The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 192: Distress Signal

The cold wind howled violently.

The sky was filled with wind and sand.

The travelers were covered with a thick layer of yellow sand, which is the ground in the northwest.

Although it is already March, for the northwest, it still feels like the middle of winter here.

Sometimes heavy snow falls, and the icy wind howls like a cold knife, which can penetrate the warrior's protective vitality.

The climate in the northwest is arid. At a glance, you can see yellow land, yellow sand ground, and earthy hills.

Occasionally there are some bare trees shivering in the cold wind.

Some jackdaws on the trees croaked and screamed, adding to the desolation.


Mu Chen spat out. As soon as the spit left his mouth, it was frozen into ice shards by the cold wind and fell to the ground with a clicking sound.

"The weather in the northwest is so fucking bad. The wind and sand are so strong that spitting can turn into ice slag. If we hadn't been so profound in qigong, we would have been frozen to death. I don't know how the people here survive the winter."

As soon as a young disciple of the Spring and Autumn Sect opened his mouth, a gust of sand blew over him. His mouth was filled with sand, and he spit it out quickly, cursing.

As blood-sucking horse thieves practicing evil arts appeared in the northwest region, killing people for practicing evil arts, many sects in the Chu Empire issued missions, and many disciples of the sects rushed over.

Mu Chen, Lu Yun and Wei Rufeng were already on good terms, but later they found two inner disciples and braved the yellow sand in the sky to appear on the ground in the northwest.

An hour after Mu Chen and his small group of five people left, Chen Fan also appeared.

Compared to the embarrassment and curses of these people, Chen Fan seemed calm and relaxed.

There is always a small Qi shield surrounding Chen Fan's body. It is a protective film of Qigong that prevents the wind, sand and cold, and keeps his whole body clean and spotless.

Those who are at the first or second level of Yuanfu Realm cannot do this step like Chen Fan.

Although they can also use qigong to protect themselves, they are reluctant to consume their energy and do not dare to consume it unscrupulously like Chen Fan.

If other people saw Chen Fan like this, they would definitely think that Chen Fan didn't have much experience and it was a rash move.

You must know that when you go out to complete a mission, the most important thing is to conserve your own vitality and strength, so as not to be killed when you encounter a strong enemy with insufficient vitality or strength.

Chen Fan's behavior of wasting energy just for a little bit of sand and cold is simply suicide.

But Chen Fan didn't care.

His Yuan Power is extremely powerful.

When he was in the Qi Gathering state, the vitality in his Dantian was ten times that of others, and it was unbelievably powerful.

Now that he has been promoted to the Yuanfu realm, his original Yuanfu is much larger than others.

The Yuan Power in it is also several times or ten times that of others. There is no need to care about the Yuan Power consumed because he can afford it.

"Huh? There's a smell of blood ahead, and there seems to be something going on!"

Suddenly, Chen Fan made a swish, and without touching the ground, he shot out violently, braving the wind and sand in the sky, and after a few ups and downs, he disappeared far away in the cold wind.

Chen Fan flew around in the cold wind, and after a while he ran for more than ten miles and arrived at a village. He frowned fiercely.

This is a town comparable to Zhuxian Town, but it is full of dead people, mummies one after another, and dark red blood is flowing on the ground. Men, women, old and young, and even babies, have all had their blood sucked dry. All supplies in villages and towns were also looted.

The mummies on the ground all looked hideous. Some of them were clinging to things and their whole bodies were hunched over. They seemed to have suffered tremendous pain before death.

In the villages and towns, there are still some wild wolves roaming around, gnawing at the bones of the mummies and rattling, making it a scene like hell on earth.

Chen Fan gasped.

He stepped forward to explore the body of a strong man and found a wound on the man's neck, which seemed to be a tooth mark.

His neck was actually bitten into pieces by Shengsheng, and all the blood in his body was sucked dry.

It is conceivable how miserable these people suffered when they were dying.

The cold wind was howling, and in this town where all the mummies were, ghosts were crying and gods were howling, and people's hearts were twitching.

After several shrill wolf howls, he saw a living person and tried to pounce on him, but was shot dead by Chen Fan with one finger.

"What a cruel blood-sucking method. These evil warriors are so heartless that they turned a town into a living hell, even the babies were not spared."

Chen Fan's eyes flashed with anger, and the killing intent in his body was boiling.

"I didn't expect that vampire horse thieves would appear in the northwest. If we don't eradicate them as soon as possible, I don't know how many people will be harmed if this continues."

Chen Fan knelt down, blew away the yellow sand, and saw the blood marks of horseshoes, leading directly into the distance.

He touched the blood stains and said to himself: "These people died less than half a day ago. It was because the weather was too cold, so the blood had coagulated. There are still many clues left. I'm afraid there are many such a group of horse thieves." Thousands of people swept through like the wind, killing all the people in this town in no more than one stick of incense."

Chen Fan stood up, looked forward, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Follow the horse's hoof prints and catch up. You should be able to catch up with those hateful blood-sucking horse thieves."

At that moment, Chen Fan moved and rushed out of the town following the horse's hoof prints.

There is a main road outside the town, and the sky and earth in the northwest are all gray. Mounds stand up one after another. Occasionally, there are some houses standing among the mounds, but they are all dilapidated.

However, it is said that the northwest was also a prosperous place thousands of years ago, and a great country was established, called the ancient kingdom of Loulan.

But later, the wind and sand gradually eroded, and some places began to be ruined. Many people left the northwest land until natural disasters and man-made disasters later, and the ancient kingdom of Loulan became history.

Chen Fan entered the northwest land all the way, and occasionally he could see tall cities left over from history standing in it.

Chen Fan left the town and tracked for hundreds of miles.

By dusk, the sky had darkened, but he was a master of qigong, and his eyes could see at night, so he could see everything clearly in the dark.

The sky was overcast, and it seemed like it was going to snow.

"There is a ruined ancient city ahead!"

Chen Fan's eyes penetrated the space and saw the tall city walls standing ten miles ahead. His eyes narrowed: "Those blood-sucking horse thieves are likely to rest in this ancient city. Among them, there are even masters of the Yuanfu realm. Be careful."

Although Chen Fan boasted of his strong strength, his face was a little solemn at the moment.

This group of blood-sucking horse thieves has thousands of people, including some Yuanfu realm masters. If they attack him together, he will be outnumbered and in danger of dying. He must be careful when he goes out.

The ancient city is located in the cold wind at night, and the dilapidated city walls record the vicissitudes of thousands of years ago.

Chen Fan restrained his breath and approached quickly.

But when he was still two or three miles away from the ancient city, a firework suddenly rushed into the sky in the ancient city, exploded, and beautiful fireworks bloomed, forming the word "Spring and Autumn", which can be seen clearly for dozens of miles.

This is a distress signal, and it is a distress signal from the disciples of the Spring and Autumn Sect!

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