The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 516: household appliances

After leaving Tony's house, Leon disappeared completely.

Don't go out to block the cafeteria, and don't go to surgery for free.

Every day, I stay at home, eat something, bask in the sun, think about life, and fix the two hapless Shouhe and Venom who are jumping more and more by the way.

However, sometimes, if you don't take the initiative to cause trouble, it doesn't mean that you will live quietly all the time.

Lyon never imagined that he would be blocked by reporters at the door of his house one day.


Pushing open the door, Leon looked blankly at the outside of his yard, where there were shots of long guns and short guns everywhere and the head hidden behind the camera.

Various reporters were holding microphones with different logos, pressing hard against his courtyard wall, and handing the microphones forward.

At the same time, their mouths did not stop for a moment, and they were shouting and asking questions in a noisy mess.

And this phenomenon became even more obvious after Lyon appeared.

"Mr. Lyon! It has been revealed that you are the legendary night watchman. Do you admit this fact?"

"Should superheroes be free from the law, can Mr. Lyon talk about your opinion!"

"The cable reported that when Thanos appeared before, you didn't rush to the battlefield immediately. Does this mean that you are hesitant and afraid!"

"Can you talk about the previous..."

"What are your plans for the future, whether..."

Mr. Lyon Mr. Lyon Mr. Lyon! ! !


These reporters outside seemed to have heard the news and knew Leon's true identity. Or conversely, they know the true identity of the [Night Watchman].

Leon thought of the day when his identity would be completely exposed. After all, the technology is too advanced, cameras and satellites are everywhere.

It's not like the grandfather's Gotham next door, there is either smoke or fog, and the people are either committing crimes or on the way to commit crimes.

Leon is not as cautious as Batman, and it is not an accident that his true identity has been dug up.

What really surprised Leon was that someone would come to his door and ask him these questions? !

Have they always been this brave?

"Don't you know... I will kill you!"

Leon is somewhat sensible, after all, he didn't drink or put on makeup today.

He hasn't gone out for surgery for so many days, and his mentality has become much calmer.

Otherwise, at this time, a heat ray swept across, and it must have been quiet on the spot.

Of course, there is also Leon who thinks rationally and thinks that killing people at his own door is a little bad.

Too much trouble to clean up.


With his hands behind his back, Lyon was not always as cheerful as he used to be when he played.

In the past, Leon had always been critical of Dachao's behavior, feeling that he was too weak.

It seems that the more ordinary people are, the more they can bully him. Obviously, a single punch can make a big hole in the earth, but all kinds of grievances in his own life.

Today, almost the same troubles were thrown on Leon's head, and he was able to experience the feeling of Da Chao at that time.

However, it is obvious that Lyon will not suffer, be angry, or be bullied like Dachao.

A red light flickered in his eyes, and a heat ray broke one of the live broadcast machines.

"You may have forgotten what kind of person I am.

I think I need to remind you. "

The screams and the sound of falling things sounded one after another. Some people tried to escape, and others still remembered what happened with the camera, which went back and forth between Lyon and the still-smoking camera.

More people are holding the microphone tightly in their hands, reporting the atrocities of Lyon at a very fast rate. It can be said to be very professional.

When it was, Leon lifted his feet off the ground and slowly floated up from the air.

"I didn't say, you can go."

Today's Leon has been able to directly activate some ninjutsu skills without using a technique.

As a result, countless clones appeared from all directions, slowly surrounding everyone, and they forced them back to their original places.

"You have no right to this..."


A black aunt reporter in her forties pointed at Leon's clone and wanted to do something. Seeing that, she wanted to push Leon's clone away and run away.

Unfortunately, after a bang, she turned into a toaster.

Brand new, white toaster.

"Bettis McDormand. 41 years old, cheating on marriage, living at home... Was forced to transfer schools in high school due to a bad relationship with a teacher. In college..."

Leon said word by word, slowly reciting the past and present of that toaster.

"Well... what a wonderful life for a toaster.

Perjury, slandering neighbors for stealing, and taking money from donations.

Do people like this come to question me?

Find death. "

The white light in his eyes slowly dissipated, and Leon withdrew from the digital state.

"I have uploaded all her life stories to the Internet.

So, who's next.

Just now, who has been asking me questions. "

Leon's fingers moved from the top of everyone's heads, and all those who were swept by Leon's gaze dared not look at him.

However, there are still people who feel that they have done nothing wrong in their lives.

A young man with glasses stood up.

"Maybe what you say is true, but that doesn't mean you have the right to do it!"

"Wow... such a familiar tone, tsk~ it seems that even the sentence is familiar."

Leon looked at him, and after a while, laughed out loud.

"What a righteous warrior."

The boy's waist became more straight.

"Then, since you are so righteous, let me tell you something interesting."

Which unlucky guy to pick.

Ah, the current mayor of the Big Apple is getting better.

It seems a little lacking in weight, then, all the America's upper floors will be fine.

Landing slowly, Leon tapped his finger on the young man's forehead while saying no need to be afraid, no need to be afraid.

In an instant, countless pictures, countless sounds, and an explosive amount of information poured into his mind, and Leon had to use some abilities to protect his brain, so as to ensure that he would not be in these huge amounts of information. turned into a fool under the impact.

A minute later, Leon withdrew his fingers, and the young man sat on the ground with a pale face.

"Go ahead. Young man of justice, use your righteous keyboard and your righteous mouth to judge those guilty and overthrow their unscrupulous rule.

What are you doing sitting there. "

Although the young man did not become stupid, his whole person was not well. He raised his head tremblingly and looked at Leon's expressionless face: "This... this is not true..."

