The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 1179 Past Events 4/4

"Gu Tianxing, the Lord of Misty Palace." Xuying said with a smile.

Chen Fan's spirit suddenly shook.

Although he had already guessed the other party's identity, Gu Tianxing's personal admission still surprised him.

"Boy Chen Fan, I have met my senior."

Chen Fan looked serious and said respectfully.

Although he and Gu Tianxing have nothing in common, the other person is after all a person who has made great contributions to Tianwu Continent.

If it weren't for Gu Tianxing, perhaps as early as three thousand years ago, the Tianwu Continent would have become the world of the Blood Sky Demon Sect, and there would be no descendants like them here.

"Senior summoned me here?" Chen Fan rolled his eyes and asked again.

After entering the palace, the Piao Miao Divine Order started to move. It led him through many palaces and pavilions and came here. If it wasn't Gu Tianxing's fault, Chen Fan would never believe it.

Gu Tianxing did not deny it, nodded and said: "Yes. After you entered the palace, I sensed the existence of the divine order. Knowing that someone had obtained this order, I let this order guide you here."

Chen Fan looked calm and asked: "I wonder why senior asked me to come here?"

Chen Fan is not stupid.

Since it was Gu Tianxing who secretly guided him here, he definitely didn't want to let him know that he still had a trace of residual thoughts. There must be something wrong.

As for what happened, Chen Fan didn't know.

Of course, Chen Fan was also secretly wary of the other party.

Although it is said that you should not have the intention to harm others, you must also have the intention to guard against others.

Although Gu Tianxing once made an indelible contribution to Tianwu Continent, who knows if after three thousand years, this residual thought will have some crooked ideas?

Chen Fan would not be surprised even if Gu Tianxing's residual thoughts wanted to seize his body and be reborn.

However, if Gu Tianxing really had such thoughts, Chen Fan was not afraid.

The little golden person among his ancestors is no joke.

Once the corpse ghost Taoist wanted to seize him, but he was cut half to death by the little golden man. The mysterious head in the mysterious space of the evil corpse mountain range was also injured by the little golden man.

Although Gu Tianxing was an immortal with boundless magical power, Chen Fan didn't think that the power of this residual thought could compare to that mysterious head.

Therefore, if Gu Tianxing's lingering thoughts have evil thoughts, then he is seeking his own death.

Naturally, Gu Tianxing didn't know Chen Fan's mental activities at this moment. He smiled and said, "Let me tell you some things about the Misty Palace first."

Chen Fan nodded.

He also wanted to hear something about Piaomiao Shrine.

"More than 10,000 years ago, I was ordered by my sect to come to the lower realm, which is what you call the Tianwu Continent, to monitor the Blood Emperor who was suppressed and sealed in the Four Evil Spaces."

Gu Tianxing spoke slowly, but Chen Fan's pupils shrank slightly.

Four Evil Spaces?

Blood Emperor?

Chen Fan couldn't help but think of the Evil Corpse Mountains and other dangerous places.

He had entered the Evil Corpse Mountains twice, and the second time he accidentally entered the mysterious space and saw a huge head chained up. Could it be that the head was the Blood Emperor mentioned by Gu Tianxing?

"However, this matter was too boring, so I established the Misty Palace in Tianwu Continent to recruit disciples, which was also a way to pass the time. Eight thousand years ago, I accepted a disciple. Even if this person was placed in the heaven , and is definitely an existence of the eternal genius level. I taught him carefully and told him many secrets that were not passed down. In less than a hundred years, he reached the level of virtual immortal. "

It has to be said that the disciple Gu Tianxing accepted was an absolute monster. He actually reached the level of the Void Immortal Supreme in less than a hundred years. It was terrifying.

"Once, I asked him to go to the Evil Corpse Space to strengthen the seal to suppress the Blood Emperor. However, this time, he was bewitched by the Blood Emperor, turned to practice evil arts, and secretly established the Blood Sky Demon Sect."

"By the time I realized it, it was already too late. With the help of the Blood Emperor, he successfully cultivated the Immortal Platform and had a cultivation level comparable to mine. After that, I strangled the Blood Sky Demon Sect several times, but I could never succeed. Even the Blood Sky Demon Sect is growing stronger and stronger."

"Three thousand years ago, in the Four Evils space, the seal that suppressed the Blood Emperor became loose. I know that this was all because of the Blood Sky Demon Sect. If the Blood Sky Demon Sect was not completely destroyed, then sooner or later the Blood Emperor would break free from the seal. If we get out of trouble, the Tianwu Continent will face catastrophe."

"So, three thousand years ago, I called on all the top forces in the Tianwu Continent to encircle and suppress the Blood Sky Demon Sect, and completely cripple the Blood Sky Demon Sect. That evil beast was also killed by me."

"It's a pity that I was completely killed in that battle. In the end, only this residual soul was left, and I have persisted to this day with the help of the soul recovery array..."

Chen Fan listened quietly, and his heart was filled with huge waves.

It turns out that there are so many twists and turns in this.


Gu Tianxing did come from heaven and came to Tianwu Continent with orders to monitor the seals that suppressed the Blood Emperor in the Four Evil Spaces.

When he was bored, Gu Tianxing established the Piaomiao Divine Palace and accepted a disciple with a gifted demon. However, he did not expect to be betrayed and joined the Blood Emperor's side. He secretly established the Blood Sky Demon Sect and developed it to the point where it was different from the Piaomiao Divine Palace. Up and down.

Chen Fan did not expect that the bloody disaster that swept through the Tianwu Continent three thousand years ago, causing the death of many forces and countless powerful people, was actually inseparable from the Misty Palace.

Because the person who established the Blood Sky Demon Sect was Gu Tianxing's direct disciple.

If it weren't for this, this person wouldn't have been able to contact the Blood Emperor, and wouldn't have been bewitched to establish the Blood Sky Demon Sect, which led to the blood disaster three thousand years ago.

"Speaking of which, all this is because of me."

Gu Tianxing sighed, with regret on his face.

"If I had personally gone to reinforce the seal, the Blood Emperor wouldn't have contacted him, and he wouldn't have gone astray, becoming the Blood Emperor's running dog, causing the Tianwu Continent to fall into a catastrophe."

"A single thought led to the death of many forces and many strong men in the Tianwu Continent, and I also failed the trust of my master. I am guilty."

Chen Fan was speechless.

He could understand Gu Tianxing's feelings.

He came to the Tianwu Continent on the orders of the sect.

But because of a single thought, not only did the Tianwu Continent have such an evil force as the Blood Sky Demon Sect, but also the seal that suppressed the Blood Emperor had problems.

If you really want to get to the bottom of it, the source of all this is still on Gu Tianxing.

Of course.

Chen Fan could guess some reasons why Gu Tianxing's disciple betrayed him, which was nothing more than strength.

The Blood Sky Demon Sect practiced evil skills, and their cultivation level improved quickly. How many people in the world could resist such temptation?

This is why the righteous forces of Tianwu Continent joined forces to cripple the Blood Sky Demon Sect in the battle three thousand years ago, but now it has reappeared in Tianwu Continent.

Under the temptation of strength, there will always be a steady stream of people joining in, making the Blood Sky Demon Sect revived.

"So, what is the purpose of the senior bringing me here?"

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