The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 96: She didn't come at the right time

   After all, Leon and Uncle Wolf came out alone.

   has been far away from Xavier Genius Youth Academy. Uncle Wolf and Leon are going to the secret base where Stryker has been guarded by the intelligence show together.

   After investigating the basic information of Stryker, the X-Men has basically determined that this guy who is extremely hostile to the mutants is likely to be the culprit that caused Logan's amnesia.

   Leon did not lie.

   After repeatedly requesting Shangguan to carry out the massacre of mutants, and being rejected by the above for various reasons, Stryker stopped trying to persuade the above.

As if disappeared, he has completely faded out of the military's power. If it weren’t for the X-Men’s discovery, there are still large sums of appropriations brought together under the name of various “experiments” and “equipment” to the leadership of Stryker. In that project team, this guy really looks kind of harmless to humans and animals.


   Along the way, Uncle Wolf drove the car, while Leon was sitting in the back, with his hands on his chest, as if an old **** was there, and his facial expressions were hidden by the mask, making it impossible to see the reality.

   Although Leon hasn't spoken or made any other movements, Uncle Wolf still smelled a strange "smell" from the air.

   glanced at the rearview mirror, Leon also looked up at Uncle Wolf.

   Neither party spoke, and silently bowed their heads.

   looked in the rearview mirror again, and lowered his head again.

   Silence, silence is Cambridge tonight...

  Finally, it was Uncle Wolf who was the first to lose his breath, and could not bear the strange atmosphere brought by the seeming sight and silence behind him, and he took the lead and said: "If you have a fart, let it go!"

   still speaks Chinese!

   "Hey hey..."

   Leon moved from the back row to the co-pilot with his hands and feet dexterously. He put out an orchid and pointed at Logan, saying: "I can't see it, Uncle Wolf~"

   Logan's complexion remained unchanged, and he looked ahead: "I can't see anything, kid, you can't talk nonsense..."

Leon seemed to have not heard the strong threatening smell in Logan’s words, nor did he see that Uncle Wolf’s paws leaked out. He still used a humble tone, deliberately pretending to be a deep emotion: "Yours Age, she seems to be much older than her grandfather...Ah~ this is the legend: Is Twilight Love?"

   Immediately opened a crack in the car window, leaning against the window blown by the night wind, and said affectionately: "Withered vines, old trees, faint crows... The uncle is holding the aunt, sometimes holding the two, sometimes, holding the three..."

   Uncle Wolf’s paws are almost ten centimeters leaking out, and the steering wheel is almost out of hand!

   "Don't talk nonsense! I sue you for slander! You slander me!"

Maybe I felt that my voice was too loud, and I was too excited, so I didn’t mean to confess. After calming my mind, he withdrew his paws. Uncle Wolf said in as calm a tone as possible: "We are just ordinary friends, Monroe, she, she Have a lover of my own."

   "Oh~ I used to be called Xiao Tiantian when I accompanied people to watch the moon, but now the newcomer is better than the old, I am called Mrs. Niu?!"

   Before Uncle Wolf asked Mrs. Niu what the stalk was, Leon became serious in a second: "They, are married?"

   Uncle Wolf didn't speak, just shook his head.

   Glancing at Lyon, Logan thought that Lyon would still say anything messy, what chances are there, and what scholars did not steal. He believed that, based on Leon’s morals, he could say it completely.

   Unexpectedly, Leon nodded thoughtfully, and then stopped talking. This surprised Logan and felt that he had misunderstood Leon.

   Just relaxed, Leon’s "serious" voice sounded in his ears again: "Speaking of which, Qin is also a pair with Laser Eye..."

   couldn't help his eyes not to look at Leon, the boy was scratching his chin with one hand, looking thoughtful.

   "What do you...want to say..."

   Logan said this sentence with difficulty.

   Now, he doesn't doubt what Leon once said: I know your own words better than you.

   was thinking, Leon slapped his thigh: "Logan! How are you different from the Cao thief!"

   "Prime Minister, I have realized it!!!"

   Although Logan's Chinese level is not enough to understand Leon's words, he doesn't know who this "Cao Thief" is, but this does not mean that Logan can't hear Leon's bad words.

Ha ha…………


The rasping brake sounded, Logan parked the car on the side of the road, and a series of things in Lyon: What's wrong, brother, don’t make trouble It's fine, brother! After a series of speeches were extremely fast, their voices became louder, and they got out of the car with increasingly ambiguous shouts, went outside the co-pilot, opened the door, looked at Leon holding the seat, and calmly stretched out his paws and said, "Come down. ."

"I do not."

   "Come down and die!"

"I do not!"

   "Am I special..."

   "Hey! Car! Don't break the car!"

   "I'm walking here!!!"


   Logan didn't pull Leon in the end. The strength of this guy was amazing. The seat of the car made him deformed and hugged to death!

   showed his claws and threatened Leon. From the frequency of his nodding, Logan saw his sincerity.

   So he let him go. As soon as he sat back in the driver's seat, he heard Leon say: "Brother, you know a little naughty woman..."

  哐 just kick! !

   Leon flew out with the car door.

   When Leon, who was rubbing his side buttocks, sat back, Uncle Wolf replied in an unsentimental voice: "Know."

   Then, like a robot, he slowly twisted his neck and looked at Leon: "Why—what—it—"

   "Ahahahahahaha, nothing is nothing, nothing is nothing, so what, brother, do you know how to repair the car, this car door..."

"will not."



   "Is it this?"


More than two hours later, Logan and Leon came to a base built on a cliff in the The car had been thrown away. The birds did not shit, and they did not dare to walk along brightly. The only way to get the car in, the last part of the journey was when Leon dragged Uncle Wolf to fly over from a low altitude.

   "How do we get in, do you have a plan?"

   Leon asked.

   Uncle Wolf was a little embarrassed: "The original plan was to let Monroe, the Storm Girl, create a storm, and then we were taking advantage of the chaos to find an opportunity to enter from the side door, the drain, etc..."

   Understood, but no!

   gave Uncle Wolf a look, but Uncle Wolf pretended not to see it.

   Leon said: "I haven't seen the topographic map of this place, you can't and don't have it!"

   Uncle Wolf knew the reason, and quickly made up for it: "I have seen it! I remember both the topographic map and the architectural map!"

   "Let's go to that drain hole."


   When he arrived at the place, Uncle Wolf asked: "It is estimated that there are also various anti-theft and anti-sabotage monitoring and alarm bells. It is no different from entering through the front door without attracting the guards inside."

   "Who said it was going to be destroyed?"

   handprints were pinched out, and more than ten clones appeared.


   "Can Uncle Wolf take a photo together."

   "Seriously, I personally recommend Storm Girl."

   "You can tell me what's wrong with the piano, I can't tell you that I killed you."

   "Children make choices! Adults know..."

   "I know I have no choice!"

   "Maybe, she didn't come at the right time~"

   "No! She came just in time!"

   "Hey hey hey hey ←_←"

   "Eh heh heh →_→"

   Uncle Wolf was stunned. He had seen Leon use the clone technique, but at that time, these clones could not speak!


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