On the boundless ocean, a figure that covers the sky and the sun sets off huge waves.

There seemed to be a hole in the sky, and in the halo of light where dark purple and deep black coexisted, strange species exuding black energy kept popping up. ???

The figures that covered the sky and the sun were fighting with the species exuding black energy.

On land beside the ocean, a soldier broke into the camp.

"Report! General, the sea beasts have sent word that they can no longer hold on!"

In the camp, the people sitting in the main camp position slowly stood up after hearing these words: "This moment has finally come."

He walked out of the camp.

Outside the camp, there were only a few soldiers left who were using all their strength to fight against the strange species exuding black energy.

Bones covered the land, and blood dyed the ocean red.

"How is Project Fire going?" the general asked the subordinates standing aside.

At this time, a ringtone rang, and the subordinate took out a mobile phone.

With a tap of his finger, a void projection appeared.

"The selected fire has already boarded the spaceship, and will be able to leave in an hour." In the projection, an old man sat on the seat, his voice was vicissitudes of life and powerful, "In addition, there are also sea beasts over there. Joined the Tinder Project.”

"Okay, that's good." The general's expression was complicated.

After a long silence, the old man said: "Your daughter left you one last message. She said: You will always be her hero."

Hearing this, the general grinned.

The old man continued: "If you can, try your best to survive. This is not an order from a superior to a subordinate, but a request from a close friend to you."

The general took a deep breath and picked up his weapon: "I will try my best."

The screen projection ended, the communication was disconnected, and the general walked onto the battlefield.

"Just let me give them the last hour." The general said in a firm tone with a frenzied tone.

Then, he flew out directly and rushed up to the nine heavens.

His target was the dark purple and dark black light group.

One after another, strange species exuding black energy came to stop him.

"Oh, I don't mind this life, I don't want it!"

A huge roar sounded, and a figure that covered the sky suddenly rushed up from the sea to the sky.

Its body exploded with a bang, but it brought a strong suction force.

This suction force sucks away all those who come to stop the general.

The general lost his obstacle and continued to move towards the light group at a high speed.

He arrived at his destination and brandished his knife.

"Haha!" The general roared angrily and looked at the light group with all his strength.

There seemed to be an invisible barrier on the surface of the light group. The general's attack hit the barrier, causing ripples.

At this time, the suction power disappeared, and the strange species exuding black energy approached the general in an instant.

"We are with you."

In the boundless ocean, all the figures that covered the sky exploded, emitting an extremely brilliant light.

The light shot straight into the sky, fell on the general, and then erupted into a powerful wave of energy.

The energy wave knocked back this group of strange species several meters away.

"Only one chance!" The general took a deep breath, his eyes filled with determination.

"Sorry, old friend, I may not be able to fulfill your request." A flame rose up from the general's body.

The general's black hair turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, the general's rough skin became dry at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the general's majestic body became thin and thin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But his eyes have never been so firm, and the light he emits has never been so dazzling.

"Not enough! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

The flames rose even brighter.

"Just this one blow! Give it to me and get back!"

The general swung his sword.

The brilliant sword light streaked across the entire world.

After that, the world fell into silence.

The strange species exuding black energy disappeared, and the dark purple and deep black light groups also disappeared.

"This should last an hour." The flames on the general's body had burned out.

The light ball will come back again, but when it comes back, the Tinder Plan should have been successful.

This was the last thought that flashed through the general's mind when he fell from the sky.

In the dark space, a light of dark purple and deep black suddenly disappeared.

In the darkness, all the strange species emitting black energy lost their direction and stood still, not knowing what to do.

At this moment, a light suddenly flashed in the darkness.

After the light hit one place, it disappeared again.

"It has to be at least an hour later."

A voice sounded.


In the darkness, on a main seat, a young man was playing with something similar to a toy out of boredom.

"By the way, has there been any progress on the girl who killed Chelvaren that you were asked to investigate before?"

the young man suddenly asked.

"Sorry, I haven't made any progress." The subordinate hesitated and said slowly.

After a period of silence, the young man said: "Add more manpower to find it for me."


In the collapsing world, in an indescribable space, an indescribable figure sighed.


Behind the indescribable figure is a ball of light that coexists with dark purple and deep black.

"Changed, everything has changed, the emergence of variables has changed everything."


Along with the confused murmurs, the space finally fell into dead silence.

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