Master Mo felt someone approaching and interrupted the topic abruptly.

If it wasn't for the headache, Lin Jue would definitely complain about Master Mo.

"Trample, tramp, tramp."

The sound of footsteps on the land came.

Lin Jue looked at the woman not far away.

With two fox-like ears, wearing a witch costume, her cherry mouth opened and closed.

"Who are you?"

The voice was very gentle.

Lin Jue thought for a while: "My name is Lin Jue, I accidentally got lost. Excuse me, is there any place to rest nearby?"

"Yes, please follow me."

The woman looked at the other person carefully.

The facial features are regular and three-dimensional, the skin is so white and tender that women envy it, and there is always a faint smile, giving the feeling of a brother next door.

Among them, the most outstanding is the pair of purple eyes. Noble, mysterious, and gentle. These eyes seem to have a strange magic, which can easily make people addicted to them.

The woman blushed slightly, turned around, and led Lin Jue.

Why are you blushing?

Lin Jue noticed the strangeness of the other person's expression and remembered a sentence: handsome people are indeed treated preferentially.

"Mo Ye?"

Lin Jue called in his heart.

"What? Are you interested in the woman opposite? Ask me for help?" Mo Ye's teasing voice sounded.

"Didn't you say before that I could start my training earlier? What exactly is it like? How is my training?"

"Don't worry, don't worry. I have your training method. I will give it to you at the right time. Now is not the right time. Don't worry, it will be soon. You will know the details when the time comes."

After receiving Mo Ye's response, Lin Jue felt a little relieved.

Perhaps it was an illusion. Lin Jue always felt that he was in a very dangerous situation. There was a voice in his heart that wanted him to become stronger quickly.

Lin Jue followed the woman all the way to a small village.

The residents of the village were a little strange. Although they seemed to be smiling and communicating with each other, Lin Jue felt that their eyes were always on me.

That was not a vigilant look towards the sudden appearance of strangers in the village.

That kind of look was like the look of a weasel looking at a chicken when it was paying New Year's greetings to a chicken.

Gentle, but not kind.

This village is a little strange.

"We're here." The woman's voice came.

Lin Jue looked at the house in front of him, which was similar to the Japanese-style building seen in the middle layer of the third memory.

"Excuse me, what is this?"

"This village is called Yae Village. This is where you will live temporarily." The woman said to Lin Jue.

"I haven't introduced myself yet, my name is Yae Sakura, and I am the shrine maiden of Yae Village Shrine."

"Well, if anything happens, please come to me, I live there." Yae Sakura pointed to the house next to Lin Jue's house.

"If it's not necessary, please try not to go out on the streets." Yae Sakura said solemnly to Lin Jue.


Lin Jue replied equally seriously.

He originally thought so too, this village seemed a little strange.

Yae Sakura said that she had to go somewhere else beforehand.

Lin Jue entered his house.

"System, you know it."

An emotionless electronic voice sounded in his mind: "Due to the appearance of the host, unstable factors have appeared in the collapsed world. The destiny that was originally visible is now blurred."

"Because of this, Honkai Will intercepted the host when it entered the world, hoping to eliminate the unstable factors."

Lin Jue knew it. Lin Jue had already guessed about this result.

"Where am I now?"

"The World of Stigmata." explained systematically.

"The system has taken action and disturbed some fates. 500 years before the host is now in this stigmata space, the story happened in Yae Village when Yae Sakura was young."

"The task has been issued, please check it yourself, the host"

"Huh?" Lin Jue was not surprised by the existence of a mission, but was surprised by the noise coming from the street.

Thinking of Yae Sakura's warning, and Lin Jue was not the kind of person with strong curiosity, for now, it was crucial to understand the cause of his own situation.

Of course, Lin Jue still used his senses to explore what was happening outside.

While feeling it, Lin Jue asked Xiang Moye about himself: "Master Mo? About my memory?"

Master Mo's voice sounded: "I know this. Originally, you should only have three memories. One is your own memory, which is hidden deep in your memory; the other is the memory of the world with sea beasts, you You need to obtain the energy of that world to fully master it; the last paragraph is the memory of the place where you lived when you were a child, and the whole process is just a beautiful fantasy you once had, so although you have this memory, it is not what you have actually experienced. thing."

"But, an accident happened. You gained the memory of a resident of the collapsed world. The origin of this memory also involves a profound knowledge. If I tell you, you will turn into ashes in an instant. This memory makes you Cause and effect with the Collapse World, allowing you to come to the Collapse World."

"This is a variable, and for the time being, this variable is good."

Lord Mo paused.

"Many people in the Honkai World may be helpful to our future plans. In fact, the more adaptable they are to Honkai Energy, the more likely they are to be able to absorb the world's origin energy."

"Boy, we'll talk about this later when you become truly powerful. You just need to remember one thing."

"Get more people."

"The original plan was a life-and-death struggle, but we have already seen some hope. Make good use of this variable, kid." After finishing speaking, Mr. Mo stopped talking.

Lin Jue fell into deep thought.

“One last question”

"I don't know much about the system," Mo Ye interrupted Lin Jue.

Can you please stop interrupting me? It makes me look stupid.

Lin Jue instantly felt bad all over.

"The system is your tool, and I am the guide."

"You relied on this system to gradually become stronger."

"You can only see its true power after your strength changes qualitatively."

"By the way, the cultivation method has been given to you. Close your eyes and feel it carefully. That's the ball of light in your mind. When you can touch it, you can start practicing."

"Work hard." Master Mo's voice became lower and lower.

Lin Jue felt something was wrong: "Are you going to sleep again?"

"Maybe, I can only wake up for a while. My role is just a tool. I have to go back to tell you something." Master Mo curled his lips.

"Go back?" Lin Jue felt something was wrong.

"Ah, go back to sleep." Master Mo's tone was full of confusion.

"It's okay." Lin Jue didn't pay much attention.

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

[Main Mission 1: Change Yae Rin’s tragic ending.

Main mission 2: Make Yae Sakura and Yae Rin become helpers in the future.

Side mission one: Gain the favor of Teresa Apokalis.

Side mission 2: Get guidance from Yae Sakura.

Note: The task of the system is only to provide a direction for the host. There are no tasks that must be completed, and there will be no penalties for task failure. 】

Lin Jue finished browsing the mission.

Yae Rin?

Judging from the name, it seems to be related to Yae Sakura. It seems that we have to start with Yae Sakura.

The previous noise seemed to be caused by the villagers. The noise was very loud, and words such as "sacrifice" and "eight layers" were directly transmitted to Lin Jue's ears. However, according to Lin Jue's perception, they just had a quarrel and nothing else happened.

After thinking about it, Lin Jue felt that he should go out and take a look.

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