The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 127: No more love, destroy it, hurry up

   Kneeling in front of a glass showcase that was not completely shattered, General Rose looked at himself reflected on the glass, and after a long period of silence, he cried in his arms!

   There is no more normal skin on his face.

   Densely painted paintings are full of little boys, little girls, little four-legged snakes, little bastards...

   There is no waste of an inch!


   On top of my head...

   There was only hair under the two short croissants on the left and right, and the rest was shaved.

   This is not the most ruthless.

   That devil actually tattooed himself with a stickman pushing a lawn hoe! ! ! !


   This is all on the head, let alone on the body.

   It can be said that if you haven't been in an island country for 30 years, you will definitely not get his treatment.

   Upper left arm: Rainbow pony with big hips.

   Lower left arm: a piece of soap, intersecting hands.

   Right upper arm: Pippi shrimp hanging to play basketball chicken brother.

   Right lower arm: Juvenile Yuexia angry stabbing pig lamb.

  Front chest: The smiling face in a wedding dress... hates it. With the word next to it: Unprepared to prevent breaking into your smile.

   Back: Say goodbye with tears, a face full of disgust, with the words next to it: You will meet someone more worthy than me, and then forget me when the clouds at dusk gradually dissipate.

   Side abdomen: Application: 0496-1383838438

   The other side: Cerebral platinum, no gifts.

   The only tattoo that a normal person can get is a cute cat.

   It poked its butt, tattooed on the belly button.


   stepping on mother...



   There is no love anymore.

   destroy it.

hurry up.

   After all my efforts, he used two broken mirrors to see the situation of his whole body clearly, and General Rose's eyes had no tears.

   there is no light.

   He sat on the run-down and untidy street, buried his head in his knees, let the cold wind blow by, indifferent.

   Helpless, like a social man with a bad brain.

   Leon floated above his head, shaking his head and sighing: "Oh...

  ... I said that it should look better at the beginning! "

   At this time, rescuers arrived.

   "There is one more here! This is...sigh...!"

   You have been around for a long time, and the rescuer who was so startled almost turned up to you, you can't speak for a long time.

   What kind of new species came out of the research center?

   "You...he needs help! Come and help!"

   yelled behind him, and the rescuer plucked up his courage and lowered his head again and asked, "Sir, were you always around here when the danger happened? Do you know where the leading general of the soldiers was?"

   Hearing the word general, the heartbroken General Ross finally reappeared in his eyes.


   He buried his head lower: "...I...I don't know. I don't need you to help!"

   I wanted to stand up and leave by myself.

   Of course, the rescuers surrounding him would not let such a behavior be weird, and now the "witnesses" who clearly felt that they knew something left by themselves.

   Moreover, they are the rescuers of the military. Every survivor who appears on the scene, or the person who saw the monster, must be recorded.

   A few people immediately pulled down the "suspicious people" who wanted to rush away. He was forced to ask: "Sir, if you find something, I hope you can tell us the truth. Maybe I just didn’t say clearly enough. What I’m asking is: Do you understand the commander of General Ross, who has not found his whereabouts? Where to go!"

   The tears of the old man in society are coming out again, so don’t ask! Don't say anything!

   Seeing this behavior that must know something is weird...Everywhere reveals the weird old man's non-cooperation. The player who first saw him frowned and wanted to warn him loudly.

General Ross is the most important thing they must do, and the only high-level boss who ordered to be rescued from the top. Now they have searched all the places around this battlefield, and even found the adjutant who is only half of the body, but it is the most The key and most important General Ross has been without a clue.

   In this case, as the leader of the rescue force, how can he not worry!

   stood up from a half-squatting position, and the rescue pair Changgang wanted to speak to the weird old man. As soon as he opened his mouth, before he had time to speak, he was yanked hard by his team members behind him.

   "Huh? Why are you all here!"

   Behind him, everyone in the rescue team stood behind him, whispering to each other, with weird expressions.

   "If you don't go to the general, what are you doing here! And you!"

   The captain said to the team member who pulled himself a moment ago: "What's wrong with you, did you find something, or you know this gentleman, huh?"

   said casually, and then, the team leader found that the team member was staring at him, nodded, very nervous, and pointed to the weird old man behind him...

  'S pants.

   "You said, pants..."

   The captain turned his head.

   "What's wrong with this, apart from the wrong style, color, and size fabric, there is nothing else, how can this material be made into shorts? It should"

   The leader of the team got stuck while talking.

   You should make military uniforms.

   swallowed, the team leader looked down the strange old man’s shaggy thigh...

  These shoes are also...

   "I'm special... this... won't it!"

   Turned back with the last glimmer of hope, and the team members nodded in unison to make the team leader finally succumb to reality.

   "...sir, I’m sorry for the delay. That’s right, we don’t have enough vehicles now, so we can’t take you to the hospital for treatment. If you think it’s possible, we hope you can forgive me."

After that, quickly remove the scooter for emergency medicine from the supporting suspension frame and push it over: "I'm think you have the ability to take care of yourself, you can ride this car away. "

   lowered his head all the way, under the silent gaze of the rescue team, the "suspicious person" rode their scooter and disappeared.

"team leader……"

   The player who gave him a hand earlier took a step forward, as if he had something to say.

   "Don't say anything!"

   The team leader said solemnly to everyone: "I don't want to be fired tomorrow because my left foot enters the office. Forget everything just now! Did you hear it!"

   "Hmm! I heard it!"

  The players also answered.


   The team leader breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the sweat that quickly slipped off his forehead, and looked at the small motorcycle disappearing in the distance. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion: It's still such a big guy who can play!

   I didn't expect General Ross to be so old, he is so childish!

   Leon is still in the sky, but he doesn't care what is going on with General Rose anymore. He hates that side, as if there is another big one.

   (Ps: more. Please ask for votes.)



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