"I feel that this second level of test is more perverted than the first level of Will Ladder. Many people have been tortured crazy."

"Yeah, that's Liu Daoyuan, right? The monster from Sword God Villa got a Kowtow Immortal Token. He was the ninth to reach the top of the Will Ladder test, but at this level, he was actually driven crazy. I I can’t even imagine what he went through?”

"That's right, isn't it just farming? It shouldn't be that difficult, right?"

"It's ridiculous! Do you think the examination of the Immortal Sect is easy? Even if it's farming, I'm afraid there's a lot of knowledge involved. Otherwise, how could these many people be driven crazy, or even faint?"

"Hey, it's useless no matter how much we say outside. If you don't experience this test yourself, you won't understand what's going on."

In the outside world, everyone's color changed as they watched the talented people being driven crazy and fainted from exhaustion.

They could only see the pictures, but they couldn't hear what these people were saying, let alone what tricks were hidden in the test to force these people to do this.


After plowing the last piece of land, Chen Fan fell to the head of the field, his body completely losing strength. Various images kept appearing in his mind, and various sounds rang in his ears, causing him endless torture.

At first, Chen Fan had some reaction.

Anger, pain, despair, etc.

But now, his expression has not changed at all.

Not only was his body numb, but his spirit was also numb.

Chen Fan's eyes were filled with the aura of death.

In the beginning, he would also check out how others were doing.

By now, he no longer had the energy. Even raising his head to look at other people was a waste of energy.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Fan stood up and felt sore all over his body, as if his whole body was in a furnace.

Chen Fan raised his head and looked at the sky. The sun was still hanging in the middle, still emitting a hot light.

"This body..."

Chen Fan looked at his body. Sweat, blood, and dirt were mixed together, forming a layer on the outside of his clothes. His body was extremely dirty.

Chen Fan stood up with difficulty. Every part of his body was in great pain, but he did not show the slightest sign of pain. His face was resolute, as if being pierced by thousands of arrows could not make his emotions fluctuate in the slightest.

“After plowing, comes planting.”

Chen Fan dragged his tired body, taking one step at a time, and slowly walked towards the hut on the edge of the field.

From the corner of my eye, I saw figures moving in other fields.

Some people are still plowing the fields, some, like him, are heading to the hut to get seeds, and others have already started sowing seeds.

But no matter how progress these people made, without exception, all their faces were expressionless, as if they were walking zombies.

Chen Fan knew that if it hadn't been for the support of an obsession in his heart, everyone might have fallen.

Not long after, Chen Fan walked out of the house carrying a bag of wheat seeds.

As Chen Fan walked, he looked at the land. Fortunately, this was a test. The land was fertile and there was no need to apply basal fertilizer. Just sow seeds directly. Otherwise, it would have been even more devastating.

Chen Fan walked to the field and started sowing seeds.

Place the seeds into the furrow and use your feet to fill the sides with soil back into the furrow.

Chen Fan was hunched over, like a weathered old man. Without saying a word, he took a step and started sowing seeds with trembling hands.

Sowing seeds is much easier than plowing.

But after sowing, Chen Fan was still so tired that his whole body ached and his body became increasingly tired.

Chen Fan even felt that his body might collapse at any time.

After sowing, start watering.

Chen Fan pushed a cart with a bucket on it, and started watering the fields with a water scoop made of half a gourd.

After watering thirty acres of fields, Chen Fan suddenly loosened his grip and dropped the water ladle to the ground, his body trembling slightly.

Chen Fan gritted his teeth, a look of pain appeared on his face.

Chen Fan felt that his body was approaching its limit.

If a person walks at noon, the hottest time, he may suffer from heatstroke and coma. What's more, if he doesn't eat or drink, doing such heavy work in the sun will most likely lead to death.

Chen Fan looked at the fields, gritted his teeth, and continued watering.

After watering all the fields, Chen Fan sat at the head of the field and saw the crops growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Fan was stunned.

They thought they had time to rest, but who knew that the Valley of Worry didn't want them to rest at all.

Now that the wheat has grown into seedlings, top dressing must be applied.

If it is too late and the wheat dies, it means failure in the assessment.

Chen Fan stood up helplessly and began to fertilize.

After fertilizing, Chen Fan watered again, and then saw a large number of weeds starting to grow.

Chen Fan gritted his teeth and began to use a hoe to remove weeds.

If weeds are allowed to grow and rob the wheat seedlings of nutrients, the wheat seedlings will also wither and fail the assessment.

Chen Fan gritted his teeth and kept removing weeds.

However, he found that his movements were getting slower and slower, not because he didn't want to do it, but because many parts of his body had been severely injured.

At the same time, Chen Fan saw that many wheat seedlings began to turn yellow due to malnutrition.

Chen Fan's expression changed, he looked hard and quickly removed the weeds.

None of this stopped Chen Fan.

After weeding, they saw bugs growing in the wheat field, so Chen Fan had to start killing bugs.

During the growth of wheat, Chen Fan had no normal rest time at all.

Continuously fertilizing, watering, weeding, and pest control, over and over again, almost endlessly.

Heavy and repetitive labor is enough to wear away all the edges of a person, and even make a person numb to everything.

Chen Fan felt that he was really completely numb.

I don’t know how long it took, but the wheat in the hundred-acre wheat field finally turned yellow.

The heavy ears of wheat floated lightly in the wind, forming waves of wheat.

"It’s almost done!"

Chen Fan held a sickle, bent down, gathered the wheat with his left hand, and the sickle cut through the wheat stalks. A handful of wheat left the land and fell into Chen Fan’s hands.

Chen Fan put a handful of wheat on the ground and continued to harvest. After a certain amount was gathered, the wheat was tied into a bundle.

Chen Fan kept bending over, cutting wheat and collecting wheat.

Slowly, Chen Fan’s movements became slower and slower, and even his sickle could no longer cut through the wheat stalks of a handful of wheat, and he had to use force many times.

Sweat dripped onto the field like running water, mixed with blood. Chen Fan gritted his teeth and worked continuously.

Bend down, grab the wheat stalks with his left hand, hold the sickle tightly with his right hand to cut, bundle, and bend down again...

Chen Fan kept repeating this action.

In front of him was a full 100 acres of wheat field.

The wheat didn't look much, but a person could only cut more than two acres even if he cut it 24 hours a day, and that was in good health.

Chen Fan didn't know how many days he had spent here.

Or a month, or maybe three months, and he didn't know how long it would take to cut the wheat.

At first, Chen Fan took a break every hour.

Later, he took a break every half an hour.

Then, he took a break every twenty minutes, ten minutes, or even five minutes.

After a long time, Chen Fan cut the last handful of wheat, threw it on the ground, held his waist, slowly stood up, and looked blankly ahead.

Between the blue sky and the loess, a young figure fell heavily backwards.

A lot of blood flowed from Chen Fan's eyes, nostrils, and mouth.

Chen Fan looked at the dazzling sun in the sky and knew that his body could no longer support him.


Chen Fan felt dazed and felt severe pain all over his body.

But soon a warm current surrounded his body, and his body recovered completely in an instant. Then, his connection with Dantian was completely opened, and all his strength returned to his body.

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