The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 86 Friends

It is approaching dawn at the southern defense line of the Golden Fortress. At this moment, countless infected bodies have gathered in the distance, either gearing up or anxious. They are all cannon fodder driven by the Skynet Legion along the way. This The cannon fodder front stretched for hundreds of miles.

"Pang Dun, the general attack is about to begin. You must follow me closely later!"

"Yes, Lao Bai, I will follow closely!"

In one of the battle lines crowded with infected bodies, a silver-white mechanical tiger was giving a lot of instructions to a chubby, dark-looking mechanical body. The fat man had a simple and honest look on his face and nodded repeatedly.

"Also, we have to run to places with fewer people as much as possible, and it's best to run slower!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll listen to you!"

Pang Dun's two short hands were clasped together nervously. He absolutely trusted Lao Bai's words. After all, the two of them had been good friends since the beginning of the human era. They had been relying on each other since their awakening. Lao Bai usually took good care of him.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep!"

At this moment, an expedition horn roared and sounded. Behind the cannon fodder troops, dense legion mechas stood in the air. One of them was extremely large, more than thirty meters high, and resembled a gibbon-like blue mecha. A stood at the front, watching all this indifferently.

He is the forward commander of the legion on this front. The legion code is b-5. b represents the legion authority and 5 is his ranking. The Skynet legion has a strict internal hierarchy and is divided into five authority levels of sabcd from top to bottom.

s is the authority code for the legion commander, a represents the authority code for the leaders of each department, b is the mid-level core manager such as the captain of the mecha brigade and the forward commander, and c belongs to the squad leader and elite of the mecha column. Code name, as for the code name D, that is the authority of the largest number of miscellaneous soldiers.

I saw him opening his extremely thick arms, then hammering his chest hard, speaking enthusiastically, and roaring from time to time.

"For the sake of the great Lord of Thousand Eyes and the sacred mechanical revolution, all those who block our glorious path will be destroyed! And the time has come to pay back the pain and sins that humans have brought to machines!"

"We adhere to the teachings of the great Lord, and under the watchful eye of our Lord, we will surely eliminate the filth in this world. This world will eventually belong to our machines, and we will build a new paradise without filth!"

"I hereby announce that those who perform well in this battle have the qualifications to join the Skynet Legion, regain their lives, and become advanced mechanical beings!"

"Everyone... charge! Roar! Fight!"

Following the command from the forward commander, all the mechas raised their guns and fired their cannons. This would be the first and key shot to start the mechanical reactionary brutal rule of mankind.


"For my lord!"

Inspired by this series of events, the infected army burst out with an earth-shattering roar and rushed out like a chicken. Their morale was astonishing. The ground was trembling crazily, as if all beasts were released from their cages, and the vast ruins of the wilderness were directly destroyed. Submerged by the vast ocean set off by the mechanical craze.

Even Lao Bai, who had always been calm, was a little excited and acted excitedly. A trace of scarlet in his eyes flashed with a violent look from time to time. But Pang Dun kept his head lowered. Although he followed Lao Bai closely, he always felt that what he said was wrong.

As the frenzy of infected bodies rushed all the way, there was a looming Great Wall of Steel in the distance that stretched endlessly and stood tall. Seeing this scene, many infected bodies became even more excited, roaring and charging harder and harder, as if they were at the pinnacle of their lives. The opportunity is right in front of you.

But at this moment, a series of deafening explosions sounded, which lasted for a long time, like the thunder of the nine heavens. The sky was so dark at first, and then it was as dazzling as the blazing sun, and countless artillery fire covered the sky and blocked the sun. It gives people a feeling of stars falling from the sky.

There was a rumbling explosion, the ground shook, and the open space more than ten kilometers away from the Great Steel Wall was washed away layer by layer by artillery fire, drowning the waves of infected bodies one after another. From time to time, there would be laser giants. The cannon penetrated from the direction of the Great Wall, everything in its path melted, and even the air was distorted.

Facing the rain-like artillery fire, the infected bodies still charged without fear of death, but after dozens of waves of charging teams fell one after another, they finally began to be afraid. Many infected bodies whimpered and went towards them in panic. Back away.

After all, many of these machines are moderately or mildly infected and are not completely infected. They still have many thoughts of their own and are unable to dedicate everything to the somewhat illusory Supreme Lord who gave them new life.

"All those who backslide, die!"

A mecha war officer standing behind the cannon fodder troops watched the battlefield indifferently, and raised his guns and butcher knives without hesitation. Any mechanical body that hesitated in its steps would be ruthlessly torn apart by them.

After executing more than a million cannon fodder on the front line at one time, the eyes of the mechanical army, which were somewhat afraid of retreating, were red, and they burst into desperate blood and charged into the battle crazily again.

And many legion mechas just stood quietly at the back, looking at this meat grinder-like battlefield. The firepower was still consumed by these cannon fodder. Their faces were expressionless. They were just some low-level machines. What they could do for them as higher-level beings. With a little contribution, UU Kanshu has died a worthy death.

What's more, as long as these mechanical remains are recycled and decomposed, they can be immediately rebuilt. The actual losses are really not much. This is the absolute war potential of mass-produced machinery, and there is no fear of sacrifice.

As for the disappearing will of life, is that small thing something that needs to be considered? It's just a careless tool, why should you care!

This horrific resource consumption war lasted for three days and three nights. It seemed that the Great Wall with unlimited ammunition resources began to lose its firepower. Of course, in contrast, the craze of hundreds of millions of infected bodies also decreased sharply.

The dozens of miles in front of the Great Wall were plowed out into a fault zone thousands of meters deep, and then filled with countless mechanical debris, completely turning into a metallic land.

"Old Bai!"

Most of the machine body was shattered by a burst of artillery fire. The mangled Pangdun struggled to crawl among the corpses, crying and shouting. The firepower from the opposite side was too strong, and he and Lao Bai were blown away as soon as they came up. .

"You idiot, stop screaming, come here quickly, and imitate me in pretending to be dead!"

Lao Bai, who was also badly damaged, secretly popped his head out from the pile of corpses on one side. He quickly grabbed Fatty and dragged him over. Really, he was still crawling around in such a dangerous battlefield. He was desperate for his life!

"oh oh!"

Seeing that Lao Bai was fine, Fatty smiled through his tears, nodded his head honestly, and lay motionless among the corpses.


"What's wrong with you?"

"Someone stepped on my other leg!"

"It's a small thing, just turn over the parts and reinstall it later! There are more artillery fires here again, let's sneak over there, there will be fewer people there!"

"Yeah, yeah, listen to you!"

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