The Unspeakable Evil God

Chapter 97 Morning Star Witchcraft

"what is going on?"

Wizard Miguel carefully hid his figure and looked at these strange and unexpected indigenous machines with some confusion. Could it be that they are here for him? He has just arrived in this world, so he shouldn't be exposed so quickly, right?

While comparing the knowledge of science and technology that I had recently made up for, I was thinking about whether there was something I had not done well during this period, which led to my exposure. But after thinking about it, I realized that my stealth was perfect!

Except for the first few seconds when he came to this world through the teleportation array, he worked in stealth around the clock for the rest of the time. He basically didn’t make any unnecessary movements. If he really wanted to be exposed, I’m afraid it would only be the first few seconds after he arrived. .

Could it be those orbiting satellites? Miguel thought of something and couldn't help but squint his eyes. He had been to the world of technology before, but he had never encountered such a situation.

According to his understanding, although this type of world has invented the technology of orbiting satellites due to its small size, it is simply impossible to monitor every inch of the place in detail, and in some aspects it is not as useful as some advanced witchcraft.

Therefore, this kind of technology is also considered by many wizards who believe in witchcraft supremacy to be a tasteless and a pity to abandon the heresy. The research is of little significance, so he did not pay much attention to it.

Your luck won't be so bad, right? Were you photographed when you first arrived? Or is it that the satellite technology in this world is too advanced?

After observing for a while, I found that these strange machines were really performing search actions. Miguel no longer deceived himself. It seemed that there was a high chance that he would be discovered by these natives.

After all, there are not so many coincidences in many things. Coincidences must be inevitable. They wizards never believe in things like coincidences that are not strictly logical. They believe that everything has its own traces.

The only thing that puzzled him was, didn't it mean that the order of this world had collapsed? So who noticed him? Sure enough, rudimentary information from small places kills people.

Considering that the detection technology in this world is very advanced, including heat energy, vibration, sound waves, light, etc., for the sake of safety, Miguel quickly applied more than a dozen targeted concealment witchcraft to himself. As a world hunter, learn to There are so many things!

No matter whether these unknown machines are really looking for him or not, he needs to sneak out first. This place has become a place of disputes. He is an intelligence thief, and he will try to avoid troubles as much as possible.

"We didn't find any suspicious targets. Have they already left?"

Skynet has been keeping a close eye on these networks searching for guards. Skynet has listed various probabilistic speculation models. After all, several days have passed since the surveillance was detected, and the possibility of leaving is very high.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome, because the area that needs to be searched is too large. Damn it, there is not even a trace of it. It is simply more ghost than a ghost.

"But we still can't rule out the possibility that the other party is still hiding here. If that's the case, then let's completely destroy this city!"

Skynet issued the order to destroy without hesitation. Since there was no trace, they tried to force it. Anyway, the price to be paid was just a city that was razed to the ground, which was not worth mentioning.

If the other party really leaves, then you have to find another way!

I saw that those search machines instantly activated their weapon systems and began to destroy everything around them crazily. Even a wall had to be shattered into dust before they would stop. There were countless fighter planes cruising in a network over the city, forming an absolute Dense fire coverage network.

"These lunatics!"

Faced with the indiscriminate bombardment, Miguel ran around in a panic, not daring to use witchcraft to resist. In this case, the less revealing movements, the better.

"Activate the Sword of Damocles and press in the oxyfuel!"

After selecting from the technology library, Skynet selected this physics-based forbidden space weapon with the largest destructive range. Five satellites were activated at the same time, pressing the giant cannonball into the ultra-long accelerating bore, aiming at the target, and launching!

Miguel, the wizard who was bombarded by artillery fire and unable to move even an inch, suddenly raised his head and stopped. He felt a soul-piercing fatal crisis from high altitude.

Staring at the five dazzling little suns falling from different directions at hundreds of times the speed of sound, Miguel couldn't help but clicked his tongue. After hundreds of years of exploring other worlds, this was the first time he encountered this kind of thing when he went out. madman.

I'm just squatting in the grass to urinate, do I need to greet him so grandly?

"It's really a terrifying weapon comparable to the witchcraft of the Morning Star. I didn't expect that these orbiting satellites can be used in such ways. If they are brought back, they will definitely sell well in the market!"

In this situation, he couldn't hide even if he wanted to, unless he was willing to take the risk of being shot. Regarding this, Wizard Miguel, who was still a little anxious, unexpectedly calmed down and thought of making some comments. sentence.

To be honest, who wants to be a shadow mouse every day, always thinking about how to hide themselves, which consumes too much mental energy. If possible, it would be so comfortable to be invincible and travel to another world.

In fact, it was not once or twice that he had his identity exposed in another world and was even openly suppressed. At this time, he could only fight. Although the hunters of the world pay attention to being cautious and concealed, their strength is never weak.

Just relying on the rigid technology of these indigenous people, UU Kanshu is not a living Morning Star after all. Even if he has the explosive power of Morning Star, what if he wants to kill him? Well... The premise is that the force intelligence estimated by him is not there. error.

"Morning Star Witchcraft-Bloodline True Body!"

After exhaling, Miguel painfully took out a space ring, which contained rare materials that had been processed to assist him in casting spells across levels.

Even though the Bloodline Avatar is only one of the basic witchcraft skills of the Morning Star Wizard on the Bloodline side, it is definitely not an easy task to perform it at the level of the third peak.

He spent hundreds of years on this, and then he was lucky enough to develop a stable and reliable blood transformation, which can be said to be his unique witchcraft. Even some Morning Star wizards wanted to offer a price to buy his witchcraft. .

After taking a precise amount of resistance potion one after another, Miguel finally took out a test tube containing the magma blood of the Morning Star creature - the lava krait, and inserted a needle into his arm.

The surging lava power made his whole body burn red in an instant, and lava cracks opened on the surface of his body, as if he was about to explode. Miguel quickly ran the witchcraft model built in the spiritual sea to calm down the violence in his body. power and then activate it.

There was a harsh hissing sound, and the magma underground was affected by something. The volcano erupted, and a lava rock snake hundreds of meters long was seen entangled in the hot magma. Its tail melted the annoying machinery around it, and it opened its mouth of the brazier. Watch closely for the impact that is about to fall.

"Discover the giant flame radiation energy source!"

Skynet, which had no hope at first, suddenly became happy. It naturally monitored the scene in real time. Although it was not clear why it was a strange snake, it felt like it should be my main target, as long as it was still there!

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