The Unrivaled Divine Emperor

Chapter 98 Dragon Blood Body Casting

Originally, Chen Fan should have died long ago.

But he was struck by lightning, and the golden light transformed his body, leaving behind the "Snatching Heavenly Art" before it shattered and dissipated.

I thought it was completely dissipated, but I didn't expect that this golden light turned into countless particles and hid deep in Chen Fan's body.

It was this golden light that kept Chen Fan alive, otherwise he would have died before jumping off the cliff.

But at this moment, his condition was really bad and miserable.

Rather than saying he was a person, it was better to say he was a pool of rotten meat.

His bones were broken, his meridians were shattered, and there was not an inch of good meat on the surface of his body.

And all the blood in his body was burned out. If he was in such a situation outside, I'm afraid even the Golden Immortal of Daluo couldn't save him.

However, at this moment, he was immersed in the dragon blood pool, and the terrifying dragon blood power poured into his body.

Suddenly, there was a sound of "crackling", and the bones that were already broken were crushed directly into pieces.

This kind of pain seemed to wake up even Chen Fan, who had fainted, and his body twitched violently.

However, more dragon blood power penetrated into Chen Fan's body.

The blood and flesh cells in his body seemed to have seen delicious food and absorbed it crazily.

Originally shriveled and withered, but now it became full.

In the deepest part of the blood and flesh cells, there seemed to be a terrible power gestating and growing.

Chen Fan was originally skin and bones, but now his blood and flesh cells were full of vitality and began to become full. His whole body began to swell like a balloon.

Chen Fan's complexion actually began to improve.

From bloodless, to pale, then to pale, and finally to rosy.

And the wounds on his body surface that were deep enough to see the bones and internal organs also healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The speed was extremely fast!

At this moment, Chen Fan was like an old tree.

Originally, he was about to wither and die completely, but he ushered in a sweet rain that moistened him and made him burst out with vitality again.

Not only that, in his consciousness, he found himself in a boundless world.

However, this world is now full of thunder, and all kinds of thunder mountains, thunder seas, and thunder palaces appear and descend, a scene of destruction.

In this world, there is a sudden sound of a dragon's roar.

Then, a huge dragon head appears, which is so huge that it is even bigger than a mountain.

This giant dragon is tens of thousands of miles long, with wings covering the sky and the sun on its back. With a flap, the terrible storm will shred the space and smash the thunder mountains and thunder seas that are descending.

This is a Yinglong, the monarch of the sky!

At this time, this Yinglong is going through the tribulation.

One after another, the thunder mountains, who are tens of thousands of feet high, fall violently, and the terrible power can even destroy the sun, moon, and stars.

One after another, the thunder seas, who are tens of thousands of miles wide, pour down, covering the entire world, thunder like rain, to destroy everything.

Thunder palaces, like the temples where the Thunder God lived, suppressed down, the sky trembled, and the space was broken, as if it could not bear this divine power.

Thunder scepters...

The terrible thunder tribulation continued to descend, falling on Yinglong's body, destroying Yinglong.

Even though Yinglong had boundless magic power and invincible magical powers, facing the world-destroying thunder tribulation, his dragon scales were split and exploded.

At this time, Chen Fan saw a drop of dragon blood falling from Yinglong's body, crushing the Eternal Galaxy, breaking through time and space, and falling on the Tianwu Continent.

Then he saw that this drop of dragon blood fell into a space crack.

Dragon Mountain Blessed Land!

This drop of dragon blood fell into the Dragon Mountain Blessed Land.

Then, he looked up and saw this drop of dragon blood pressing straight down on him.


In an instant, Chen Fan's entire consciousness exploded under this drop of dragon blood, as if his soul was about to be torn apart.


At this time, a roar came out of Chen Fan's mouth, and then he suddenly sat up in shock.

"I am..."

Chen Fan looked at the scene in front of him and found that he was soaking in the dragon blood pool.

It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"I... Dragon blood, is this the drop of blood of Yinglong that I saw?"

Chen Fan looked at the dragon blood pool in front of him and murmured: "It is rumored that there is the blood of the dragon in Longshan Fudi, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

"No matter whether it is true or not, I didn't expect that I, Chen Fan, would survive the disaster and fall off the cliff and fall into this dragon blood pool. What a great opportunity, what a great opportunity!"

Then, Chen Fan couldn't help laughing.

"Senior sister..."

Chen Fan looked at Qin Yao again. Qin Yao hadn't woken up yet, but a lot of dragon blood power had also entered Qin Yao's body.

Qin Yao jumped off the cliff, and he saw it too, and he didn't know what to say in his heart.

He didn't expect that Qin Yao would choose him to jump off the bloody cliff together.

"Senior sister, I will never let you down in this life!" Chen Fan said secretly in his heart.


Although Chen Fan didn't know what kind of horrifying cultivation the Yinglong had reached, looking at the terrible thunder tribulation, he could tell that it was definitely a realm he didn't know.



A drop of dragon blood collapsed the eternity and time and space. How terrible is it?

Dragon blood is extremely domineering and fierce. Chen Fan sits cross-legged in the dragon blood pool, and his body is changing rapidly.

This pool of dragon blood is transforming Chen Fan's body.

He was struck by lightning once, and after being transformed by the mysterious golden light, he became extremely powerful.

He practiced the "Wanxiang Divine Art" again, and his body became even stronger.

But at this moment, the dragon blood drilled into his body and transformed his body again.

Or, it was recasting.

The dragon blood circulated in all of Chen Fan's meridians, and all the impurities and blockages in the meridians were cleared.

His meridians expanded by a full double under the casting of dragon blood, becoming wider and tougher, and able to accommodate more vitality.

If his meridians were small streams and rivers before, then he is now a torrent when a mountain torrent breaks out.

Chen Fan's bones that were crushed into pieces have long been recondensed.

But the dragon blood continued to penetrate into it, making his bones harder and stronger, and even the surface of the bones exuded a faint golden luster.

The dragon blood turned into countless fine threads, drilling into all parts of Chen Fan's body, transforming his body, thoroughly transforming it.

This is using dragon blood to forge the body!

The dragon blood is extremely domineering, and it does not beat around the bush at all, directly using the most brutal method.

Chen Fan, who has now woken up, was in great pain under this transformation and could not help but scream out.


Thinking that he could not do anything to Wang Fuchen even if he swallowed the Blood Burning Pill, the pain turned into motivation, and he gritted his teeth tightly.

This kind of pain, what is it!


This is a great opportunity.

He survived a great disaster and got a dragon blood to forge his body. If he can't hold on to this and get this power, how can he seek revenge on Wang Fuchen?

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