The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 1433: Subdue the Golden Spirit Sky Python

After personally striking the Golden Spirit Sky Python, Chen Fan understood why the previous sword had no effect at all.

The physical strength of the Golden Spirit Kongming Python is definitely not inferior to his level 47 hegemonic golden body, and it has definitely reached the immortal weapon level.

Of course, such a powerful physical body of the Golden Spirit Sky Python was born from the heaven and the earth, and was not cultivated through hard work like Chen Fan.

Chen Fan only felt a numbness in his arm. If it had been anyone else, the terrifying repulsive force just now would have been enough to blow someone away.


After the Golden Spirit Sky Python was blasted away by Chen Fan, it became furious instantly, as if it had been seriously provoked, and it went berserk in an instant.


Suddenly, a ball of golden light burst out from the body of the giant python and submerged into the surrounding space, and then it was felt that the surrounding space began to shake violently.

After the violent fluctuations, Chen Fan immediately saw sharp golden lights, like golden swords, shooting out from the void and overturning Chen Fan like a golden sword rain.

Then the entire space actually collapsed, and Chen Fan was buried in it instantly.

At this point, all laws have lost their effect.

All this sounds slow, but in fact it is extremely fast. The Golden Spirit Sky Python had just fallen into the Golden Spirit Sky Sand, and it immediately launched a fierce counterattack. Even the injuries on its body were damaged due to the absorption of the Golden Spirit Sky Sand. And recover instantly.

Because it is an elf born in the Golden Spirit Sky and Dark Sand. It is born with spirit. It swallows precious treasures to refine the Golden Spirit Sky and Dark Sand, and has cultivated to its current state.

These golden spiritual void sands are slowly refined by it. Similarly, it can also use these golden spiritual void sands to recover its own injuries.

It can be said that here, it is invincible and immortal unless it is killed at once.

Chen Fan also saw that a somewhat human expression flashed through the eyes of this giant python, and it actually looked a bit proud.

"You're quite capable, but that's about it."

Suddenly, the Golden Spirit Kongming Python suddenly heard a voice, and then a figure jumped out from the collapsing void, it was Chen Fan.

At the critical moment, he didn't even move. He was able to withstand the terrifying wave of attacks just by relying on his golden body. This shows how powerful his physical body has become.

"This is impossible!"

Such thoughts just flashed through the mind of this Golden Spirit Sky Python, but Chen Fan's figure had already been killed in front of it at some point.


Chen Fan directly punched down the giant python, making it howl and make him feel dizzy.


Chen Fan was riding on the head of this giant python, but he kept punching it down one after another.

Bang bang bang!

A bunch of punches, making a loud bang.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, I surrender, I surrender!"

Suddenly, a childish voice came from the mouth of this giant python, like a child.

"You surrendered?"

Chen Fan was a little stunned.

Because he didn't expect that this giant python would surrender so quickly, and judging from the sound, he was still a child.

"Are you not of age yet?"

"Of course!" the giant python said. This huge body combined with the childish voice sounded strange. "Although I am born with intelligence, I am also ignorant. I am still very early to reach adulthood. We, the spirit race and You humans are different, you can't reach adulthood so easily."

Chen Fan fainted a little.

It's already so huge before it reaches adulthood. If this girl becomes an adult, it would be great.

"Are you a creature born in the Golden Spirit Sky and Dark Sand?"

"That's right, I am a spirit clan born from the spiritual energy of the Golden Spirit Kongming Sand." The giant python said, "I opened my spiritual wisdom very early, but I have never seen a human being as powerful as you."

Chen Fan nodded.

In all the worlds, there are not only the human race, but also tens of thousands of other races.

He has also heard of this kind of creature, which is considered a kind of innate creature, also known as the spirit race. The conditions for their production are very harsh, and they can only be produced under some special circumstances.

But once they are produced, they are basically very powerful, because they are born in line with heaven and earth, and can be said to be the darlings of heaven and earth.

And the more powerful the body that gave rise to them is, the more limitless their paths of cultivation will be in the future.

For example, in mythology, the first fire, the first cloud, the first ray of wind, etc. in the world, the spirit race produced was even more powerful and turned upside down, and became a mythical existence.

The Golden Spirit Kongming Sand itself is also a rare treasure of heaven and earth in the world. The spirit race that can be born here is naturally extremely powerful.

"Well, since you plan to surrender to me, that's the best thing. You will follow me from now on. I will help you practice and you will provide me with the Golden Spirit Sky Sand." Chen Fan did not talk to it. It was the best thing for the Spirit Sky Dark Python to surrender to him so quickly. It didn't take much effort. "You must have a name from now on. From now on, you will be called the Golden Spirit God Python."

If it were an ordinary monster, he might not be interested in it, but this kind of spirit race was different. Their future achievements would be simply unlimited, and they were no worse than the so-called great geniuses in the outside world.

"Golden Spirit Divine Python?" This giant python nodded, "Not bad, not bad, quite majestic, haha, from now on I will be called the Golden Spirit Divine Python!"

The mind of the Golden Spirit Sky-Dark Python is just that of a child, and its mood is like the weather in June, changing at any time.

Even if it is subdued by someone, it seems that there is no more joy and excitement for him than having a majestic name.

Chen Fan was helpless. Fortunately, he came here first, otherwise, I am afraid that this treasure will be abducted by others.

"I can submit to you, but you have to give me a lot of good things to eat in the future, so that I can grow up quickly. I don't know how long I have been hungry. Otherwise, I would have grown up long ago." The Golden Spirit Sky-Dark Python said.

"That's natural. If you follow me, you will have good things in the future."

Chen Fan smiled.

With the Golden Spirit Sky-Dark Python by his side, although it is also a big gold swallower, he can still afford it, and he can complement the Golden Spirit Sky-Dark Python.

"Well, then, give me something to eat first." The Golden Spirit Sky-Dark Python said.

Chen Fan was embarrassed, but he didn't refuse. He directly took out some of the unwanted treasures and magic weapons in the storage ring. Anyway, he had a lot of these things, and they would take up space in the storage ring.

"Well, it seems that you didn't lie to me. Then I will follow you in the future."

The Golden Spirit Sky Nether Python drooled when he saw what Chen Fan took out.

Chen Fan looked up at the sky speechlessly.

"Then you eat first, I will use the Golden Spirit Sky Nether Sand to practice, and when I have practiced successfully, I will take you out to kill people everywhere, and you will have everything you want in the future."

Chen Fan felt like he was kidnapping a child.

"I actually wanted to go out a long time ago, but I can't leave the Golden Spirit Sky Nether Sand. Oh, by the way, don't eat up all my Golden Spirit Sky Nether Sand."

"Don't worry."

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