Leon didn't explain anything, he was just a self-righteous fool, and he couldn't afford to talk too much.

"Yes. I made it up to deceive you. Oh, by the way, you are not born to your parents.

Well, this one is also made up by me. Do you believe. Um? Hahahahahaha! "

Leon didn't care about the crying poor **** anymore. Leon thought his crying was unpleasant, and he let his clone take him outside to cry.

"Now, one by one, I will help you recall your life, and help you rummage through those shady things, those dirty, rotten and smelly facts.

Oh! Brother, you are a little anxious. "

A photographer took out a small knife directly, but instead of stabbing Leon, he was going to give himself a good time.

However, the wound on his neck miraculously disappeared, the fatal injury improved in an instant, and the knife in his hand turned into a donut.

"Let's start with you. turns out to be a copper smelter. You took a lot of pictures.

You don't deserve to be a toaster.

Become shit. Oh, it seems that today is still a happy old eighth day.

Next person……"


In a white house at this time.

A lot of well-dressed people watched Lyon's live broadcast, and their expressions were not very good.

Among them, some Leon had also met before. However, the last time Leon took the initiative to come over, he came on horseback.

An old man over fifty years old rubbed his temples in pain.

If it weren't for the crowd here, he would have scolded him long ago. These idiots! What did you say you messed with him!

Is it really bad to live, or is there really nothing in this world worth lingering on!

"White, is this live broadcast still impossible to cut?"

In the room full of sitting, a certain young man stood up, glanced at the other party with the same ugly face, and slowly shook his head as he heard the faint sound of hurried walking and messy conversation outside the door.

"That Leon... that Mr. Night Watchman used some unknown means, and we can't even be sure whether it is still related to human technology.

In short... Unless there is a large-scale power outage, you can watch this live broadcast wherever there is power.

Sorry sir, there is nothing we can do. "

Waving his hand, the young man sat down, and the old man said again, "What about Haviland, has he arrived at the scene?"

There was silence in the room, and another chubby man got up: "Havelan refused to negotiate, and..."

"And what!"

"Havelan submitted his resignation five minutes ago! Sir, all the senior management in the Big Apple have basically resigned."

Fcuk! ! !

The old man knocked on the table again, and the shaken water cups were upside down.

"Don't we have any way to stop him!"

The room full of people looked at me, I looked at you, and in the end they all lowered their heads in unison.

At this time, a big boss who is still qualified to sit on the table said: "Even if there is a way to stop this live broadcast, I don't think it should be done.

Obviously, this time, those people really angered that one.

There were more than a dozen home appliances at the scene, and the one still didn't seem to have completely calmed down his anger. At this time, it was definitely not a good idea to go against his will. "

"Then, are we going to look at it like this!"


The big talker looked at the old man at the head of the long table, stared straight at him and said, "We're going to look at it like this.

Do you want to kill that one? Can you kill that one.

I don't think I need to repeat what SHIELD director Fury told us before.

We are not the only ones in the universe, and there is no need for me to repeat it to you!

There will be disasters! There will always be! It could be ten years, it could be five years, it could be the next second of the special code!

Can you protect us. Can I protect you? !

We still have to rely on that one.

Here's the thing. It's that simple, it's that straightforward. "

After a pause, he continued: "I'm not trying to please anyone, I just want to remind everyone here one thing.

if. I mean...if!

If he didn't quell his anger after turning those people into furniture or something.

What if he misunderstands that we are the mastermind behind this.

Do we have a way to argue for ourselves. He has the ability to see everyone's past as long as it ever happened.

Dare we let him look into our past.

We, have the ability to prevent him from looking at our past.

Um? who will tell me. you? will you tell me? still you! "


On the display, Leon had turned everyone into various household appliances, and at this time, a red figure fell from the sky, and another blue figure also came on a motorcycle.


"Lion, you... ah..."

Captain America seldom watched TV, but the power of this live broadcast was so powerful that he still heard the exclamations of others, and rushed over after learning the news.

Tony is in a similar situation.

"Lion, shut this thing down, I believe, you should also put out the fire."

Leon pouted and looked at the two of them reluctantly: "You two are here as lobbyists~"

But he still turned off the live broadcast machine.

Captain America smiled bitterly, looking at the machines on the ground, his scalp tingling a bit: "After so many things, I'm confident that I still know something about you.

The last Thanos incident, if it wasn't for you, these people, me, Tony...we all don't know if we would survive.

Since they took the initiative to provoke you didn't overturn the whole city, I already feel very good. "

After Captain America finished speaking, he looked up at Leon and said seriously, "We're just a little worried about you."


Tony interfaced: "You recently... something is wrong anyway, taciturn, reclusive, this is not your character.

Seriously, I have some doubts if you are possessed by something.

I dare not invite you to continue to be my best man. "

Raising his eyebrows, Leon "examined" himself, as if what they both said was true.

"Eh~! What are you thinking. I just ate a few more stones recently, and it's not quite... um, not very digestible.

How could I possibly go wrong. Don't you guys get used to not going out and doing surgery for free?

Or... or I'll put on my makeup and talk to you two. "

"Hey, don't, don't, don't, don't, please! I really don't need it!"

"What's the matter! It's over! It's not going to happen, it's good, really!"


Tony and Captain America nodded their phantoms.

"Okay, you two wait for me for a while, I'll go out and come back right away.

Please help me give these home appliances to the homeless, that's all! See you! "

Captain America and Tony also knew that Leon seemed to be playing a bit too much this time, so they didn't stop Leon, nodded silently, and let Leon leave.

A minute later, Leon appeared in the white house.

"Everyone, good afternoon~ guys, wait for me for a long time. Old Biddens! "Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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